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The heads of the undead are gathering, but Angel cannot be seen!

one minute In the past, Isabelle looked down staringly.

According to the frequency of Angel’s previous shooting with the reincarnation overture, this one minute he was enough to empty the undead below. But now one minute passed, not only did the undead decrease, but also more and more.

Angel, it’s gone!

Isabel’s face changed instantly, and it was clear that she had just shifted her eyes for less than 2 seconds. She was very sure that before her eyes shifted, there were only a few ordinary undead around Angel. Why did he disappear suddenly? !

Where did he go?


The time returned to a few seconds ago.

Angel is cleaning up the undead, because the undead polymer is constantly coming, he can always hear the rumbling sounds around him. Originally, he was about to adapt to this series of explosions, but when Weishan Giant exploded, the loud noise from afar was too shocking to Heaven and Earth, even Angel was in a trance.

It was in this trance moment that an undead suddenly approached him.

Although Angel’s attention was somewhat distracted, he was always alert all around. When he sensed that there was an evil Evil Thought behind him, he immediately turned to look back.

Revealed in front of him was an ordinary female undead.

This undead is still some distance away from him.

Angel didn’t panic too much, raised her hand to give her a shot, but when Angel raised her hand, the undead opened his mouth violently and howled.

Angel is also common in this situation, and the undead like to use this trembling soul’s howl as the opening, but this howl does not at all to him.

But at this time, Angel was suddenly stunned.

Not because of her howling, but when she opened her mouth, it seemed like a deep gap was cracked. In her mouth, Angel saw a … strange face.

In her mouth, there is an undead face? !

In other words, there is only one head, staying in her mouth. The pale eyes, the swollen blue tendons, and the sharp howl … a smelly wind, assaults the senses.

When she saw this scene in front of her, Angel felt a little dazed. Why did she still have a face in her mouth, which is also a necromantic polymer?

Before Angel clearly felt, this was an ordinary undead … ordinary, ordinary? ! Angel suddenly realized what he had encountered before when he was advancing the Black Castle, but later discovered that these so-called ordinary undead were all aggregates of undead.

Afterwards, no one found the reason, including Isabel, who did not know the clue.

Is this the reason? The compound undead is hidden inside the undead, so it is not visible outside?

Angel didn’t know if his guess was right, but now he had to avoid it.

Because, he clearly saw that the head in his mouth suddenly emerged strong rays of light, apparently preparing for self-detonation.

Angel was about to retreat, but at this moment, a bone hand suddenly came out of the ground and grabbed Angel’s ankle.

Angel looked down, but found that there was a deep hole suddenly under his feet, not knowing where to go. In the cave, a bone head gleamed in the light of the green, stretched out his bones, grabbed him, and pulled him down to the bottom of the cave.

The Necromantic Polymer is about to explode, and there are bones under him pulling him not to escape.

The strength of this skeleton is very strong, it is estimated that it has surpassed the peak of Apprentice.

Angel could spare himself if spare no effort. However, at that moment, some thoughts were disillusioned in Angel’s mind, and finally Angel did not struggle, but the Strength followed the bones and was dragged into the hole.

When he fell into the hole, his body showed a moment of weightlessness, but how long did not at all last, he fell to a stable ground.

At this time, the light above the head had disappeared.

Angel looked up, but the hole that appeared before disappeared.

The bones that dragged him down were, strangely, gone. It seems that as the hole above the head disappears, it is also sealed in the earth by the earth.

Angel stretched out her fingertips a little bit, and a wave appeared on the belly of her finger. From the center of the ripples, a light source with a faint sense of light emerged.

After the light source appeared, it quietly floated on top of Angel’s head.

This is the primary Illumination Technique. Although the light range is limited, it is enough to make the surroundings very clear.

When Angel fell before, she had smelled the rotten stench around her, and there was a more malicious viciousness around the ground than before.

With the emergence of Illumination Technique, Angel saw the situation around him.

The first thing he saw was densely packed undead, who floated on the 2 sides and above, exuding a vicious but full of hatred and wrath.

No undead came forward to attack Angel, they were motionless, but their eyes were fixed on Angel.

In the middle of the undead, there is a way.

It seems to be telling Angel that this road was prepared for him.

Angel doesn’t know where it is, maybe it’s a space of different degrees, maybe it is just below the black castle. But the one thing he can perceive is the model of the door in the Spell position, not at all being clamped.

Also in other words, he can leave at any time by opening the door.

This was also Angel’s sudden change when he was caught by the skeleton, and decided to conform to the strength of his strength.

Since both Sanders and Isabelle told him that the target of Queen Guman was him, it would be fine for him to be the bait.

Angel is also very curious. In the past 2 years, what happened to this Guman Queen not only forced the Black Castle to hide in the Soul Domain, but also tinkered with the Necromancer, Infant Spirit, Weishan Giant, red-clothed Li Ling Wait for terrifying undead.

Angel raised her foot and took a step forward.

No undead still attacked him, but all the undead spirits were locked on him.

According to the habits of the undead, Angel, the breath of a living person, as soon as he is aware of the death inspiration, will launch a crazy attack, Until Death Endlessly.

But now, the undead can be seen at a glance here, at least 1000; and he is less than ten meters away from the nearest undead, these undead did not deal with him.

Naturally, someone existed and ordered them.

Thinking of this, Angel did not continue to stay, directly moved towards the empty space in the middle of the undead walked over.

Sure enough, when Angel set foot on this not spacious road, no undead attacked him, even if he was almost close to the undead, and he turned to see the textures on them clearly.

This long way is not long, and within one minute, Angel came to the bottom.

Angel’s up ahead is a narrow aisle somewhat like Heaven’s Line. This aisle is only a few meters long. It can be clearly seen that the opposite side of the aisle is a huge dead wood.

The middle of the dead wood has been hollowed out, forming a natural door.

Behind the door, there was a dark mist, and it was impossible to see the specific situation.

At this time, a murky sound came from behind. Angel looked back, but he saw that the path he had walked before was already occupied by the undead and was impenetrable.

Obviously, they did not intend to turn Angel back. Angel currently has one and only one way to go forward.

All the undead are still staring closely at Angel, full of malicious eyes, because the Illumination Technique shines, and the green rays of light flash. It looks like it is being watched by a group of hungry wolves.

Seeing this scene, Angel suddenly laughed, and the reincarnation overture on his palm gently turned, reaching to act on the undead behind him.

However, the undead who are not afraid of emotions are motionless.

Not right, there are still undead movements.

Angel’s Yu Guang looked towards a corner, an unremarkable undead, and he shrank slightly when he took out the reincarnation overture. But when Angel looked over, she was motionless immediately, staring at Angel with fiercely evil eyes.

Angel’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, the arc of the corner of his mouth was not reduced, the gun flower was rounded, and the gun was not fired.

The undead with the movement before, gloomy for a moment, disappeared suddenly.

Angel crossed the narrow aisle and stood in front of the tree.

This big tree is very big, but unfortunately it is dead and the trunk is hollow, forming a door. Angel walked into the tree and immediately saw a dead body hanging on each side of the trunk.

The dead body appeared to have been killed, and was hung on two iron hooks, which passed through their chests. The mouth was stretched and widened, because there was only a layer of gray leather, and it looked full of wailing and crying despair.

The painless hopelessness, even if it has been dead for a long time, is vividly and thoroughly.

Angel sighed softly and shook her head through the tree door.

I saw a dark mist behind the tree door before. In fact, it is indeed the case. Under the illumination of Illumination Technique, I can clearly see the diffuse dark mist.

This mist is full of rotten taste, it seems that the corpse is corrupted, plus the phenomenon caused by this closed Space.

Angel pressed the hat and turned on the purification force field to feel more comfortable.

Looking around all around, you can see here is a huge Space, full of mist and … trees.

Like the big tree behind him, there are towering trees everywhere, but these trees have withered and died.

It’s so big here, and there doesn’t seem to be a special road. Where will King Guman be?

When Angel was thinking, there was a sudden movement from the underground. He looked down, but he saw countless pairs of undead hands exuding light, rising from the ground.

These undead hands stretched out one by one, and gradually spread to the distance … The visual impact is very full, and soon filled with Angel’s sight all the Space.

From a distance, it looks like some kind of hand-shaped glowing plant, illuminating the entire dark Space slightly.

But Angel can clearly see that these undead hands are all connected to the undead below. These undead below the land are struggling, wailing, and whispering …

Although these undead hands look terrifying, they give Angel an answer.

Angel was still thinking about where to go before.

Now these undead hands showed him the way.

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