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Although Toby successfully defeated the idea of ​​extreme grievance, it was only the projection of the House of Hearts. It is too early to be happy. Only when he really survives this extreme grievance will it come to an end.

In order to increase the success rate of the robbery, Toby resolutely prepared to step into the house of heart again. Through repeated trial and error, it can let it grasp more details in the face of extreme grievances, which also helps him to be truly robbed.

The previous time, Toby’s victory over extreme grievances was quite dangerous. However, there are nearly 20 Demon bloodstones left by Demon, of which there are still many of the highest quality. Toby believes that when it runs out of these magic bloodstones, it may be crushed when it is really facing the grudge. Pressed!

However, when Toby was excited to prepare to dream again, Greia stopped it.

“Today is too late. Let’s start tomorrow.” Greia said.

Toby had some doubts in his eyes. Before it wanted to rest, Greia was not allowed; now that it was flourishing, Greia suddenly stopped. What does that mean?

“It’s not just you have worked hard these days, Xia Li also accompanied you from beginning to end without rest. You are not tired, Xia Li is tired.” Greia explained with a smile: “You also have to give Xia Li a rest time? “

To Greia’s explanation, Toby was a little unbelieving. However, Xia Li looked very tired indeed. Although Toby had some regrets, she was very reasonable. Think about it, or nodded.

Angel understands what Greya means. Toby’s nerves are excited now, like he was hitting chicken blood. In this situation, he will still win in the face of extreme grievances, but this is an abnormal state. Let it rest for one night, set the boiling hot-blooded down, and face the grievances in the normal state to achieve the best results.

Since Greia all said to rest, Asaz and Charlie naturally left happily.

However, just when Xia Li was about to leave, Angel stopped her.

In Xia Li’s puzzled eyes, Angel: “Come with me, go to the lobby and talk.”

Greia seemed to know what Angel was going to do, even if Angel didn’t invite her, she followed her cheeky to the lobby.

Xia Li originally thought that Angel wanted to talk about the magic energy array, but who knows, after coming to the hall, Angel did not have any ink, a halo flashed in his hand, and a very delicate small iron box appeared.

The overall appearance of this small box is Dark Steel, with embossed patterns on it, which seem to depict mountains and water, as well as a majestic castle and loyal guards.

Xia Li’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated and seemed to anticipate something, her eyes unconsciously looked towards the box.

“I promised before, as long as you can help Toby’s response, I will refining an item dedicated to your profession.” Angel paused: “Although Toby has not succeeded in the response, but You have proven your ability. “

Angel used the magic hand to put this exquisite little iron box directly on the table in front of Xia Li.

“This is what I promised you.”

Xia Li was in a trance for a long time, looking at the small tin box in front of her, stunned: “Is this for me?”

“Yes.” Angel indifferent expression’s nodded: “You can open it now, of course, you can open it when there is no one.”

After Angel had finished speaking, she glanced at the lively Greia and made Greia glared.

“I don’t grab everything. Charlie helps Toby, but in my eyes, I’m just curious that’s all.” Greia said angrily.

On the other side, Xia Li has focused her attention on the iron box, and the outside information has been blocked.

Her heartbeat is fast because she is too excited.

Xia Li’s mentor, the Watermark Witch, is actually Alchemy Warlock. She has also refined many things for Xia Li, but none of them made Xia Li expect so much.

This is something Angel has promised to be exclusive to the magician, and he has promised that this thing does not exist in Charlie.

Xia Li is too curious, what kind of thing will Angel refine?

Xia Li didn’t plan to open it after going back, she could not wait to see it now. Moreover, Angel is next to you, you can also ask immediately if you have any doubts.

Xia Li stretched to act, holding this small iron box in his palm.

The cold touch of the iron box made Xia Li shivered. The original feeling of excitement also calmed down a little in the chill of this time.

The box is not heavy. Compared to the magician’s scepter Xia Li usually holds in her hand, this box is almost as light as a feather. She weighed it slightly, there was no sound coming out, and she could not feel anything in the box.

Xia Li did not rush to open the tin box, but turned over the box to check the shell. She had felt it before, there seemed to be energy flowing on the box.

Soon, Xia Li found the energy overflow point in the lower left corner of the back of the box.

This is a magic pattern with a relatively simple pattern. Xia Li doesn’t have much research on the pattern, but she is the recipe of the water pattern witch after all, and she can still recognize the corners of several patterns.

“Atmosphere, force, energy interface …” Xia Li read the magic pattern angle she understood, but still did not introduce the specific role of this pattern.

“Dangling Moire.” Angel directly told Xia Li’s answer: “After injecting its own energy, the effect is to allow objects to float according to your heart.”

“I see that you seem to like to float things around, this is the same effect.” After Angel said, she glanced at a small rosette teapot advertised around Xia Li’s body, where a small otter muttered.

Xia Li’s nodded awareness. Looking at Angel means, let this small tin box like a teapot in the future can be suspended around her body at any time?

This also means that Angel is very confident, and the things in it will be used frequently by himself?

As a magician, Xia Li is very curious, there are some things that she will often use, but she has never been exposed to it before?

Xia Li couldn’t help but put her hand on the lock of the box, ready to open her.

But before waiting for her to move, Greia on the other side suddenly said: “You found the dangling moire in the lower left corner of the box, why don’t you look at the lower right corner?”

Xia Li froze for a moment, there is something in the lower right corner?

Xia Li flipped the box again, following Grea’s words, looked towards the lower right corner.

Looking at it with naked eye, not at all in the lower right corner, but when Xia Li stretched to act to touch, vaguely touched a concave and convex relief. And, a trace of hidden energy was felt.

“This is?” Xia Li looked towards Angel in doubt.

Angel didn’t answer, but Greia on the other side said: “This is a hidden magic pattern, which is specially used to hide information, you may wish to enter the magic power to see.”

Xia Li entered the magic power of the hidden magic pattern. With the infusion of magic power, the hidden message of the hidden pattern appeared finally.

This is a flame lion heart pattern surrounded by thorns.

Xia Li glanced at it, and immediately recognized the meaning of this pattern—Lion Heart Fire!

This is the unique logo of Angel’s refined work!

Greia glanced at Angel: “This guy did not have a logo on the movie box sold in the breeze magic store a few days ago, but this piece of work for you is carved with a logo, which shows that he values ​​it very much. What about this thing? “

Angel: “I don’t add a logo to the drama shadow box for another reason, it doesn’t mean anything.”

Angel be that as it may, but in Xia Li’s view, Angel has a logo engraved on this box, which actually means that he recognizes this work.

Thinking of this, Xia Li was even more curious about the contents in the box!

Pressing the beating heart, Xia Li opened the box slowly after a “ka ka” sound.

A halo flashed through, and Xia Li finally saw the contents of the box.

However, as Xia Li saw it clearly, her expression also became confused.

what is this?

A stack … cards?

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