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On the long dining table, the elegant Banshee sculpted candlestick burned with a yellow flame, and the faint fragrance was floating in the air.

In front of Angel was gorgeous ceramic tableware with brightly colored food.

The Little Liu and Helen opposite him are the same, but the food in front of Helen is lighter, it seems to have been specially prepared.

Angel originally planned to leave Helen after he treated the Spiritual Force injury for Helen. However, Helen seems to feel that she owes Angel, but now she does not have enough gifts to return, she can only find a way to retain Angel, at least a meal.

Angel thought about it for a moment, but eventually stayed.

The first thing was that he didn’t want Helen to always hold the idea of ​​owing money, and the second thing was … Toby woke up.

During the time when Yunluo got along, Helen’s preference for Toby was almost clear.

The dried fish greeted directly, leaving Toby who hadn’t smelled the sea smell for a long time, and saliva left Angel’s shoulder.

When the lights were swaying, Angel ate some food at random and stopped. Putting the ocean-flavored thick soup in front of Toby, Toby was also kind. He ate the dried salted fish for a while, and then bowed down to drink the fragrant fish soup. He did n’t raise his head from beginning to end. , I heard Toby’s slobber sound.

Little Liu was cautious and spent all her courage to stop Angel before. She doesn’t say a word now and keeps quiet while eating.

Helen wanted to say something, but the quiet air made her feel comfortable returning to the time on Yunluo. She didn’t want to break this good.

It was Angel. After eating, he looked towards Helen opposite: “How are you in Xialu Hailing?”

Helen thought for a while: “Although there are some places I don’t like, they are generally good. Siman takes care of me.”

When he mentioned Siman, Helen’s eyes flashed a little sad.

“Which place do you dislike?” Angel raised an eyebrow. Although Helen’s sentence seemed to be overall upward, but in terms of the sentence format she expressed, she first expressed her dissatisfaction, and then said the book of Dan, which shows her The inner dissatisfaction with Xialu Hailing is stronger than expected.

Helen opened his mouth and didn’t know how to answer it. After all, Xialu Hailing is the Magus organization she belongs to, and it doesn’t seem to be good to casually defame.

When Helen struggled, Little Liu opened his mouth at this time: “Is it because of the transplant problem?”

Helen looked towards Little Liu in surprise: “How do you know?”

“Siman told me that she had warned me before, when chatting with you, try to avoid the topic of transplantation.” Little Liu made this matter clear at this time, also because Angel is here, thinking of using Angel’s vision, can Can’t help Helen untie his knot.

Helen’s expression proved that Little Liu was right.

Migration issues? After thinking about it, Angel seemed to understand: “Is it because of the transformation of the Witch of Xialu?”

Helen was silent for a moment, nodded.

“Sure enough.” Angel’s eyes flashed.

Little Liu saw that Helen and Angel were silent after they finished talking about the ‘remodeling plan’. The curiosity in her heart was instantly taken up. She hesitated for a long time, but she asked: “What is the remodeling plan?”

Helen hesitated for a moment, or is coming out: “… In Xialu Hailing, everyone must accept the transplantation and transformation of fleshy body, this is the transformation plan.”

“Fleshy body transplantation and transformation?” Little Liu frowned, “It doesn’t sound like a bad thing.”

After all, human fleshy body has a limit. The overall level, compared to many races, belongs to the lower middle class.

Therefore, Magus tried various methods to make Fleshy body breakthrough. Such as integration into bloodline, and transplanted organs, etc … Most Magus will do this. Including Sanders, he still looks like a human, but there are many organs that are no longer human.

Therefore, from Magus’ perspective, it seems that transforming and transplanting is not a big deal.

And listening to Helen’s tone, this transformation plan seems to have someone to help, but this is a very good benefit. Some people want to transplant, but can’t find professionals.

Helen naturally understands the meaning of Little Liu. She looks at the head: “It is not a bad thing to transform and transplant, but …”

“But it’s not from your heart.” Angel added Helen’s unfinished words: “Right?”

Helen nodded.

All the transplantation in Xialu Hailing was done by the Xialu witch. Everything was done according to her mind, and it was not done by Will in person, which made Helen unable to accept it.

Little Liu now understands a little bit. If it is not a transplant of personal ideas, this is really difficult to accept. After all, if a woman who pursues beauty is transplanted with an organ of an ugly monster, no one can stand it.

However, this is just Little Liu’s personal thought, she couldn’t help looking towards Angel. Since Angel knows this transformation plan, what will he think?

Angel: “In the South Territory Magus world, there are 2 very famous Karabits, they are all women, and they play the characteristics of Karabit in the bones who love to study the nature of Creature.

“They are now, one lives in Devil Sea Territory, and one is now in the abyss.”

“These two are the witch of the basket of Xialu Hailing, which is also the witch of Xialu; the other is a member of the research and development institute, nicknamed ‘Grafting Mad Devil’ Dong La.”

For these 2 people, Angel’s view is simple.

From the technical level, Dong La is much higher than the Witch of Xialu. Although Dong La’s character is bad, she is a member of the R & D Institute after all, and her entry into the R & D Institute has already explained the technical level of Dong La.

However, from the perspective of human nature, although the Xia Lu witch is also very sick and delicate, she often transforms and transplants a pile of nightmare creatures, but she does not seem to be so inferior to Xia Lu Hailing herself.

So, from this point of view, at least Xialu Witch is much more reliable than Dong La.

Angel said his opinion: “… However, the transplant of the Witch of Xia Lu has always been do as one pleases, even if it will not harm you, it may not be suitable for you.”

After all, Helen is a fan of the authorities. Angel uses a higher-level view to explain the hidden secrets to her, but it gives her a clear comprehension.

Moreover, it is not impossible to avoid transplantation. According to Siman, after level 2 Apprentice, and cultivation has made special tricks and made sufficient preparations, he can withstand the rejection of transplantation; Helen only needs to apply for a tour when he is at level 2 Apprentice, until he returns to official Magus, Naturally, transplantation can be avoided.

However, with this method, you cannot enjoy the resources of Xialu Hailing. Moreover, there is not necessarily a chance to advance.

Therefore, it also needs to be considered.

Helen nodded: “I see.”

Angel can actually grant Helen asylum, such as using his own identity to go to Diplomacy, the witch of Xialu. However, this is after all the life of Helen. He can help her once, but he cannot live for others forever.

Moreover, the character of Xia Lu’s witch is surly. If Angel goes to Diplomacy with the status of R & D institute, maybe she can take a step back, but who knows whether he will leave a secret door for Helen during the transplant.

Therefore, how to choose is a compromise, or for freedom is desperate; still only Helen’s own ideas, the most important.

After talking about the transformation plan, Angel asked some other topics.

As long as the core of Xialu Hailing is not involved, Helen is happy to answer.

However, in Helen’s answer, Siman’s name was always unavoidable. Whenever she was mentioned, Helen’s eyes dimmed.

At the end, Helen looked towards Angel, and he said a little, “Lord, I …”

Just speaking, Helen shut up again. She wants to ask Angel to help Siman, but she also knows that Angel and Siman are not related in any way.

Moreover, Angel has rescued her almost free of charge.

However, although Helen didn’t speak out, how could Angel not understand her thoughts.

He thought about it for a while: “Let’s talk about Siman. It is said that Siman was taken away. If this happened near Sky Machinery City, I can help you talk to the people of Law Enforcement Group. “

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