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The pharyngeal sound turns into a terrifying roar in the dark.

As Natasha fled all the way, it caused more shock. Countless bloody terrifying eyes all focused on her.

“That guy really knew about the node and must go back to the queen and not scrap it here.” Natasha murmured in the heart, but the pace at her feet was faster.

However, Natasha had lost her source of magic power and could only run on her feet. In the dark Black Forest, even the dry branches can interrupt the rhythm of her escape.

Just under a dark hill, Natasha was undetected for a moment and hit a bone in armor under her foot.

I don’t know what this armor is made of. It’s very hard. Natasha’s balance in high-speed running was broken by this unexpected accident.

After a groan, Natasha fell to her knees.

Looking down, the ankle of the right foot has already started to sound zi zi, a photoelectric spark burst, Natasha only heard a few “ka ka”, and no longer felt the consciousness of the right foot.

“Damn, it actually broke down at this time, and it was obviously repaired before the mission!” Natasha’s eyes flashed fiercely.

A harsh scream came from behind.

Natasha looked back, a terrible undead face with green muscles around her eyes, pale eyes, and a ferocious-looking face, less than 10 centimeters away from the tip of her nose!

Natasha grimaced, she didn’t try to attack, because there was no attribute to restrain the undead, any attack was useless.

She kicked the dead tree next to her with her movable left foot.

With the branches of the dead tree swaggering, and the dead branches that rustled down, Natasha rolled over with the resilience and came to the other side. However, she apparently exerted too much force this time, and because her right foot was scrapped, she didn’t step on the brakes in time. After a roll, she rolled a second roll.

If there are only 2 rolls, that’s all, but God seems to be against her. The direction of her roll happens to be an extremely steep slope. I usually stand on it and I must lean forward to maintain the center of gravity, but I ca n’t control it Natasha rolled directly.

In the process of rolling, Natasha remained calm, she could see the dust flying to her face, and she could hear the ka ka sound when crushing the dead branches during the rolling process, and at the same time, she could feel herself On the right half of the body, there are non-stop gears falling off, and the mechanical si si sounds.

Because of the scrapping of the right foot, is it affecting the entire right body?

While Natasha was still thinking, the scrolling finally stopped. She squeezed, stretched out her bloody left hand, and sat up.

At this time, a lightning snake suddenly fell into the dark clouds in the sky.

In the moment of white light glittering, I can clearly see what Natasha is like now, so tragic. The long skirt was broken and could not be seen as it was. The skin on the right body was all broken, exposing the mechanical gear steel bars and various brakes inside.

Now, the mechanical firelight of the right body is glittering, and the white smoke is overflowing.

Obviously, her right body was almost scrapped.

And her left half is also miserable, unlike the mechanical body of the right half. Her left half is flesh and blood. At this time, the left half is full of scars, and several of the wounds can already see bones.

Golden’s long curly hair was also stained with blood and looked very embarrassed.

Natasha gasped for a long time and looked around. Here is a flat, there are no trees within 20 meters.

“It has deviated from the course, can I go back?” Natasha’s eyes flashed in amusement.

A stern cry came from behind, and Natasha turned her head, and a large number of glowing silhouettes were reflected in the blood-stained brown pupil.

Somehow, nearly 100 undeads have appeared behind her, and seeing these undeads are still gathering, even if these undeads have not yet attacked her, but the evil, crazy, wanton and grieving atmosphere have already affected her The string of reason that could not stretch.

“It’s already far away from the guy’s activity area, but there are so many undeads, really, is it pre-controlled?” Natasha’s eyes flashed a dim light, she knew that she might be here. Scrapped.

Because even if she ran back to the node, according to the cunning degree of that guy, she would definitely set up an ambush near the node.

In any case, she could not go back.

Unless … unless someone can come to her rescue.

But Natasha thought of this possibility and shook her head secretly. She is nothing more than a semi-mechanical man. It can be said to be a mechanical puppet. How could someone deliberately save her … And now, the people in the Black Castle have their own things, and no one will come to save themselves.

Natasha couldn’t help but bitterly laughed, looking at the undead who were getting closer to her, she knew she was not far from scrapping.

Maybe after the King of Twilight cleansed up these undead, someone will find their wreckage?

Some of the metals that make up one’s body are relatively Treasure Grade, and may be refined into mechanical puppets, but at that time, the awakening consciousness from this mechanical puppet might not be yourself.

“Natasha elder sister will be back, I see, you will be back.”

There was a sudden echo of this sound in his mind. Natasha remembered the texture of each syllable in this sound. Although it was very young, it was very firm.

“Hua Hua, it seems that you are wrong this time … I may not be able to go back.” Natasha looked at the face of the undead close by, and closed her eyes quietly, waiting for the moment to end …

Natasha closed her eyes for a long time, but she found that she didn’t seem to feel anything.

Is it not at all pain, death? It seems that what is recorded in the book is not correct. Death is actually very peaceful, calm, and even a man whispered in his ear.

the man? Whisper? A question mark suddenly flashed in Natasha’s mind, how is it possible? Even if she becomes soul, there can’t be a man here? !

She suddenly eyes opened, and what was exposed in front of her was not the terrifying gruesome face of the undead, but a vaguely tall silhouette.

The white light of the lightning outlines the silhouette of this silhouette.

Solid, tough, handsome, full of … security.

Natasha stared blankly at the man in front of him, man. There was a trace of consternation in the eyes, why did a man appear here, has the man’s soul been cleaned up?

wrong! This man is not soul, he has the blood energy of a living person, and the blood energy is very thick!

Natasha seemed to react. She turned her head suddenly towards the surrounding towards the undead, who had been around her before, but all disappeared.

Was she saved? Saved by this man who didn’t know where he came from?

“Huh, there are still too few undeads, and a white light bullet can’t be condensed.” Qing Lang Shu Yue’s sound passed into Natasha’s ears.

There are too few undead? white light bullet? What is this?

Although she faintly saw white light, she got into the same thing in the man’s hand; but she not at all connected the two together at this time.

Natasha hesitated for a moment, opened the mouth and said: “Who are you, why are you here …”

Halfway through the conversation, Natasha suddenly realized what was happening: “You are an Outsider, but you trespassed into the Black Castle ?!”

Angel frowned, he saved this “person”, that’s all without thanks, and he was questioned.

At this time, Sanders also wandered from behind, and the low sound came over: “She is from the Black Castle, eh, or a mechanical puppet?”

“It is a semi-mechanical man who has been modified, and his body organs have basically been replaced, but soul should still be original.” Angel replied, “As for the person who is not a black castle, listening to her tone should be correct.”

After Angel responded to Sanders ’words, looked towards this very miserable cyborg:“ We are not trespassing, but walked in with great light. I thought you would be able to be found as soon as you step into the black castle , When the time is good for Diplomacy, but it is didn’t expect, not only no one contacted us, but also waiting for us to rescue you. “

Natasha was silent for a moment, instead of entangled with Angel’s sophistry, but asked: “Who are you? At this time, what do you do in the Black Castle?”

Angel heard the alert in Natasha’s tone: “What happened to the Black Castle, we are not interested. We are here, just to find someone.”

“Find someone?”

Angel: “Yes, I don’t know if Gredia Lord is in the Black Castle?”

Greia? Natasha looked up suspiciously, “What are you doing with her?”

Angel is waiting to answer, but Sanders came over at this time: “I don’t want to talk nonsense, take us to meet Greia, or, I get information directly from your mind.”

Sanders’s tone was cold and natural, but what he said made Natasha shudder.

She looked up towards Sanders. It happened that when she looked up, the electro-optical glittering, an instant white, made her see the truth of Sanders.

Her pupils shrank.

“You … you you are the phantom master Sanders?” After Natasha finished speaking, she saw that Sanders raised her eyebrows, and she realized that she was calling her by the name and hurried again: “Lord Lord, I I do n’t know it ’s you. ”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Sanders’ tone was cold and impatient.

When Natasha’s thoughts turned around, Sanders came to the Black Castle, not to mention Greia, even the queen would come to see him in person. Thinking of this, she immediately nodded: “Well, I will take your Excellency to meet Greia Lord now.”

Natasha turned and walked away, but just walked a step, her body was on one side and fell to the ground.

She apparently forgot that most of the parts on her body have been scrapped.

“I don’t seem to be able to move anymore.” Natasha whispered with a little embarrassment on her face: “Otherwise, I will tell you the location of the node, you go by yourself?”

Angel wanted to go by himself, but since he had already met and was still a man in the Black Castle, it would be hard not to take it away.

He squatted down and checked the scrapped parts on Natasha, whispering: “It ’s not realistic to want a perfect repair in a short time. However, it does n’t take much time to get you back to action. . “

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