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“let’s start.”

After Prapa said the beginning, it found that everything in front of him had changed, and he had become an unarmed human with no counterattack.

Despite the changing situation, Prapa did not feel any doubt, because the threat it is facing now is more important than confusing his identity!

It is now on a lonely boat, and the environment around it is the sea in a rainstorm. Each storm will set off a huge wave, it must control the lone boat, looking for life in the stormy waves.

Dark clouds spread, lightning snake shuttled in thunder.

The wind was blowing, and the waves hit him, very painful. Prapa completely forgets that he is a descendant of the Water Attribute little Demon. Its only claim now is to survive in the wind and waves …

When Prapa experienced the illusion of ocean rhythm, in the narrow “Hallucinatory” hut, the young shopkeeper was leaning his head and looked towards the woman on the window.

“This little UFO demon wants to avenge humanity, will you still help it?”

“Demon is hostile to humans, isn’t it normal?”

“Huh, don’t you forget your identity. You really think you are an abyss native people? Humble human!”

The young man narrowed his eyes and shrugged: “I have never forgotten my identity, but I am currently not qualified to pick and choose. Just like Ms. Balalaika in the resting place, she hates humans, but she does not mind Humans make deals. “

“I am the same, if that’s all in other places, can you still pick customers in La Sudran? The Demon here hate humans, if I do n’t accept it, then I want to earn enough Demon gold coins within 5 days, then almost impossible.”

As the young man spoke, he took out an ice hockey puck from the bracelet.

A grey seabird is sealed in the ice hockey.

“To make Toby wake up, I will compromise as long as it doesn’t endanger the bottom line.”

The young shopkeeper was Angel who rushed to La Sudran in 1000 to find synthetic fire stone material, and the black-skinned woman was the abyss wind dragon Fafner.

“Huh, I’m responsible for blessing you during this time, but you shouldn’t forget your promise.” Fafner coldly snorted.

“It will not be forgotten that if it is actually refined into the stone of fire, I will tell Lord Clade Lord about 5 to 1 of Lord’s credit.” Angel paused: “I want to, once Lord Clade Lord knows After that, you will definitely understand your hardship. “

Favner snorted in his nose, a squeak. Then he stopped talking and continued to sleep by the window.

Angel lightly sighed in the heart.

To be honest, without Fafner’s help, he won’t be able to open this shop.

As he had worried in the resting place before, when he came to La Sudran, the first thing he faced was the problem of making money.

He found the half-blood Demon he had asked him to find, named Ye. According to the caliber of the night, I want to buy those 3 special materials, plus a large number of fire stone fragments, at least several thousand or even 1000 Demon gold coins.

With his Alchemy ability, it is not difficult to earn so many Demon gold coins, but the difficulty is to earn so much in a short time. After thinking about it, Angel finally decided to take out the ocean rhythm and make money through its special effects.

Although there are already ways to make money, but in order to open a store in La Sudran, a strong deterrent must also be available.

He is just an Apprentice that has not yet achieved Magus. Anyone can hang him in La Sudland, so he thought of working with Fafner. Fafner’s most eager is to meet with Odekras, Angel took this as a starting point and signed a short-term protection contract with Fafner.

The two most difficult problems have been solved. Angel thought he could sit back and relax.

However, he has forgotten one thing. The wine is also afraid of the alley. It is not well-known in the marine rhythm of the Magus world. Even more how is the Demon World where civilization and culture are slow to spread information.

It has been 6 hours since the store was opened in the morning.

No single order has been sold so far.

When Angel was anxious, the half-blood Demon named Prapa came in.


While Prapa feels the rhythm of the ocean, Angel is holding his first payment-8 Demon gold coins to observe.

speaking of which, Angel first heard from Balalaika that Demon City actually used “gold coins” as a currency for trading, but he was still a bit worried, because in his understanding, generally only the mortal country would use the gold standard as a transaction Media, to maintain and stabilize the national economy.

For example, the birthplace of Angel-the Gold Sparrow Empire, the currency unit issued is gold coins. The reason why gold coins are used as currency is why they can trade in other Continent or even the mortal countries of Continent.

The value of the metal itself does not change because of the pattern on the surface of its gold coins. Only the content of metals can affect the value.

The Transcending World either uses virtual currency as cold world or energy currency. So, when he heard that Demon City was trading with gold coins, he was a little surprised. Demon World was actually a gold-based trading system?

When he actually saw Demon gold coins, he realized he was wrong.

Demon gold coins At first glance, it looks like Mortal World’s gold coins. They are similar in size and shape, but when Angel looked closely, they found signs.

Gold coins 2 have a pattern on each side, and a crown pattern on the opposite side. At the top of each corner of the crown, there is a round ball. The ball has a one after another pattern on it. If it is not without color, it looks very similar. Clown ball.

On the front, it is a trace that Angel is very familiar with!

When he saw the opposite side, he had already begun to doubt it. Seeing the trace on the front side, Angel could understand why Demon gold coins would circulate in Demon City.

Because, the real name of this trace number “Crown Clown” is imprinted.

As the peerless Great Demonic God at the top of the pyramid in the abyss, “Crown Joker” is based on the pursuit of balance. Well, the gold coins that portrayed its real name, naturally reflect the so-called fairness.

He now understands, no wonder, Demon City’s trading currency dare to use Demon gold coins, it turned out that there was such a giant behind him.

After Angel’s observation, Cautiously put away these Demon gold coins, although not many, but after all, it was the first money he earned.

After packing up the gold coins, Angel’s eyes turned to Prapa, his only guest.

This Prapa insisted for a long time, it’s been almost ten minutes, and it hasn’t withdrawn from the ocean rhythm.

Generally speaking, the first time you enter the ocean rhythm, most of them will be eliminated within 3 minutes. Angel didn’t hold on even one minute because of bad luck.

Prapa can persist until now, and it can be seen that it is very good at the rhythm of the ocean. It is worthy of being the half-blood Demon of Water Attribute.

After another 5 minutes, Prapa still did not leave the illusion, Angel’s eyes already had doubts, could it persist until he saw the goddess of the sea?

Two minutes later, Prapa ’s body suddenly exuded a dense mist.

Moreover, the water mist becomes dense at the speed of naked eye.

When Angel saw this, she stared blankly. He can now be sure that even if Prapa did n’t land on the turtle shell where the goddess in Shanghai is located, he would definitely see the goddess of the sea!

This rapidly improving Water Attribute affinity speed is unprecedented.

Angel is also sure about one thing now: Ocean Rhythm is not only effective for Magus, but also for Water Attribute Demon. Moreover, the effect is more powerful than ordinary Magus!

Even, Fafner leaning against the window edge can’t help but eyes opened.

“Why is it so wet, hey, what’s the matter with it … Strength is actually improving?” Fafner looked at the blue-skinned half-blood Demon with some surprise, before she clearly felt how prapa’s level was Dish, even the humble human can win Prapa, but in a short time, Prapa’s strength has actually jumped by a large margin? !

It’s like a breakthrough in a breakthrough, or that Prapa itself is in a bottleneck. Once breakthrough, its promotion is explosive.

One minute later, Prapa finally retreated from the illusion of ocean rhythm.

“Honorable deity, please let me serve you …” Prapa muttered strange words in his mouth and slowly opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, he saw the young shopkeeper across from him looking at himself with a smile: “I am not a god, you can see her, it seems that you have gained a lot this time … how about this experience Did the trip disappoint you? “

Prapa was thinking about what nodded said, but at this moment, it felt that within the body suddenly there was a repressing strength growing explosively.

It froze for a moment, and seemed to think of something, his expression showing ecstasy, and closed his eyes directly to realize the majestic power.

When Prapa realized it quietly, the water mist around him condensed more and more, and even began to drop and drop.

As before, these drops of water become crystal blue beads as soon as they land.

Not reminding Fafner, Angel took the initiative to collect these condensed blue beads, which can keep the meat fresh for a long time and enhance the taste. It is the favorite of gourmet Magus.

“The effect on Demon is so good, so much improvement …” Angel muttered in his mouth: “I’m too disadvantaged in this sale, I have cultivated a small Demon that is hostile to humans, these floating drops of water should be compensated. Now. “

As Angel whispered, Prapa ’s within the body flashed a turquoise blue light, rushing towards the sky.

Throughout the east city of La Sudran, you can see the blue light projection like the sky in the sky.

Seeing the Demon in this scene, naturally understand what it means: there is a Water Attribute Demon breakthrough, but from the scope of the Blu-ray projection, it also reaches the level of the small Demon.

Therefore, many Demon are just twitched his lips and smiled.

But there are also some curious Demon who followed the glory of the sky and set their sights on the location of the “Hallucinatory” wood house …

When causing outside disturbance, Angel is now looking at the half-blood Demon opposite Envy.

Not long ago, the level of this half-blood Demon was at most only the peak of Apprentice, and now the breakthrough has reached the official Magus level.

“Is the ocean rhythm so powerful? Isn’t it just to improve the affinity of the Water Attribute?” Angel was full of doubts, but he experimented with the effects of ocean rhythm countless times, but never thought that ocean rhythm can directly improve its strength?

“This half-blood Demon has already reached the breaking point itself, but the weak bloodline of the small Demon, which restricts it and makes it difficult to go further. And your marine rhythm, although it only enhances And, but added a release channel to its within the body’s repressed Strength, naturally there will be such a big boost. “Favner said at this time, her eyes looked towards Angel holding the marine rhythm decoration in her hand. Knowing this thing can improve the affinity of Water Attribute, but didn’t expect the movement to be so great, directly bringing a half-blood Demon breakthrough to the level of its parent.

It seems that this marine rhythm decoration is not as simple as she imagined.

Fafner took a deep look at Angel. This is a weak existence in humans. There are many secrets.

It can be seen that you can take out goods that even the profiteer of Balalaika is willing to trade, and now you can take out such items that are extremely attractive to Water Attribute Demon.

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