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Angel explained the intention, Ye was so surprised that Angel gave him the money that would never burn the bones, not at all.

After accepting the Demon gold coins returned by Angel, Ye nodded: “I can help you to contact the seller now. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for me here.”

Having said that, he got up at night to leave.

Before the silhouette of the night was about to disappear, Angel suddenly asked: “Ye Hall Master, why do you trust me so much?”

Night turned his head and looked at Angel.

Angel continued to say that each minding their own business said: “From seeing you the day before yesterday, you seem to have never doubted everything you said to me? If it was me instead, a stranger brought a message, Even if there is the mark of Odekras, I will confirm it repeatedly. But Ye Hall Master, why are you so determined, what I said is true? “

Ye was silent for a moment and whispered: “Not to mention Flame Mark on your earlobe, just Fafner is on your side, it is enough to prove that you are not lying at all. Of course, this is not why I helped you. “

“I help you just because you are a human being.”

“Human?” Angel froze for a moment, not expecting such an answer.

“Not just because you are human, but because you are the first one to come to my human being in the name of Feng.” After night said, indifferently said: “If you still want to know something, you can go to the display Look at the picture in the museum. “

After leaving this sentence at night, his body slowly disappeared into the darkness, and finally disappeared.

After hesitating for a moment, Angel left the meeting room and moved towards the exhibition hall.

speaking of which, not only is he curious about who Feng is, but Favner is also curious about Feng’s identity.

When Fafner learned that Odkras actually handed this task to him, he also asked why? After the facts have been reported by Angel, Fafner analyzed and found that many of the facts were made by Odkras, but there is only one variable, which is not expected by Fafner. That variable is Feng.

Originally, after coming to La Sudran, Fafner planned to ask Ye about the identity of Feng. However, after seeing the night, Fafner’s vigilance against the night was too high, but he did not ask this question.

After going round and round, Angel is closer to the answer to the identity of “Feng” than Fafner.

Angel returned to the exhibition hall, ignoring the specimens of the rare prey, and he came directly to the painting.

In a closer look, the impetuous feeling suppressed under the silent night is even thicker.

Looking at it, Angel understands why when he sees this picture, he always thinks of Hall Master Ye.

The boundless black scene is the silent night. The fire belt burning in the middle is to pierce the restlessness of the night. Silence and restlessness are obviously two kinds of contradictory existences, which are arranged in a painting. Just like the feeling that Ye Hall Master gave Angel, it is obviously the last generation of Demon, which should be manic, scorching, and evil. Ye does have these characteristics, such as the flame hair that twists and burns, such as its face. Fire rune on the day; but apart from these things on the bright side, Angel feels really quiet and quiet at night. Even the rhythm and logic of the speech are in order, and the calm is like this endless night.

Angel has observed this painting in front of it for a long time. Perhaps the painting is indeed full of ideological emotions, but he said “you can go and see the painting about Feng” before the night, but he found no clue.

I don’t know how long I saw it, Angel finally found a clue in the lower right corner.

Here he saw a line of color talking, almost merging with the surrounding black scene.

To his surprise, the line was written in human common language.

Name: “Night”, Painter: Feng.

Angel looked at the word “Feng” carefully, and the familiar memories suddenly poured into his mind.

There is a very famous painting in the Magus world, which is published in the journal “Planet Conquest” produced by the Frost Moon Alliance, and its name is “The Scourge of the End”! It depicts 10000 years ago, the rising sun of the abyss plane, the Great Demonic God, descended on the South Territory, causing the subversion of Heaven and Earth, and the disaster scene of the end of the world.

The author of this picture is the legendary “magic painting” Mirafael Feng!

Angel not long ago saw “plane” in the study of Sands, “Feng” on the handwriting, and the “Feng” painted in front of him is exactly the same!

speaking of which, the “Tideland Map” that Angel saw in the Shannon royal family was also painted by this magic painting Magus. Although Feng did not nominate it, the style of writing is exactly the same as the style in front of him.

Could it be that this work was really painted by Legend’s magic painting Magus?

Suppose this Feng is Bi Feng, and Feng knows Odekras and Ye at the same time. Didn’t the painting in Odekras’s palace also have Feng’s instructions?

After being in a trance, Angel looked towards the name of this painting written by Feng: “Night”.

This night, maybe talking about the night of the prairie, the night of the fire, and the night of restlessness in the painting; but it might also be the night of the Hall Master of the Quarry Hall.

In addition to being shocked in Angel’s heart, there are also some triumphs. It seems that he and the legendary magic painting Magus also have several points of heart.

Behind him came the familiar sound of heavy steps. Soon, the master of the steps stood on Angel’s side, the night he left a while ago.

“It seems that you recognized Feng’s identity?”

“Magus, is also Renowned in the Magus world.”

Night turned his head, “Then you should know Feng’s paintings, there is another characteristic.”

The next second, Angel felt that his wrist was being held. In a trance, Angel found that he was getting closer and closer to the painting, and finally bumped into the painting.

When Angel came back to his senses, he found himself under a dark night.

In this intense darkness, Angel faintly saw some mountains cascading, and at the intersection, there seemed to be some artificial buildings. However, at that time, a blazing flame was burning in the building.

The flames were burning, similar to the fire in the painting he had seen before. Not only was the building burning, but it also burned a hole in the night.

“Here, is it in the picture?” Angel murmured in a low voice.

According to records, the magic painting Magus’s brush can connect the plane and the three-dimensional World, and even take it into the realm of Legend.

If it is really the work of the magic painting Magus, can it enter the painting as if it should be by rights?

He actually entered the painting more than once. He was dragged into a painting when he was in the nightmare world. So far, the painting has remained in the witch town of the nightmare world. Moreover, Sanders also asserted that perhaps the painting is also a mysterious work.

The feeling of entering this painting now is a little different from the feeling he had in the nightmare world.

Here, Angel can’t move, more like using God’s perspective, looking at Space in this painting.

Under the night, the fire continued to burn, and faintly, it seemed to hear someone screaming mournfully.

The fire ignited for some time, ignited the forest, ignited the river, and even burned in front of Angel. In the flames, Angel saw some pictures. A painter who couldn’t see his face was painting in front of a demon full of fire. As the painting was made, the fire on Demon slowly extinguished and eventually became … …


The surrounding night faded at this moment, turning day and night, and the flames blazing. Angel found that he had come out of the painting and returned to the exhibition hall, standing quietly beside him at night. It seems that everything that happened before is an illusion.

“I was born in that blaze.” Ye said suddenly without a head, “The flame burned everything, including the mountains, the earth, the night, and my mother.”

“The Chuan Demon, is called the Chuan Huo. Because it inherits the flame Will, and it does not pass the flame all the time, even when I was just a newborn.” Ye laughed: “But fortunately, I met When Feng arrived, he used this “Night” to lock my fire. “

This painting bound the flames of the night and the mood of the night. Perhaps, for the Demon Demon, this is ridiculous. The dignified Fire Attribute Demon needs free combustion. How can free fire be confined?

But by the way, after being restrained, Ye will not make reckless decisions because of emotional impulses. It is more calm and self-sustaining, so it sinks in and does what it wants. As a result, its strength increased faster than expected.

In just a few hundred years, he reached the strength that was only one step away from Lord Demon.

Replaced with the algorithm of the Magus world, he is now comparable to His Majesty.

You know, it is a half-blood Demon, born weaker than pure blood Demon. However, many pure-blood Demon can not break the class bottleneck, but it did. Therefore, Feng’s painting is highly regarded.

“Actually, the flame in this painting can be increased. Whenever I can’t suppress the emotion in my heart, there will be another flame in the painting until the night is destroyed by the fire.” Ye indifferently said: “So, You said that this picture is mine, but you are actually right. “

“You didn’t ask before, why would I trust you and help you?” Ye looked at the painting, “Because Feng once told me that the night in the painting can’t be made thorough until it reaches a certain time. For the fire, so I never thought about the shackles of breakthrough. “

“And at that point, Feng’s answer is.”

“When there is a human being, he is found in his name, that is when I can no longer be bound by this night.”

Angel looked at the night, pointing at himself with some surprise: “You mean … me?”

Night nodded. Although it does not feel that the bondage of “Night” is bad, this painting not only gives it rapid growth capital, but it also limits the final step of its breakthrough.

So, one day, it will melt this night into flames.

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