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After Greia got Angel’s answer, nodded asked no more, and the air became silent.

On the other side, within the fate of fate, Xia Li crushed a new Demon blood Demon bloodstone, which also meant that Toby’s confrontation with the extreme grudge entered a fierce heat.

Seeing this scene, Greia took the lead in breaking the silence and asked, “Do you think Toby can beat the grudge this time?”

Angel shook his head: “I don’t know, this is Toby fighting alone.”

What they can do has reached the limit, can they overcome the grievances, this is only Toby’s own efforts.

“I hope it can.” Greia’s eyes flashed with concern: “After all, the sooner the grievances are conquered, the better.”

As Toby’s strength gradually increased, the grievances will continue to grow stronger, until one day, the seal of Froth can’t suppress it. By that time, the gap between Toby and the extreme grudge was as different as heaven and earth, and it was hopeless to overcome it.

Froth also said that the sooner you challenge the grievances, the higher your winning percentage. Early challenge, although the probability of failure is large, but it is not without a chance of success. But the more it dragged on, even if I could live a little more time, it was just going to live, because the idea of ​​extreme resentment was like a cancer, which slowly spread over time, and eventually wiped out the hope of life.

“This is also my hope.” Angel said softly.

As the time from Toby’s average awakening was closer, Angel and Greia were not talking, staring at the fate of fate, waiting for the final outcome.

20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes … This is already the time when Toby wakes up.

However, at this time, Toby still did not wake up, and even Xia Li still maintained a high-intensity innate skill output. It can be clearly seen that Xia Li’s forehead has been covered with sweat beads, which shows that Toby must still be entangled with the idea of ​​extreme resentment at this time.

After another 5 minutes and 1 minutes, when Greia’s heart hung in her throat, Xia Li in the magic energy array finally took a long sigh of relief.

I saw that Xia Li took off her magic hat and shook her almost soaked hair. She didn’t even have the strength to use cleaning, so she slumped for one minute.

Only then did she dry her hair with the gentle warm wind, and she came out of the magic energy array with some fatigue.

When she left the magic array, she looked towards the direction of Greia and Angel, slightly smiled: “Toby’s mood has stabilized, and the fight to come to it should have ended.”

Paused, Xia Li again said: “This time Toby with the body’s emotional burst is very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, I had a hot spring break before, otherwise I would feel unable to hold it. But fortunately Yes, I won in the end. “

Greia stepped forward and patted Xia Li’s shoulder: “It’s not bad.”

When the words fell, Greia flicked her fingers gently, and a pink scent of food flew to Xia Li’s side. Before Xia Li’s reaction, she burst into her nasal cavity.

Xia Li only felt that the body’s energy was washed away once. With a refreshing sense of hard to describe, Xia Li spit out one mouthful of impure air: “Thank you Lord.”

“You did a good job.” Angel also nodded to Xia Li, beckoning her to take a rest first.

Xia Li just sat down, and Toby opened her eyes on the other side. At this time, Toby seems to be back in the period of influence of the Dreamscape difference in Kommers. After the eyes were opened, he stayed motionless for a long time.

“Look at what it looks like, won’t it be successful?” Greia whispered.

Angel didn’t dare to confirm, after all, the house of heart was Toby’s trial, and outsiders simply couldn’t know the inside story.

Greia came to Toby with a worried mood. Toby also seemed to notice someone around, and Yin Hong’s eyes moved.

Greia saw that and knew that Toby had recovered, and just wanted to comfort the words “it doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed, come at worst”. But before she could say it, Toby flew up suddenly until the sky turned into a small black spot.

“What’s wrong with it?” Greia questioned her head.

When Angel was puzzled, a roar came from the sky. They looked up and saw that Toby turned into a fiery griffin, waving his wings to hover in the sky and hovering in the sky.

“It sounds like … Excited?” Xia Li also stood up at this time, looking curiously at the sky, “What is it talking about?”

Greia and Angel naturally heard Toby’s cry, they looked at each other, and they both saw rejoicing in each other’s eyes.

“It’s talking.” Greia’s eyes couldn’t hide her joy, and her mouth was hooked: “… it succeeded!”


Toby challenged the House of Heart for 2 weeks in a row and experienced 81 failures or deaths. At the 82nd time, he successfully defeated the grievance!

Toby’s stunned after waking up just now, it is not because of the Dreamscape difference of Comus, it is simply a loss of joy.

After Toby returned to God, he immediately let go of his emotions, turned into a Griffon form, circled and shouted again and again in the sky, thereby venting the repression of the constant “death” over the past two weeks and expressing a successful victory The excitement of a strong enemy.

This excitement lasted for several minutes. It wasn’t until Toby’s griffin form persisted that it changed back to the shape of a little seabird, falling from high altitude, to greet Greia and Angel.

Toby chirp chirp twitter twitter for a long time, said a lot of excitement, the emotion finally calmed down.

“How was your experience this time?” Angel curiously asked: “How did you overcome the grievances?”

“Chuck?” Toby blinked, innocently looked towards Angel. Even if Charlie and Asaz couldn’t read the meaning of Toby’s words, she could guess Toby’s meaning just by looking at its smart eyes.

——What are you talking about, I do n’t understand human language?

“Here comes again.” Greia sighed, and in Angel’s doubtful eyes, Greia said: “Every time I ask about the battle process with the grudge, it is like this, pretending not to understand people. “

Angel turned his head towards Toby, and Toby looked straight and confident: “Cuckoo!”

Toby: I’m not pretending, I really don’t understand!

Angel if he realized: “It seems that it really does not understand.”

“That’s weird. Who did I promise to buy the dried fish for it last time?”

Greia also smoothly said: “I also forgot who asked me to ask Xia Li’s magic costume.”

Toby called pitifully: “… grunt.” It’s me!

“Don’t you understand people’s words?” Angel turned his head towards Toby, who turned his head slightly contemptuously, looking at his little paw.

Angel and Greia glanced at each other, shaking their heads and sighing.

They also just teased Toby and took the matter over.

They actually guessed that Toby was reluctant to talk about his experience, maybe he just did n’t want to remember, or … did n’t want to worry about them.

“Toby has gone through this time, but has grown up a lot.” Greia whispered to Angel through the soul tie.

Angel nodded: “Yeah.” Although he also took some child’s temper, his mind gradually matured.

Understand that I have undertaken.

Greia’s eyes are filled with emotion and some loss. Sometimes she hopes that Toby will grow up faster, but sometimes she hopes it can maintain the status quo, so that it does not have to worry too much.

But it’s a world thing, but it’s hard to complete.

Growing up always pays some price.

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