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Previously, there have been several natural phenomena in the Angel store, including the breakthrough natural phenomenon of Prapa and Canaan, but none of them is like this.

The woman’s body is not only radiating a fascinating deep blue radiance, but also changing itself.

In fact, I don’t look at the mouth on my forehead. Its appearance is almost the same as that of humans, and it is exposed at most. But now, it’s like the human coat has been removed, and a new layer of new clothes has been put on.

Its skin appears one after another blue water marks, and the key parts exposed before are automatically wrapped with dazzling reflective scales. The change in skin color is only the first level, and its body shape is expanding at an astonishing rate.

In just a few seconds, it swelled to the limit of wood house.

In Angel’s ugly expression, the ceiling of the wood house burst with a “peng” sound.

Countless debris flew out, thanks to Canaan’s manipulation of the water film, which stopped these splashing wooden boards, otherwise it will definitely disturb guests who are also experiencing the rhythm of the ocean in the courtyard.

The change of the concubine is not over yet. Its figure is still inflating, and the attic can’t hold it anymore. It is completely fluttered by its flying hair like a snake dance.

From a petite posture to a size comparable to Giant’s, it takes less than one minute.

Angel expressionless turned to look towards Canaan: “Is this the true body of Panasi Succubus?”

Canaan was also in a trance at this time. It had also been working here for more than 3 days. It was the first time he encountered such a big change in natural phenomenon that even the store was closed.

It took a while to react and shook his head to Angel: “I remember that the real body of Pan Nasi’s succubus is not like this … like other succubi, the body is very petite.”

Succubus itself is not a Demon that fights by Fleshy body, its Spiritual Force and Charmability are the skills to survive.

So, even if it’s the evolution of the choice of creation, shouldn’t Pan Nasi become so huge?

Not real, what would happen?

Angel looked at the change of the woman, her appearance could have been regarded as exotic, but at this moment, she could not be linked to her beauty.

The expansion of the head makes its 5 officers elongated, looking terrifying and terrifying, and the mouth on its forehead is no longer as delicate as before. Man Eating Flower blooms like.

Behind it, there are countless tentacles of spider legs, which match the body with glittering scales under the light. There is an illusion that it has countless glowing tails.

Angel sighed, he thought that when he spit out the bones of Simos, it was already shaped enough, didn’t expect is now more terrifying.

“It looks like …” Fafner on the other side frowned suddenly.

While waiting for Fafner’s following, Angel suddenly flew a silhouette wrapped in an endless terrifying atmosphere in the sky seen from the destroyed roof.

This Shadow flew from the inner city of La Sudran, so hovering in the sky.

“That’s Lord Iyadasai!” Canaan stepped back in fright.

Iyadasai ’s name was mentioned before, but Angel did n’t know who it was. But it was not able to interrogate Canaan at this time, because he had been suppressed by the terrifying breath.

It looks like coercion, but there is more panic and terror that grew from deep in one’s heart.

Angel’s face was instantly pale, and his body was sweating coldly.

“Useless guy.” A sarcasm came into Angel’s ears, needless to say, at this time only Fafner was taunting him.

Although Fafner was very poisonous, after this sarcasm, Angel felt that there was a layer of sheltered space like a breeze cast around him. Under this breeze barrier, the external terrifying breath could no longer affect him. .

Angel showed gratitude to Fafner, but Fafner just coldly snorted and turned her head towards the sky that silhouette with a watchful eye.

Angel also cautiously glanced at the top of his head at this time, the silhouette of the terrifying hovering at high altitude, but because of the backlight, Angel could not see the other person’s appearance, but the terrifying bone wings that could cover the sky after opening, But it was deeply imprinted in his mind.

After being free from external influences, Angel finally had time to ask Canaan for the identity of the visitor.

Canaan’s face was not much better than Angel at this time. It replied with a trembling sound: “Great Demon, Lord Iyadasai Lord is the Great Demon!”

Although Angel already had a preset in mind, after hearing this answer, he froze for a few seconds.

Recalling what I said before, Simos, the Void Demon, was given to it by Iyadasai. Presumably this Iyadasai is one of the few big Demons related to Eya?

Angel heard a few rustling sounds from behind, and looked back, but all the Demon who had been immersed in the experience tour in the yard were awakened, but they did not dare to stay here and fled out one after another.

For a time, within the radius of the Hallucinatory cabin, only Angel and the others remained.

However, although there is no creature nearby, it does not mean that there is no attention here. Instead, there are more Demon, casting their sights from the distant land boundary to this small forest in the southern suburbs.

Although Iyadasai arrived, it not at all landed, just watching the change of the woman quietly, and at the same time glanced at Fafner with the remaining light to make a warning.

As for Angel and Canaan, Iyada Sai didn’t even look at it.

Two minutes later, the change of the concubine finally stopped, and with a silver bell-like laughter, the concubine finally opened her eyes.

Its eyes opened immediately, it was fascinated looking at its perfect posture, a series of smirks in his mouth, indicating its inner joy.

“I thought I would have to wait a long time for this day, didn’t expect it would be today.” Narcissism flashed in her eyes, and she felt emotion for a long time.

After countless laughter, she suddenly looked at Angel.

It bent down its head, and its neck was elongated like a snake, and finally pulled slowly from more than ten meters above the sky to Angel. I wanted to get closer, but Fafner’s breeze barrier forced it to stop outside one meter.

“The previous experience trip made me very happy.” Conjugated her tongue and turned around her lips, um, the tongue in the mouth under her nose; then she exhaled a light water-cool aroma: Goddess looks very uncomfortable, but the handsome men around her suit my taste. “

Angel’s mouth stiffened. He almost forgot that he originally refined the ocean rhythm to give Jing Ji Lord. There are many beautiful men around the Ocean Goddess that appear in it … There are many big men in the Magus world.

If one day, when she confronted the human Magus, she found that the other person’s face was the fruit man seen in the ocean rhythm … Angel suddenly felt a chill from the back.

“It can make guests feel happy, this is the purpose of the shop.” Angel expressionless said, “However, I hope not to overturn the shop’s roof next time, which will cause me trouble.”

Suddenly for a moment, didn’t expect Angel at this time actually cares most about a small, broken wood house, can not help but smirk: “What should I do, I really like you more and more.”

“Even so, compensation for damage to the shop cannot be discounted.” Angel replied decently.

When Angel was talking with Nu, there was a sudden wave of ripples above his head.

“Women.” This is a larynx with its own echo effect, from the silhouette silhouette of high altitude-Iyadasai.

Concubine was still smiling, but at this time she frowned, looking towards the high altitude position.

“Yoah, Iyadasai.” Eun’s expression converged significantly more than before.

“As an ancient Demon’s Treasure Grade bloodline, in an abyssal language, it is inferior to itself.” Iyadasai slowly fell from high altitude, suspended in low altitude.

“I speak the ancient Demon language, and it always takes others to understand.”

Iyadasai’s eyes glanced at Angel, which was originally disdainful, but when he saw the flame mark on Angel’s earlobe, his brow gently frowned.

“Flame Mark of Odekras.” Iyadasai looked at Fona again: “Abyss Wind Dragon, Ms. Fafner.”

“It seems that this shop is really interesting.”

My body slowly became smaller and restored to her previous form: “Why is it not interesting for a store that can awaken me in a short time? I should also thank you, if you let me come over to explore the reality of this store, How can I have the opportunity to awaken? “

More importantly, the monster used to pay the bill was also sent by Iyada Sai. Although there was some unpleasantness with Fafner here, on the whole, it is profitable.

“Awakening, is it really the awakening of the abyss.” When Concubine finished, Fafner suddenly said. She had some doubts before, but now she actively admits that this can be considered to solve her doubts.

However, the complexity of Fafner’s mind is even worse when he knows that the previous form of the woman is the abyss awakening.

She glanced at Angel, who was still out of the situation, in the heart secretly sighed: he knew, what monster did he make?

Angel is indeed in a state of coercion now, because after the advent of Iyadasai, they all changed to the ancient Demon language, he could not understand a word, but occasionally felt that they put their eyes on themselves, and there was a chilling feeling.

Angel wanted to ask Canaan, but at this time Canaan was so scared that he ran to the tree in the yard and hid, and even the light blue placket drilled from behind the tree was still trembling, and was scared Is not light.

Angel actually thought about temporarily avoiding it, but here is La Sudran, and the other party is the big Demon. It is not safe to hide with his ability. It might as well stay here, with Fafner there, it should be safer.

However, this security is only relative.

I saw the woman who was transformed into a petite body, and suddenly pointed to Angel, and then said to the ancient Demon language that Angel could not understand.

Iyadasai turned to look towards Angel.

Iyadasai’s face was covered with black bone armor, and he couldn’t see its appearance, but Angel inexplicably felt a hint of threat from that black-faced armor.

The next second, Iyadasai suddenly raised his hand, and a black light rushed to Angel’s door.

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