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Angel is also dumbfounded, why is it himself?

Why is this an important choice that obviously changes the trajectory of others?

Did Feng see it through Prophecy Spell? or is, in the wilderness of time, there is no step early or step late, he happened to catch up?

Angel told Ye about her doubts.

Ye’s answer made him even more puzzled: “The one who came to me may be anyone, or it may only be you.”

For night, it does n’t matter who comes to it, it ’s time. Perhaps Feng really foresaw that it would meet this human being now, or Feng simply set a limit for him, but in any case, Ye Ye only needs to know one thing: time is up. Other details are preconditions to this conclusion for it. It is very important now, and it is optional afterwards.

However, if you let Ye come to answer Angel’s doubts, it personally prefers the argument that “this matter is already doomed”. Also in other words, Feng may have foreseen the present by some means.

Because the time was too coincidental, it happened that Yee ’s strength was stuck at the most critical step, and further was the class of Lord Demon, and it happened that it completed the last step of self-control. … this painting.

There are ways to solve the energy limitation, but this painting, if not found by Angel, may never be able to hide the night in the painting.

At such a coincident time and such a coincidence, Ye naturally tends to Angel who is destined to find it.

Seeing Angel still confused, Ye indifferently said: “No matter who it is, you do n’t need to be responsible for my future, because when Feng gave me this painting, it was doomed that Nether Fire would overturn The night in the painting. Such a result is already doomed, and you just happen to meet it. “

Doubts flashed in Angel’s eyes, maybe he really just happened, but is it really that simple? Feng chose to become the person who changed the status of Ye Hall Master, didn’t he have a deeper meaning?

Angel doesn’t know, but for now, it seems to be the only one.

Angel looked towards the painting, “Then … When will Hall Master make this night disappear?”

“Night never disappears, even if it is covered by fire, it still exists.”

Ye’s answer seemed to be a pun. However, what Angel actually wants to know is that once the night in the painting is replaced by flames, what will the next step of the night do, and what will happen next night will also be within Feng ’s foresight, and will he continue to be in the future? Which plays a new role.

For his own confusion, Ye’s answer was just a chuckle: “How destiny will be interpreted is never clear at one foresee. If you trap your thinking in Feng’s foresight, then you will Has always been in the script. Even if this play is not what Feng thought. “

Ye Ye’s remarks reminded Angel of a proverb about Prophecy Spell: Excellent prophecy was never written with a pen, but cut the paper into a wordless script with scissors.

Feng’s foreseeing may be a thoughtless, cut a wordless script. Feng may not be able to tell what the script will be.

However, the script is ultimately a script. No matter what the ending of the script in the script is, it can’t escape the framework of the play.

Therefore, if Angel has always put his own thoughts in Feng’s script, any choice he makes in the future will think that this is a prediction, then he will always be trapped in the script.

However, destiny has always been Yun Chubo, not step by step.

Thinking of this, Angel looking thoughtful of nodded.

“Let’s talk about the problem of materials.” Ye Jiang’s topic about Feng stopped here, but returned to the topic, and Angel’s attention was also attracted.

“The vein firestone needed for refining the stone of passing fire originally only needs to be deposited for 1000 years, but the Demon gold coins you gave are fairly rich. I chose a vein firestone deposited for 10000 years for you.” paused, and said again at night: “I also bought all the materials for the white ember fire melt, and give me a day, I will use hell Nether Fire to shape it.”

The white ember fire melt must be cooked with hell Nether Fire, which can only be done by night.

Ye took out the veins of fire rock and other bits and pieces of material, Angel one after another put away, but in addition to the white ember fire melt, Angel noticed that there is the same main material-fragments of the stone of fire, Ye at all.

“The fragments of the Stone of Fire are too large, and they are not available for a while. After about 2 to 3 days, the goods should arrive.”

2 to 3 days? Angel counted, and returned to the ice valley immediately after the arrival of the goods. Time should be within time, so Xiang Ye nodded: “Then trouble Hall Master.”

“You’re welcome.” Ye indifferently said: “I’m going to help you prepare the white ash fire melt. At this time tomorrow, you can come and get it.”

Not to mention, Ye turned and fell into the darkness.

Angel looked back at the painting hanging on the wall again, looked at the flame suppressed by the night, and seemed to see the place where the fire spread.

Recalling the appearance of Ye Shenjing, he suddenly wanted to see what would happen to the night when the night disappeared completely, without the suppression and restraint? Like the Demon, is the terrifying grimace, turning into a boundless sea of ​​fire, sweeping the scorched earth?

With a smile on the head, getting rid of the tedious thinking, Angel turned and left.

After coming out of the game house, Angel walked towards the Hallucinatory hut while thinking about the next plan. He originally thought that he would have to stay in La Sudran for at most one day. Didn’t expect to stay here for 3 days because of the lack of fire stone fragments.

In this case, he decided to keep the Hallucinatory hut open.

Demon has no intersection with humans, so Demon City ’s supplies and prices will not change with human needs. In addition, Demon City itself has many unique materials. Angel intends to take this opportunity to earn more Demon gold coins. some.

After all, it is hard to say whether there will be a chance to visit Demon City in the future.

Moreover, even if he really enters the city of Demon in the future, it is estimated that there is no time for peace with people now, so that he can purchase the Demon Resources of Treasure Grade through the context of the night Hall Master.

Soon, Angel came to the forest where the Hallucinatory hut was located.

The fresh air, coupled with the mottled tree shadows, made Angel feel quite comfortable. Before Angel came to the abyss, there were only two kinds of impressions of the abyss: no hope, and endless suppression.

It’s really rare to be able to steal this trace of leisure time in such a dull abyss.

However, this pleasant time did not last long. When Angel came to the entrance of the Hallucinatory hut, he found himself … not right, and was stared at by a Demon.

The burning Fireball glared at the red eyes and fiercely glared at Angel.

In those bloodshot eyes, Angel saw a little grievance.

Angel sighed, didn’t expect this young fire Demon is so persistent, he went to the game hall for most of the day, and after returning, the little brats were still guarding the door.

Because he didn’t detect it for a while, he was caught by it.

Fafner was suppressing in the wood house, and the young Demon did not dare to deal with him, just stared at him with those eyes.

Without saying a word, but with a deep obsession.

Angel’s stared scalp tingled, and the young fire Demon blocked his way again, and finally sighed: “Ah, what do you want? Not letting you experience the ocean rhythm, this is for your own good, you Fire Attribute Demon To experience the true meaning of Water Attribute, but you will be injured. “

Youhuo Demon also had some surprise that Angel would talk to it. It had been outside for a long time before, and the black-skinned woman inside either shooed it out, or ignored it at all, making it feel very depressed and wronged.

It also doesn’t know why it is attached to it, it is very unwilling, no one has ever treated it like this.

“I don’t care, I will experience it!” Perhaps it is a rebellious mentality, even if the younger Demon knows that the native people in front of him may be true, it does not want to fall behind.

Youhuo Demon speaks abyssal language, which is much more standard than Angel’s, but it may be that youhuo Demon is too young and always has a naive milky tone.

Sure enough, it was Brat. Angel in the heart secretly thought.

“If you really want to experience it that way, that’s fine. However, don’t blame me for not being seriously injured.” Angel paused said again: “Our store is closed today, to experience you coming again tomorrow.”

The softening of Angel’s tone made the young Huo Demon’s glaring pause and said with a suspicious expression: “What are you saying is true?”


“Willn’t you come back again?”

“As long as you don’t disturb other guests, you won’t be there again.”

After getting the guarantee, Youhuo Demon twitched his lips and put on a look of proudly breaking through the sky, “Huh, then I will come back tomorrow, and if you dare to speak, I will burn you.”

Youhuo Demon said nothing. After changing her previous appearance, she fluttered out of the forest in the air, and the black tail wobbled badly, just like a little milk dog with a reward.

Angel shook his head and opened the door to enter the room, but at this moment, he felt a burning sight behind him.

He looked back suspiciously, but saw the distant young fire Demon leaping to the side of the forest. There was an additional silhouette wrapped in a red robe. Youhuo Demon is talking impatiently with the red robe, and the sight that Angel felt before was what the red robe saw.

The red robe’s hood was put on, and he couldn’t see its appearance, but Angel could feel that the other party’s eyes were looking at him even when he was talking with the young fire Demon. And that line of sight was full of complex emotions, doubts, malice, doubt, and vigilance.

Is it a servant of the young Demon? Angel wondered in his heart, and looked at their mode of getting along, but there was a servant posture.

Not long ago, in the resting place, Angel encountered Stian Trofer, a slave of Fiend, a sheep. Juvenile Demon is the Demon noble in the abyss. It is normal to have slaves.

Angel ignored the other person’s eyes. Anyway, he couldn’t stay here for long.

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