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Angel sideways.

Is Fafner blaming Essek?

“The glory of the abyss dragon clan is inviolable. Even if it is a traitor, it must not be killed by a humble human being.” Fafner looked towards Essek’s eyes, adding a little fighting intent.

“Honorable Fafner Lord, although Essek has a trace of the bloodline of the abyssal dragon, it does not mean that it is a dark dragon killed by humans? Perhaps, when the dark dragon escaped, it was difficult to be hurt by Lord ’s kin The point of healing, and later the injury was too heavy to die. Ezek just picked up a cheap one, maybe. “Angel cautiously organized the wording, if Fafner participated in the 2-party battle at this time, it would be true It will be chaotic.

Fafner’s strength is definitely higher than that of the giant Demon in the sky tower.

Although Angel does n’t like Magus of Frost Moon, it ’s not just about Frost Moon now. Sanders and Kanter are also among them … Hey, it seems that Kanter has n’t been seen on ice floes before?

When the thoughts in Angel’s mind were circulating, Favner said indifferently: “You can say it is possible, but even if it is so, the humble human can never have the bloodline of the abyssal dragon.”

“Actually, there is a strong presence in humans …” Angel is weak and weak. In history, that many Legend Magus, they just left South Territory, and they did not mean death. Angel does not believe that when Fafner faced these people, he dared to call them “humble humans”.

“What do you mean?” Fafner looked towards Angel with cold eyes, and cold knife kept piercing Angel.

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Angel immediately counseled: “I just want to say that Lord wants to kill Essek with no difficulty, but if I go now, it is estimated that it will be regarded as Demon’s party. The human trump card, It’s definitely not exhausted. Even when Lord is strong, many ants will bite … bite Lord. Anyway Lord remembers his breath, and it’s not too late to find a chance to kill him in the future. “

Fafner was thinking, and what Angel said made sense. This is indeed not a good time to do it. She doesn’t like humans, but she doesn’t like Demon. There is no need to do it now.

Moreover, the battle strength of human beings is indeed not to be underestimated. The Primal Chaos Demon cannon and the weird puppet show. If these are used on themselves, Fafner does not feel that he can be more ingenious than the big Demon. Not to mention, there is the unknown trump card.

Thinking of this, Libra in Fafner’s heart slowly shifted.

Now that the two parties are competing, it is really not necessary to start now.

Angel saw Fafner’s intentions, and naturally persuaded him again, and finally said that he finally got through with Fafner, temporarily dispelling her idea of ​​starting. But because of this, Angel’s original intention to let himself control the wind and send messages for humanity is not good to mention again.

“Shop owner, do humans still have trump cards?” Canaan asked at this moment.

“How many trump cards, I don’t know, but there will definitely be … after all, mysterious things, none of them have appeared yet.” Angel’s last sentence was sound light and vague, almost murmured.

The battle in the sky is still going on, and Angel is doing his due diligence in real time.

However, in the past, humans pressed Demon to fight, but now it is turning the wind. Komodo’s strength is very powerful. With his own strength, he gradually flipped the strength gap between the two parties.

The main reason is that Komodo seems not at all to be affected by the advent of Flame Throne, but the strength of Raging Flames is more powerful.

Simple Fireball, Fire Shield and fire wall, formidable power is comparable to formal spells.

The Minotaurs and Edesinos behind Komodo are also taking the time to recover. Once their power is restored, even if only half of the power is restored, it will cause huge damage to humans.

“It’s also affected.” Fafner kept watching Komodo and suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“What?” Angel looked puzzled.

“Flame Mark of Odekras has been restricted. The Komodo District is not affected by Fire Attribute Demon.”

Angel suddenly realized that Fafner was talking about Komodo … But now, if Komodo is affected, it cannot be so powerful? You know, it just took a Fire Shield, not only blocked Esek, but also intercepted more than ten official Magus spells.

Facing Angel’s doubts, Fafner said with a sneer: “Do you think a Fire Attribute big Demon can only control such a simple flame skill?”

Speaking of this, Canaan also added: “I have also discovered that Komodo has never used Purgatory Fire.”

Different Fire Attribute Demon have their own different understandings of flame, so all kinds of strange flames will appear. Just like Angel needed the amber fire melt made by Hell Nether Fire, which is the Fire Demon’s understanding of flame.

Komodo also has his own unique fire insight, which is the fire of purgatory.

According to Canaan, Komodo ’s Purgatory Fire can easily burn mountains and seas, with a darker red color. But so far, Komodo has not used the fire of purgatory from beginning to end, this kind of its own flame is useless, not to mention, any high-end flame skills, Komodo has not used.

From this point of view, Komodo does seem to be affected.

However, it is obviously enhanced in the simple Fire Attribute technique. Perhaps as it says, when the fire lord is about to come, the formidable power of fire, even if it is a simple skill, will also be infinitely deepened.

“The simpler, the more basic, the less weak spots. I wonder if they can break the game?” Angel looked towards the ice floes.


A hand of flame passed through the chest of black robe Magus, and the hot heart was dragged out directly.

Accompanied by Sen Leng’s piercing laughter, the beating heart was directly crushed by Komodo and swallowed into his belly.

“I said, under the majesty of fire, no one can beat me.” Komodo’s eyes looked crazy towards the sky, the sky with flames floating, even more fascinating than the most beautiful sunset.

Komodo’s arrogant laughter spread to the ice floe, but it made everyone’s expression more ugly.

“Kosaya is also dead.” It was a witch wearing a black robe. The black robe on her body was exactly the same as the black robe Magus that had been swallowed by Komodo: “Actually, I don’t hate him so much. “

After the faint words, weeping sadly. Emotions that have not been noticed before, like a channel of flood discharge, only when the gate is opened will you find how deep the strength behind it is.

The other Magus may not feel the heartbreak of the witch, but watching the companion of each and everyone was killed by Komodo, the tragic emotions that hurt him gradually spread.

“Sir Monge, so far it can’t break through its defense line. If it continues, it will not only dampen morale. When the two big Demons recover, then the consequences will be disastrous.”

Monchi sighed, Austria LuXi Ya chose to be the hub of Demon on the 2nd floor.

There are too many variables here, and now it hasn’t reached the crucial battle, and it has become like this, which is completely unpredictable.

Faced with today’s situation, if you do not use the trump card, it is a meaningless battle of consumption. But if I continue to use the trump card, what should I do when facing LuXi Asia? In addition, Angel ’s previous message that the lord who is about to go to Throne must also have a trump card to deal with if they are to deal with them.

“Lord Monge, let me come.” At this moment, a sound of a little anger appeared from the crowd.

When everyone looked back, they saw a thin man, and slowly came forward. He also wore Frost Moon’s Magus robe, but from the bronze robe, it can be seen that he should be just an ordinary guard.

Even the Captain of the Frost Moon Guard, Maher, fell to the side. What’s the fun of an ordinary Magus? This is the psychological activity of everyone present.

However, since he opened his mouth, maybe he had the same special item as Mu Ying before. Thinking about this, the people still gave way and let him walk to Monge.

However, when the man was halfway through, he suddenly shook all over.

In the eyes of everyone’s doubts, a terrifying “vomiting” sound came from the man’s throat. A lot of blood spit out from his mouth.

The scarlet blood almost sprayed on the other Magus around him.

The sound of crash-bang is endless. Finally, the vomiting of blood finally stopped, but the man’s expression turned extremely pale, his figure was thinner than before, and the whole person was sick, like a gust of wind can blow him down.

Everyone’s expression with obvious disgust, on this bone, can actually be promoted to official Magus?

After the man vomited blood, he swung it to act, and the cleaning technique attached to his copper-colored gloves was activated to clean the blood from the ground, thoughly. Then he took a bottle filled with red liquid from the ring and poured it into his mouth. His entire behavior was in one go, as if he had rehearsed countless times.

The liquid in the bottle exudes a thick bloody smell.

After drinking unknown liquid, the man’s complexion turned slightly red.

“I have some malpractices. I can’t help it.” The man’s lips were still dyed with bright red, matching his white and morbid appearance, there was a strange sense of abnormality.

Although he explained the reasons for the body, it also made other people more suspicious: can such a person deal with the outside Fire Attribute big Demon?

The man came to Monge, one-knee kneels: “Lord Monge, let me come.”

Munch stared at the man, others could not know the expression of Munch under the mask, but he could see a little worry in his eyes: “Are you sure you can hold it?”


Munch pondered for a moment, and took out a bottle of pale pink potions and handed it over: “This is the clotting potions that the ‘Potion’ Midola matches. You hold it.”

Monkey not at all stopped him, and even gave him a bottle of potions?

This means that Munch thinks he has the ability to stop the big Demon outside?

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