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Angel opened the door of the shop and found that there was more Demon in the woods outside. The vast majority of them are half-blood Demon, and there are also some small Demon with strange appearance.

Angel at first didn’t understand what happened, until he stretched his head out to look out.

But seeing the natural phenomenon of Tianhe produced during Prapa breakthrough, exuding a faint blue light, winding around the head, attracting countless eyes.

“The movement is so big, I should not be stared at by the big Demon just after I opened it.” Angel rubbed his chin and told him the night before that he should be as low-key as possible. As a result, the first day of opening the store seemed to be broken Merit.

“Do you think Big Demon is so busy?” Fafner could not help but sneer after hearing Angel’s whisper: “There are countless little Demon born every day, and no one cares about your humble shop.”

After the satire, Fafner added a sentence: “I am not afraid even if there is a big Demon coming.”

Angel is also accustomed to Fafner’s poisonous tongue. He himself will not stay too long in La Sudland, he will choose to leave if he makes enough money. Therefore, it is enough to build a small wood house temporarily, anyway, it will be a few days.

In the forest outside the door, although Demon was looking at the “Hallucinatory” hut with a probe, no one came in.

All Demon are watching in secret.

It wasn’t until Prapa stepped out of the door with a blank expression that caused waves.

The natural phenomenon of breakthrough just now was originally caused by Prapa? !

Prapa is also very famous in the vicinity, it is famous because of its weakness, but now that weak Prapa, actually broke! Although Prapa ’s strength is at most similar to that of the ordinary UFO Demon, even though it is a breakthrough, this is also a performance improvement!

what is the problem? What did the “Hallucinatory” shop do?

So, Demon directly stopped Prapa to ask.

Prapa was actually a bit dazed at this time. He thought he must have planted it today. Under the pit of men and women, he could only spend money to eliminate disasters. didn’t expect, I actually broke?

Moreover, Prapa feels his affinity for water, the terrifying degree of improvement, may be stronger than his father!

Even if he was questioning his collar in front of him … Chenotan, it seemed not as scared as before.

Chenotan is a quicksand demon and a little Demon. The attribute between them is naturally restrained. In the past, Prapa was not bullied by Chenotan, but now, Prapa feels that Chenotan before him, even if he looks like a baring fangs and brandishing claws, does it seem that it is not too powerful?

“I’m asking you something, haven’t you heard it?” Chenotan said with a collar of Prapa, fiercely said, “What’s the matter with that store?”

Prapa looked at Chenotan quietly and responded to what he had never dared to do before.

It turned into a state of water in front of Chenotan.

The water-like Prapa has no form, and instantly escapes from the shackles of Chenotan. However, this behavior of it caused Chenotan to be furious, and the solid body suddenly spread out, turning into a giant sand with five meters high.

2 Under the confrontation, Prapa is much weaker in terms of momentum. But it does not at all, as it used to be, it asks for mercy, but says: “What do you want to know, go and see for yourself, don’t block My Dao.”

For other people, this sentence is probably a straightforward sentence, but for Chenotan, who often uses Prapa as a sandbag, this is a naked provocation!

It roared, directly sanded, and hit Fiercely at Prapa.

At this moment, in the wood house, Angel was excitedly leaning against the window and looking out: “Who will win between them? Prapa seems to be restrained on the attribute.”

“Restrain each other, it depends on who is stronger.” Fafner interjected: “However, no matter who will win between them, but certainly not the one who suffered.

“Who would it be?” While wondering, Angel found that Fafner on the window edge behind him suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, there was a bang in the cabin up ahead.

Angel looked back, but saw Chen Feiyang outside the door, the water droplets scattered, and the disappeared Fafner appeared in the intersection of energy.

In front of Fafner, a hurricane rose, blowing Prapa and Chenotan into the sky.

Fafner turned his head and faced Angel with a side face. The perfect arc was amazing in the backlight.

“Now do you know who is suffering?”

Angel is silently nodded.

When Prapa is promoted, the two Demon outside are Magus-level existence. Once the war starts, it will definitely affect the “Hallucinatory” shop. The quicksand demon again deliberately moved the battlefield towards the direction of the small wood house, which naturally angered Fafner, and it ended like this.

Although, at present, it is the two Demons who are suffering, but if there is no Fafner, it must be his shop.

Therefore, he didn’t feel any sympathy for the two dying Demon outside.

Fafner also said to Demon coldly snorted at the outside of the wood house: “Who dares to make trouble here, just like them in the end!”

Chenotan, who was pointed at his nose, looked at Fawner with fear, and Prapa ’s face on the other side flashed shame. Because of the surge in power, he felt that he could beat Chenotan, but Completely didn’t expect what kind of consequences this impulse will bring to the “Hallucinatory” cabin.

If the black-skinned woman had stopped her, the small wood house in the forest might have been shattered.

Prapa feels guilty for getting the favor just now, but bringing the benefactor to the next second without accident. It turned to look towards the wood house and wanted to apologize to the young shopkeeper, but it found that the shopkeeper had returned to the house.

After lying on the ground to rest for a long time, Prapa only slowly recovereds. Chenotan has left, and there are only a few half-blood Demon around.

It hesitated for a moment and moved towards the small wood house.

But when it was close to the small wood house, it was found that there was a standing board suddenly at the door of the wood house, and several rules were written on it.

Among them, the first is high: Do not fight around the shop, otherwise you will be at your own risk.

In addition to this one, among these rules, Prapa also saw one: the store will not repeatedly receive guests, and the experience tour is only once, hope.

Prapa wanted to apologize to the owner, but before he stepped into the wood house, he felt a breeze surrounding his body.

It knew that it was warning it. If you go one step further, the consequences are unpredictable.

Prapa can only choose to leave, it should be very happy after the breakthrough, but what happened before, it made it a bit low. With this emotion, it turned back 3 steps and left the area of ​​the “Hallucinatory” hut.

“If you feel guilty, you can express it to the owner in another way.” At this time, a low sound suddenly entered Prapa’s ear.

It looked up.

Somehow, Hall Master night dressed in black big cloak appeared in front of it.


On the first day of opening, Angel’s harvest was only 8 gold coins.

He is now very sad, and is 108,000 li away from the purchase of materials. Toby’s frozen ball can also last up to 6 days.

If the daily income is the same, it is very difficult for him to earn enough 6 Demon gold coins in 10000 days.

Angel is thinking, do you want to change the strategy.

If you don’t follow the right path, how can you get the fastest money?

“Otherwise, tinker with Fafner Lord to rob?” Angel in the heart seriously considered the feasibility of this operation. The fastest way to get money was nothing more than murder and robbery.

However, he was very happy to include this choice as a reference item, but Fafner does not expect to do so. Although Fafner has the strongest Audkras, my second style; in fact, according to Balalaika, Fafner ’s strength is currently about 2 in the real knowledge, and has not yet reached the peak .

As a junction of the surface and inner layers of the abyss, La Sudran is calm on the surface but not simple on the inside.

It is said that there is a stable transmission channel here, which can allow the major forces in the abyss to come easily. Even the Lord of the Abyss may come here.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Fafner to challenge the authority of La Sudran for him. And Angel’s own strength can’t support his ambition.

But if he doesn’t go the wrong way, how can he make enough money quickly?

Angel is very anxious right now. If it is long enough, he even wants to make money through Alchemy, even if Alchemy may expose his identity.

When Angel was tangled, footsteps suddenly sounded in front of the store.

“Welcome …” Angel smiled subconsciously, but when he saw the person coming, he paused: “It turned out to be night.”

The person came wearing a large black clove with fire bristles, not at all wearing clothes inside, directly revealing a large and strong abdominal muscles. His face is grim, but because half of his face has shiny fire rune, these fire rune is burning its face, if the lines disappear, he can see that he should have an extremely beautiful face.

The visitor was the night, Hall Master of the Quarry Hall, and at the same time, Odkras had Angel come to Demon City to find the half-blood Demon with the Demon Bloodline.

Speaking of which, after Angel came to La Sudland, the first thing he found was night.

At that time, after explaining his intentions, Ye’s answer was straightforward: “I have the synthesis method of the stone of fire. I cannot tell you because of the limitations of bloodline.”

Angel was not surprised after getting this answer. Earlier Balalaika said that the method of synthesizing the Fire Stone is covered by the Fire Demon, even if you kill the Fire Demon, you wo n’t know. Moreover, because of the ban on bloodline, even if soul is tortured, he can’t get what he wants.

So, Angel is very glad that he went to Balalaika before and got the one that he didn’t know where he came from.

Angel said that she had a synthesis method. Even though Ye was a little surprised, when she knew that Angel was transferred from Balalaika, she did not ask too much.

It seems that Balalaika has a very special position in the abyss.

Later, after Angel learned that he could use Hell Nether Fire at night, and was willing to help him, Angel finally let go of his heart and put all his energy into making money.

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