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In the hands of the constantly struggling undead, a road was separated, which extends from the tree door where Angel is located, to the depths of unknown.

As if like the previous section of the road, this method was deliberately used to point out the direction for Angel.

However, this is both a guide and a threat.

Because in the hands of the pale, greenish undead, Angel clearly sees that there are some undead hands with eye pupils in their palms, will know when you see it is a compound undead, and it is also a kind of undead aggregate.

If so many undead aggregates explode, the consequences can be imagined.

Obviously, behind the scenes, Envoy is also using this method to tell Angel the terrifying and dangerous here, so that he should not act blindly without thinking.

For this threat, Angel in the heart chuckled and embarked on this road unintentionally.

Sure enough, as Angel’s guess, every time he walked, the road behind him was replaced by the hand of the undead, as in the previous section of the road, indicating a meaning: there is no back and forth.

Only forward, not backward.

Walking on this exclusive gut path opened by the hand of the undead, Angel’s mood is quite subtle, winding in front of her without knowing the end, and the surrounding 2 lustrous shine stretches endlessly, behind which is the constantly growing hand of the undead, with a wonderful sense of ceremony .

Angel thought that he had been to the palace of the Shannon royal family, extending from the king’s seat on the high platform to the palace gate. The floor was covered with a red carpet embroidered with luxurious patterns, and around the red carpet were 100 officials. And on this red carpet, it is a sense of ceremony representing power, politics and solemnity.

Although there is a clear difference between the red carpet of the palace and the road ahead, it is undeniable that the ceremony seems to have met each other.

It’s just that walking on this road, although there is a sense of solemnity, but because of the struggling hand of the undead on both sides, it is more eerie, absurd, and walking on the road to hell.

When Angel was thinking cranky, he had already walked a small part of this road.

The road is winding and winding, bypassing many trees.

Today, beside Angel right hand, is a tall tree. The tree is the same as the tree when you entered the door. Although tall, it is dead. The center of the tree is also empty. You can see the humanoid silhouette swinging in the wind through the dim light.

Another 2 corpses.

Angel recalled the trees encountered during this journey. Each tree had 2 corpses inside. He had bypassed dozens of trees himself, and that was close to 100 corpses. In the entire Space, at a glance, there are countless trees. If there are 2 corpses in each tree, the number of corpses here is also amazing.

Of course, compared to the number of dead bodies in the Black Forest outside, there must still be a lot less, but the reason why Angel specifically paid attention to the tree here was because he had a vague guess about his position in his heart.

Before, when he saw the first tree, he was already thinking.

A large number of trees, hanging corpses, and a closed but vast Space reminded Angel of some messages he heard when he and Shadow secretly broke into the Black Castle.

There is an 18th layer under the black castle, and each layer has a theme.

Negative 6-Layer to negative 18th Layer are prisons of different natures, such as blood prison, water prison … etc. The negative 5-Layer is an ice cave, which is mainly used for storing materials. Greia and Felicia are in the ice cave. At the time, Isabel ’s Remnant Soul was also found deep in the ice cave; the negative 4-Layer is an insect nest. Poison insect land of joy; the negative 3rd floor is the land of soul hunt, the former paradise; the negative 2-Layer is the soul domain, formerly Isabel ’s private venue, full of large terrifying, outsiders dare not enter, but now because of the outside world The accident was transformed into a resting place for the Black Castle.

In addition to the above 17 layers, there is a special negative layer:

The name is Corpse Forest.

The corpse forest, as the name suggests, the forest of corpses. The place where the corpses provide the nutrients for the trees is also a place full of trees.

The so-called tree burial is actually sealing the body inside the tree.

How similar to the current situation!

Angel is almost certain, here is the negative layer of the black castle, the corpse forest!

Like the negative 3rd floor, the corpse forest is also a paradise for the undead. Darkness closed Space, a lot of dead energy gathers, and a unique tomb ceremony. The undead will not dissipate here for a long time. The strength of soul will gradually increase . Therefore, it is also normal for a large number of undead to appear here.

Moreover, the corpse forest is completely different from other 17 layers.

The corpse forest is not connected to other layers. The other layers basically exist in the change space. Due to the special relationship, the corpse forest has only half of the space of different degrees. Most of them are actually real underground spaces, also in other words …

Angel raised his head, looked towards the top of the black black head. Such as accidentally, if the soil wall layer on the head is destroyed, it should be able to return to the ground, but since it is a semi-different Space, it is not easy to destroy the soil wall layer easily.

Moreover, if he wants to destroy the soil wall, he has to face another problem.


When he looked up towards the top, he could clearly see a large number of undead floating on the top of their heads. Their heads were all vertically down, and they looked at Angel with fiercely eyes, hoping to take Angel out of the bones.

However, no matter how vicious eyes, there is still no undead rushed down to deal with Angel.

“It seems that her ability to conquer the undead is indeed very nice.” Angel did not have any fear, indifferent expression thinking, and moved calmly towards the distance and continued to walk.

After determining the location, Angel has less burden on his mind.

With the existence of the door model, he already has the confidence to evacuate at any time. In addition, the corpse forest is actually underground, and after the outside world discovers that she is gone, it is estimated that it will not take long to find her position.

Because of this, Angel only needs to be more careful not to be controlled by some strange undead like “baby spirits”, and it is still very simple to leave. In the case of confidence, Angel did not mind seeing the familiar stranger, Queen Guman, and added a new example report to the “Experimental Report of Reincarnation Overture”.

Angel walked along the long road for ten minutes.

When he came to a jungle zone, he heard the sound of rustling in the depths of the woods in addition to the cry of the undead.

This kind of sound is like some kind of creature is moving.

Angel stopped and looked towards the sound source.

The sound became louder and louder, and the earth vibrated accordingly. Suddenly, a “si si” sound rang in the ear. Angel looked up, but saw a huge head exposed at the top of the tree.


Huge python!

The head alone is bigger than Angel.

However, like the Giant I saw before, this python looks huge, but it is actually an undead. However, it is not understood if it is a necromantic polymer. If it is really a necromantic polymer, such a big python explosion, it is estimated that the effect will not be worse than Weishan Giant.

And here is still under the black castle. Once it explodes, it is estimated that the black castle on the surface will really become a ruin. However, this has nothing to do with Angel. He does not care about the life and death of the Black Castle, and it is his turn to care.

Angel and the python stared at each other for a few seconds. The vertical pupil of the python was filled with coldness, staring at Angel as if thinking about how to kill him. However, in the end the python didn’t do anything, just entrenched its huge body and watched Angel walking past it quietly, not at all any movement.

“It seems to be showing your strength and threatening it?”

Angel’s idea is not at all wrong, because in the next section of the road, he saw a lot of weird, maverick undead, including those who gave him a heartbeat.

For example, a weird red-clothed Li Ling stood in the “grassland” composed of the hands of the undead. When she didn’t move, a weird aura appeared around her. This red-clothed Li Ling feels more strange to Angel than the previous one.

For example, in a huge tree, he saw a coffin whose lid kept shaking. Although I don’t know what is in the coffin, but it was a shocking breath, but it was drilled through the gap of the coffin cover. Even if this aura is Angel, there is a feeling of faintly wanting to avoid its sharp edge.

Another example, now.

Angel came to a gully, and I wondered how deep the trench was, and it looked only dark when looking down. On this sky, there is a wooden suspension bridge, which looks old and worn out, and the planks on the bridge are either decaying or disappearing, and they look very dangerous.

The bridge is the only way, because the road behind it has been re-covered by the hand of the undead.

Angel did not sullen, stepped on the bridge.

Walking on the bridge, the suspension bridge was slightly shaken, which was caused by Angel’s weight, and the second was the cold wind from the trench, and the suspension bridge was shaking.

According to the practice on this road, Angel felt that with the character of Queen Guman on such a swaying and unsustainable suspension bridge, there should be some disturbance and a sense of presence.

Sure enough, when Angel walked to the middle of the bridge, there was a sudden change of movement under the dark and ditches.

A Giant head shining with light rays of light rose from below, and his vicious eyes stared straight at the suspension bridge.

Angel raised an eyebrow. He thought that the bridge would break, let him fall into the ditch, or a large number of terrifying undead flew underneath … But what didn’t expect was that there was actually a dangerous mountain Giant undead.

Moreover, the volume of this dangerous mountain Giant undead is estimated to be larger than the previous one.

Until Angel crossed the bridge, this dangerous mountain Giant’s undead did not attack Angel.

This also shows that Queen Guman is still demonstrating her own strength through this dangerous mountain Giant undead.

This made Angel more curious about what the Queen Guman had done in recent years, which could have brought so many and so powerful undead to her.

or is, the special ability of King Guman is so powerful that even this level of undead can be easily controlled?

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