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Natasha looked at the young man crouching in front of her suspiciously, hesitating for a moment and said, “Are you … Is it Alchemy Warlock?”

Angel looked up at Natasha and nodded: “It’s true.”

In fact, Natasha has not been paying attention to the outside world for a long time. In addition, the Black Castle has also been changed recently, so Angel did not hide her face, and she did not know Angel.

Natasha did n’t resist Angel repairing her body, because even if she could go back, it was estimated that she would have to wait in line for a long time to repair. Maybe she would be replaced by a whole body, and the waiting time would be longer. Now, since someone can fix it, even if only to restore her mobility, it is enough.

Although, Natasha actually has some doubts about Angel’s Alchemy’s strength, after all, this person is with the illusion, and it will not be too bad to think about it.

Natasha’s laissez-faire attitude also saves Angel’s explanation. After all, it’s a slap in others.

I saw that Angel quickly took out various materials for refining. Both hands and magic hands were moving. Natasha only felt the phantoms in front of her eyes. When she came back to his senses, Angel All the tools have been taken back into the bracelet.

With the ashes falling from pats’ hands, Angel stood up and said: “It’s almost up, you can try to walk around.”

Natasha looked at her right half in amazement. The sparks that had appeared before disappeared at this time. The cold outer casing looked very complete. The vortex meters of the gears inside were all readjusted.

“In order to hurry, I did not pay attention to beauty. Moreover, I think there are still some power sources that need to be repaired. It will be more convenient to lay out the simulated skin after you repair it later.” Angel explained.

Natasha looked at Angel with a shocked look, and it took a while to shake her head in a daze: “I never pay attention to these appearances, this is enough, thank you.”

“Thank you for not having to use it. I will remember the material fee and charge you ten magic crystals.” Angel’s words, not at all caused Natasha’s reaction, because for her, this was actually a fair deal.

“You stand up and try.”

Natasha stood up and found that not at all appeared to be stuck again. She moved very freely. Although she could not mobilize the magic power, the feeling of being instructed by the arm was smoother and smoother than before.

Natasha couldn’t believe her eyes. She walked back and forth several times without delay.

As a user, her own experience is very obvious.

This fluency is even higher than that given to Mrs. Kimberly.

Moreover, it took less than half an hour for the other party to conduct this refining? ! You know, if she waits to go back to find Mrs. Kimberly to repair, she will wait in line for at least half a month, and wait for the repair to be half a month.

This is hard to imagine!

Alchemy is so simple? Natasha couldn’t help raising this idea in her heart, but soon, she was sober from the clouds. She had read too many records about Alchemy, so she knew that Alchemy was not that simple, so the only explanation now-

Natasha looked towards the tall young man standing not far away. Has his level already surpassed Mrs. Kimberly?

“Since you have no worries about activities, then lead the way ahead,” Angel said.

Natasha tranced, and in Sanders ’s cold eyes, nodded, moved towards the dark and dark forest: “Please follow me.”

They walked silently for about one minute, and Angel noticed that the place they went to was not the direction of the Black Castle, but away from the Black Castle.

Does this mean that the people of the Black Castle have all left now?

When Angel was thinking, Natasha, who was walking in front, hesitated to go back to 3, or turned to whisper to Angel and said, “I don’t know what your nickname is, sir?”

Natasha actually wanted to ask Angel’s name. In her thoughts, Alchemy Warlock, which is even better than Mrs. Kimberly, is definitely famous in South Territory. But asking the name directly seems to be a bit bad, so I asked Angel’s nickname.

Angel: “No.”

Natasha was choked, but did not give up. She continued: “Are you famous in the Alchemy circle?”

Angel didn’t know how to answer this question. If he was famous, he would be boastful. If he was not famous, it would be a lie, and if you think you are humble, others will think you are not confident.

So, Angel simply asked, “What the hell do you want to say?”

Natasha hesitated and shook her head: “I just think that Mr. Alchemy technique seems very difficult to deal with, a little curious.”

Angel paused: “Alchemy Warlock, which gives you refining machinery half-lengths, is also very nice, and has a lot of ideas.”

Angel is not overpraised either. He only recently exchanged information on mechanical arming with Muse, when he actually talked about mechanical limbs. There are many things in the woman’s mechanical half-body that are in line with Muse’s ideas, showing that the refiner also has a good eye.

“Mrs. Kimberly is an excellent Alchemy Warlock.” Natasha replied.

“Kimberly? You mean, the moon of nothingness?” Said Sanders, with a rare curiosity in his sound.

“Yes, it is her.” Natasha: “Does Lord Illusion know Mrs. Kimberly?”

Angel also looked towards Sanders. He still heard Kimberly for the first time today, but looking at Sanders’ expression, he seems to know this Kimberly very well?

“Didn’t expect she is back too.” Sanders whispered, seeing Angel curiously looked towards himself, he explained: “As far as I know, Kimberly is actually the same age as Isabel, since Isabel left Later, Kimberly stayed in South Territory for another period of time, and followed Isabel ’s footsteps and left South Territory. This is more than 600 years ago. Kimberly has not returned since he left. “

As Sanders said, Angel also understood why Sanders would be surprised by this Kimberly.

This Kimberly actually had a relationship with someone they knew, and some outsiders were speculating but the parties never made it public. And this person is the person in charge of Lilith’s house today-Ru Kan Kant.

“What is the relationship between Canter and Kimberly, Canter not at all said. However, he and Kimberly do know.” Sanders paused: “However, as far as I know, Kimberly was once a month. Magus, when was you interested in Alchemy? “

Natasha also heard for the first time that Mrs. Kimberly had a wonderful relationship with Kanter of the Lilith House. While she was listening with keen interest pleasure, she noticed that Sanders looked towards herself.

Natasha was shivered: “I, I don’t know about Mrs. Kimberly, but since Mrs. Kimberly returned, she has always assumed the responsibility of Alchemy.”

“When did she come back? She said, where did she go?”

Natasha: “I came back a year ago, Mrs. Kimberly and I are not familiar with it, so I don’t know where she went during the time she left.”

Sanders was nodded, Natasha did not lie.

speaking of which, he actually not at all met Kimberly, but when Kanter once mentioned Kimberly, he always had deep regret, and said that if he cooperated with Kimberly, his strength would be doubled; this only allowed He was curious about Kimberly.

After they had walked for about ten minutes, Natasha suddenly said: “One of the nodes is in front, but I guess there will be an ambush of the undead.”

Regarding the node, Natasha mentioned it before, but they didn’t go into the inquiry.

But when she talked about the ambush of the undead, Angel got curious: “Why did the undead ambush deliberately? Could someone be manipulating the undead?”

On this question, Natasha was silent.

Angel estimates that this may involve the cause of the Black Castle’s change.

Since Natasha didn’t want to say, Angel didn’t continue to question, but held the reincarnation overture and watched to move forward.

In the past few minutes, they have not encountered any undead, but after arriving in this neighborhood, without Natasha reminding, Angel already felt the resentment of the undead.

There must be undead here, and there are definitely many.

Ka ka ——

Natasha paused suddenly. She lowered her head and found that only a dead branch was trampled by her. This was sighed in relief: “I estimate that there are undead near the node, and it takes a long time to open the node, so it must be cleared. Undead, or lead the undead, then return … “

Halfway through the conversation, Natasha suddenly felt something was wrong with her feet, and she lowered her head again.

However, at the bottom of her skirt, an azure-white undead was now showing a terrifying head from the ground, a dark and dark piece in her eyes, and she could not see any eyes, but it made Natasha feel a bit cold.

The undead opened the corners of his mouth and smiled terrifyingly, and all the green muscles on his face bulged.

“It’s the taste of living–“

The sharp growl, with the hand drilled from the ground, grabbed directly at Natasha’s ankle.

In great pain, Natasha stumbled to the ground.

She struggled to escape the shackles, but at this moment, the hands of countless white ghosts deep in the depths of the undead slowly reached out from the ground.

The sobbing cry, the irritating whisper, and the breath of the resentful spirit from the wind, turned this into a hell of undead.

And Natasha was in the middle of the undead hell. Her four limbs and head were all caught by the sharp undead hand. Ears were also madly filled with howling of the undead. For a time, Natasha only felt that her limbs were torn, and her brain seemed to explode.

“I’m going to die?” Natasha lay on the ground, looking at the hand swaying in front of her eyes, and the thought rose in her heart.

But as soon as the thought rose, she discovered that the hand in front of her eyes suddenly dissipated like dust.

She sat up slowly, looked around, and found that the hand she had stretched out from the ground, all disappeared.

She blinked continuously, her face puzzled: Did I get illusory before?

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