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Komodo was still struggling with Essek at this time, and went to sieve the Kosod Magus, only Essek could feed it. But Essek’s physical strength is also non-stop consumption. Once Essek’s physical strength drops to zero, Komodo will have no scrutiny, and directly pound the floating ice behind him.

Seeing the Black Dragon phantom behind Essek fade away, Komodo’s arrogance on the other side kept rising.

As everyone’s mind grew deeper, the man who took the clotting potions from Munch turned his head and looked towards Komodo.

He stood up and walked silently towards the center of the battlefield, as if there were more steps in the air.

The man walked towards Komodo step by step.

The dark red floating fire rune of the sky is his background, which outlines his thin and slender silhouette.

At this moment, this situation and this scene is like a picture scroll. The man’s back is very lonely, but very powerful. The silhouette of the sky is thin and long, and his opposite is the grim, terrifying and bloody Demon, but he has no turning back and no hesitation.

Just like on the battlefield, a person who wants to resist the soldiers of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, when everyone else retreats, he goes retrograde.

But in fact, the big Demon in front of us is more terrifying than the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Essek was hit in the chest by a hand of flame from Komodo. Although the scales of the Black Dragon temporarily protected the fire poison that wanted to infiltrate within the body, the great power was difficult to resist. Seck fell backwards in a parabola.

Finally, Esek adjusted his figure in mid-air to stop the falling trend. At the same time, he saw a man with firm steps around him.

Ezek’s eyes were dizzy for a moment, but someone came forward to face Komodo at this time? You know, after dozens of people died, the sorrowful Magus no longer stepped forward. Even if he wanted to, he was also a symbolic puppet.

When Essek saw his appearance clearly, his pupils shrank.

“It’s you?” Essek’s expression was strange, and even his tone was a little strange: “Can you hold it?”

Essek asked exactly the same question as Munch, and the reply he got was simple but firm: “Leave it to me.”

The man crossed Essek and continued to face Komodo.

Komodo seemed to realize at this time that his next opponent was not Essek, but this thin and weird human.

Instead of chasing Esek, it looked at the “new opponent” with puzzled eyes.

Somehow, as the man stepped forward, he always had the illusion of trembling in fear, clearly this is a lowly human being, even if compared with Essek, it is at least 2 levels lower.

But it was this low-powered man who made him feel timid for the first time on the battlefield.

The man looked firm and confident, but his body was too weak. Halfway through, he shook all over again, covering his mouth and trying to endure it, but in the end he couldn’t hold back, and a large amount of blood spit out from his mouth.

Komodo: “???” I vomited blood before I started?

The crowds above the ice floes also covered their eyes, and they looked like “I can’t see it anymore.” Only the person with Frost Moon’s brows and tight brows seemed to be strange.

After vomiting blood, the thin man with a pale face took out the coagulation potions given by His Excellency Monge and poured it into his mouth. After the potions entered the abdomen, they were warm and warm, instantly making up for the physical weakness after excessive blood loss, and his face gradually returned to normal.

But the atmosphere of “a solitary and backwater battle” that had been brewing for everyone before was completely lost at this moment, leaving only a joke.

“Who the hell is it really a battle? I’m worried that he will vomit blood and spit to death halfway.” A man standing at Maher’s side asked, and he completely asked the voices of everyone present.

“His vomiting blood was condemned, but the reason he had condemned it was because he was jealous.”

Maher paused, did not explain the so-called “sky jealous”, but continued: “His name is Winchester, although it is just an ordinary frost moon guard, but he has another identity, it is Lord Monge … … Apprentice. “


Samantha’s body, Agility, ran fast on the wall. Her body was almost parallel to the ground, but she didn’t stagger at all, steadily jumping back and forth on the walls of the surrounding building ruins.

And every time she walked, she would make a hong long long sound.

It was n’t her that caused it, but after she passed by, her tentacles with thorny barbs came over and smashed the walls out of each and everyone ’s cave.

If Samantha took a slow step, there would be mortal danger.

After running around the field for a lap, she heard a roar in her ears, and at the same time came the sound of the rain falling like Xilililili.

Samantha didn’t have to look back, he knew what was behind.

The roar was extremely fast, and when she heard it, she was behind her. Samantha cursed: “Damn!”

Samantha could only jump out of thin air, with his head down and his feet up, he turned around in the air and landed on a flying white umbrella.

The white umbrella is open and spinning, making a whistling sound. Before, it was this umbrella that flew to Samantha!

Samantha just tapped the umbrella face on her toes as a point of borrowing, and then immediately vacated. While in mid-air, she saw the opposite Kanter and couldn’t help but compare with a “Ready” gesture.

The response given by Kanter was that the figure changed from three-dimensional to flat. When the shadow appeared, it immediately expanded into a weird black 4 cuboid, shackled the terrifying big Demon in the center of the field.

“Good opportunity!” Samantha saw her, stretched her foot out of emptiness, and changed the direction of advance, like a sharp arrow shot, flying towards the center of the field.

As the black 4 cube near the center of the field, Samantha’s body suddenly turned into a crystal glaze, and the raindrops in the sky had not touched the glaze before it turned into water mist.

“Luri Paradise!” After holding back for a long time, Samantha couldn’t help but shouted loudly at this moment. One was to remind Kant that his attack was about to be reached, and it was also to vent his inner grudges.

Liuli’s World is perfectly integrated with black 4 cube.

The black 4 cube, which was originally in the form of a shadow, turned into a dark glaze that emits dark light.

Samantha fell to the top of a ruined ruined building on the other side, and Kanter also flew from Shadow into an entity when the glass and black 4 cube merged, and flew to the balcony of another tall building.

Yusi continued to fall, but no raindrops could fall on the “dark glass” in the center of the field.

“Broken, broken.” Samantha snapped his fingers expressionlessly.

The voice fell, and a crack appeared in the corner of the dark glass, only listening to the sound of “peng”, the dark glass turned into countless pieces, and at the same time, when the explosion burst, it also brought countless pieces of tentacles.

The female Demon’s tentacles were cut in half instantly.

Samantha couldn’t help but smirk, didn’t expect the first time he worked with Kanter, he actually got such a powerful trick, which Samantha had never thought of before.

This is a one-sided battle, forcing them to evolve quickly.

The fragments of the dark glass exploded and flew with the rain. However, in the shadowy fragments, Samantha seems to see one silhouette.

Samantha lifted her hair and suddenly stopped: “Isn’t it still dead? Isn’t the cooperative offensive useless?”

Samantha has enough confidence that the lethality of the “dark glass” before can definitely reach the level of level 3 true knowledge spells. Under such an offensive, Samantha even felt that even if Monarch wanted to firmly take this move, it might be choking.

But now, that female Demon actually caught it?

When the fragments of the dark colored glass completely fell into the dust, the sound of “Xi Li Xili Li”, accompanied by a burst of women’s sharp laughter, first poured into their ears.

When he looked up, he saw a bright red blood stain in the middle of the field.

these all are left when the tentacle is cut off.

However, the injuries were only tentacles.

In the center of the field, the female Demon named Nitotip, the luxurious costume on her body was not broken, and even the tentacles under her skirt were recovering at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Before, Nito Tip covered his face with an umbrella. At this time, it slowly opened the umbrella.

The first thing to show was its Lisa white gloves, followed by the cold, glamorous face like water.

“It’s really unscathed!” Samantha gnashing teeth, his voice suffocating through the teeth. In contrast, Nito Tip is still a perfect and without blemish, and herself, not only covered in dirt, but also the glazed long skirt is ripped, exposing the fair legs inside.

“Sure enough, the woman I hate the most is the umbrella woman.” Samantha’s eyes flashed with hatred: “Whether it’s Flora, or you!”

Nito Tipu laughed and said nothing. The attack of these two people really surprised her, especially the unpredictable combined attack, which was simply amazing. Nito Tip did not even know how they achieved such a high degree of fusion in a short time.

The most important thing is that the formidable power of this fusion technology is beyond its imagination.

If you change to someone else, even Buffymont, who is called the strongest fleshy body, is expected to suffer a lot.

However, they met me. If you want to threaten yourself in a rainy day, you only have to crush it by one full order.

Nito Tip is very confident in herself, but it is not a simple matter to want to kill these two Magus in a short time.

“It seems that they can only use up their energy first.” When Nito Tip thought so, his eyes left in the sky suddenly sent a shocking message.

The sky changed unexpectedly? Could there be other accidents besides that stupid Buffett was bombed to death?

Did Mino Taolos and Odesinos also have an accident?

Nito Tip raised his head sharply, looking towards the ice floe.

When looking at the specific situation, its expression was dumbfounded: What’s going on? In the end what happened?

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