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This sudden attack was completely unexpected by Angel. When he responded, the attack had already reached the door, and it was already dark in front of him.

Angel’s physiology hasn’t even had time to react yet, only pupils slightly shrink.

At this crucial moment, the breeze barrier around Angel’s body suddenly seemed to be injected into the new strength, the breeze no longer, the hurricane came, and the black light arrived at the door of Angel’s face, just like a shell hit a thick Although a layer of rubber has flexion and extension, it can’t take another step.

“In my place, I still dare to deal with Envoy of Odekras.” Fafner’s cold voice sounded in my ears in an instant.

It was only then that Angel felt that everything around him had returned to motion, the heartbeat returned to normal, and the silence in his ears again turned into noisy sounds, and even a somewhat blurred vision became much clearer.

He looked up, looking towards Fafner not far away.

Although he didn’t know what had happened previously or what Fafner was talking about, Angel understood that the previous attack must have been Fafner blocking him out.

Angel wanted to thank, but now the momentum of the scene with swords drawn and bows bent, there is no chance for him to speak.

At this time, Iyadass, who had contracted the bone wings and had a black bone armor, said something, and Favner’s momentum rose instantly. The bluish-red eyes flashed with faint glow, black skin glowing with oil, the pattern of one after another Dragon Scales slowly emerged, and a terrifying dragon-shaped phantom was gradually formed behind Fafner … It was its wind. Dragon form!

The atmosphere seems to have reached a critical freezing point.

Angel’s mind turned wildly, wondering what he should do now. However, before he had some ideas, he saw a black wind appearing at his feet.

Angel froze for a moment, and was swept by the black wind, flying into the air in a parabola.

Finally, Angel tried to find her center of gravity, and when she was about to control the night flight to get rid of the black wind, the black wind disappeared.

At the same time, Angel fell to a huge building.

Angel saw the familiar signboard: The Quarry Hall!

At this time, how could Angel not understand that the black wind is also estimated to be Fafner’s handwriting. If he stayed at the scene, Fafner would be distracted to protect himself, but he could not open his hands and feet.

The whole of La Sudran, the safest place is the prey. At least, with the Hall Master in the night, Angel’s safety should be intact.

Angel stood at the door of the quarry, moved towards the southern suburbs and looked in the direction of the woods, only to see the shadows of the shadows, and the high-altitude energy that was almost vortex distributed.

Sure enough, there was already started.

Although Angel was a bit worried, he knew that he would die if he went back. Since Fafner sent himself to the game house, he had nowhere else to go now, and simply turned around and walked into the game house.

Speaking of which, Angel also intends to find Ye Hall Master to inquire whether the remaining batch of fire stone fragments have arrived, as long as they are available here, he can evacuate La Sudran.

After entering the prey hall, he was surrounded by the bleak silence, and all the disturbances outside seemed to disappear.

Through the icy hall, Angel not at all saw the night Hall Master.

It wasn’t until he came to the exhibition hall that he saw the silhouette of the night. It stood in front of Feng’s paintings, silently watching the flames in the painting, and wondering what he was thinking.

Angel didn’t walk too close, just standing far behind the night.

While waiting for the night to recover, Angel also looked at the painting with the same name as Hall Master. When Angel put his eyes on the painting, his pupils slightly shrink.

Ye once said that when the flame in the painting completely burned the night, the shackles bound to it would eventually disappear.

At this time, the proportion of flame and night in the painting is completely reversed. Before, the flame in the painting was only a line, most of it was rich night, but now, the night has been forced to the corner, leaving only the last 20%, and the rest is the burning flame.

Looking at the picture that had changed greatly, Angel’s eyes were dazed.

Yeah, are you planning to take that step?

For night, that is the way of the lord. If it is replaced by the Magus world, this step is the step that Magus, such as Munch, Rheinland, and even Forensic, is eager to pursue.

Earlier, when I heard Hall Master say that Angel was just a story, there was no real sense of substitution. But when he saw the painting that had gradually changed, he felt vaguely that he seemed to witness the birth of a transcendental existence?

In a trance, I kept watching the painting in silence for the night, and finally got some action.

Looking back towards Angel at night, he whispered: “You are here.”

“I’m here.” Angel subplied subconsciously.

Night nodded. Angel only stepped forward at this moment, standing side by side with the night Hall Master in front of the painting. Perhaps it was an illusion. Angel seemed to feel a blazing temperature when approaching the painting. As if the fire in the painting is real, the world that is about to break open and spread to reality.

“Night Hall Master, the night in the painting is almost gone.”

“I said that night always exists and will not die.”

Angel: “When will the fire completely cover this night?”

“It’s still a short time away,” Ye indifferently said: “However, it won’t take much time.”

As for the last moment, Ye at not all said, but instead asked Angel’s intention.

“I was thrown by Fafner Lord …” Angel outlined what happened in the store before, and sighed bad luck: “… I came here, I also want to ask Hall Master, the stone of fire. Are the fragments all together? “

“The fragments of the Fire Stone still need to wait a day, but I have forged the white ash fire melt with Nether Fire.” He took out a bottle at night and threw it to Angel.

This is a very exquisite red sparrow bottle. It also depicts the strange Totem, which is completely unlike the style of the abyss.

The bottle is slightly warm and shakes a little, you can hear the sound of liquid flowing inside, accompanied by the crackling sound of the flame burning.

Angel opened the bottle and looked inside, but was a little surprised. Don’t look at this bottle is small, but the bottle seems to expand the Space in some way. The small bottle is filled with a sea tank of white embers, like the lava’s bright color with a strong high temperature pavement. Come.

“It’s a rare refining, and it’s a bit more refined. I heard Feng said that if you Alchemy Warlock is used to refine props, you can attach some abyssal chaotic energy attributes.” Yedao said.

Angel was grateful and moved, and quickly packed the bottle into the bracelet. This is a good thing, it is not lower than the bone value of Simos, and hell Nether Fire can only be possessed by Demon, which means it is almost unique among human beings.

After receiving the bracelet, Angel thanked Ye at night.

Ye laughed a little, but not at all said anything about it, and it didn’t cost much effort to refine the white ash fire melt itself, and the materials were bought by Angel himself.

“I don’t know, what’s going on in the shop.” Angel picked up the melting agent and remembered the other end. After all, Fafner saved him before, “Hall Master, can I stay here a little longer? “

“Yes.” Ye nodded, and then said: “You don’t have to worry about Fafner, there are very few people who can hurt her in La Sudland. There are none that can leave her.”

After listening to the night, Angel was relieved.

However, thinking of what happened before, Angel felt unfathomable mystery. I do n’t know why Iyada Sei suddenly started to deal with him, should there be no side effects of the change? Evidently benefited, Iyadasai did not say thank him, but he did not want to kill himself?

Angel shook his head, mainly because they all spoke the ancient Demon language, and he couldn’t understand anything. Only when he saw Canaan, he asked what happened at that time, he remembered to point to himself, and Iyadasai immediately started working on him.

Isn’t it jealous? Angel rubbed his temples, confused.

At this time, the eyes of the night were rarely removed from the painting, and looked towards the location where the energy converged in the woods of the southern suburbs.

After a while, Ye took her eyes away for a while, and looked towards Angel with a weird look: “Panas succubus awakened in your shop?”

“Awakening? What awakening?”

Ye Shen to act refers to a little out of thin air, and the huge phantom that appeared before him appears in the air.

Angel is nodded: “If this is the awakening that Hall Hall said at night, it is indeed.”

Night glanced at Angel deeply, and it suddenly understood why Angel made money so fast. Although the abyss awakening needs his own Will as the leader, it is like a fire in a prairie fire. Without that fire source, it will never burn. And Angel’s experience journey is the fire source.

The sea rhythm that can awaken Pan Nasi’s succubus, it’s no wonder that many Demon went to the former servants.

Ye’s eyes were so weird that Angel couldn’t help but ask, “What does Hall Master mean by awakening?”

“Awakening is to break through the boundaries of Demon’s power and achieve an evolution at the level of life.”

Angel’s stunned the first sentence of Ye. This life-level transition is like the difference between gargoyle and Dark Steel gargoyle. Although both of them are gargoyles, their strength is completely different from cloud mud.

As the night tells, Angel’s expression is getting ugly.

Awakening is also called Abyssal Awakening.

This is a form of awakening led by the power of the abyss. Once awakened, it is not only the transition of the life level that Angel understood before, but also represents … the lifting of restrictions.

Why does the half-blood Demon rarely reach the high demon level? Why is it difficult for Demon to cross the class, even if the small Demon has been cultivation for 1000 years, it is still just the small Demon?

All this is due to the inherent limitations of bloodline.

Compared with human beings, Demon is born with a strong lifespan and a long lifespan, but they have a disadvantage that it is difficult to lift the restrictions of the innate bloodline.

And this restriction means that although their strength is strong, once they reach the upper limit, it is difficult to increase. For humans, although there are so-called large barriers, there are various ways to break through this large barrier. But Demon does not work. Demon counting 1000000, it is difficult to have a breakthrough limit.

But nothing can be absolute. Demon really wants a breakthrough limit, and there are some ways.

One of the most difficult, but the most effective way is to awaken.

Once awakened, the upper limit will increase infinitely.

This also means that without the upper limit of bloodline, the woman’s future will no longer be trapped by middle grade Demon, and may even ask the Lord!

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