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In fact, Hall Master’s name is very long. Once Prapa heard Hall Master talk about it, but I don’t know why. It prefers to call itself night than the real name that represents the merits of his father.

Hall Master explained his work today and left.

There are very few guests in the game hall. Even if Hall Master leaves for a long time, it will not affect anything. Anyway, there is no business,

In the absence of guests, Prapa wonders how Hall Master makes a living? However, he hasn’t been in La Sudran for a long time. Maybe Hall Master has another way to make a living?

According to the meaning of Hall Master, Prapa passed through the huge main hall and came to the display room.

The display room contains specimens of various prey, but these specimens are basically empty shells, which look very smart, but except for the fur and skeleton, the inside is empty.

Prapa walked through the specimen and came to the back of the display room, where there was a tall wall.

The upper part of the wall is a painting. In the lower half, a door was opened.

Behind the door is where Prapa works every day.

Prapa enters after entering Sect and starts to clean the prey that Hall Master hunted today. It is 2 Flame Panthers. As usual, Prapa took out the flesh and organs of the Flame Leopard and moistened it with “water for a while” to keep it fresh for a long time.

Then Prapa began to clean the fur and stitch the skeleton.

While cleaning the fur, Prapa carefully looked up and down the fur, beautiful fire rune, there was no wound.

Although the Fire Leopard is not such a powerful monster, Prapa can hunt it. However, it is very difficult to keep the complete fur while hunting.

It is rumored that Hall Master’s strength is very weak, as can be seen from the prey it hunts.

But Prapa vaguely felt that Hall Master’s strength should be very strong. In the 3 months he has stayed here, although Prapa has not cleaned the more powerful monsters, he can’t see the scars of every monster hunted by Hall Master. It’s like this flame leopard, perfect as if it was asleep.

Hall Master can do this in detail, Prapa does not think that the pursuit of perfect Hall Master, the strength will be too low.

Maybe, Hall Master also hunts high grade monsters, but it doesn’t need it to clean that’s all?

After cleaning the two flame leopards, Prapa put their specimens in the display room, and today’s work is considered to be over.

Generally speaking, Prapa will finish her work and will hurry up to temper her body. Although the cultivating method in bloodline inheritance may not be effective, it can only be temporarily applied before the cultivation method is replaced.

However, today Prapa not at all went back to tempering his body, but observed the painting in the display room.

Speaking of which, Prapa did not feel how special this painting was, but it found that Hall Master often stood here and admired the painting. It left a deep eye on it, maybe the painting had hidden mysteries, and Prapa decided to explore it seriously today.

Prapa stood under the painting and watched it for half an hour without any gain.

This painting, in terms of Prapa’s aesthetic, is completely incomprehensible.

The overall background is black … or blue to black. In the middle of this deep background, there is one after another leaping flame, the flame is large and small, and it is continuous into a line, dividing the painting into upper and lower sides.

“What is the meaning of this picture?” Prapa murmured secretly.

After watching Mo Xiao half an hour, Prapa turned her eyes red, and found no mystery in the painting. Instead, he noticed a small detail that was not found in the past. On the lower right side of the painting, there are several light gray handwritings that will even merge with the black background.

This line of handwriting seems to be the signature of the painter, but he can’t understand the above text, not Demon.

The tortuous text, like tadpoles, looks like … human text.

It didn’t take long for Prapa to know that it was indeed human writing, which recorded the name of the painting and the painter.

-“Night”, painter: Feng.

Prapa did not study the meaning of the painting, but unexpectedly, he found that Hall Master was back.

Not only did Hall Master return, he also carried a black leg on its back. Just the size of an animal leg, it is comparable to the flame leopard, showing that its real body is definitely not small!

“Huh, you didn’t start cultivating today?” Ye looked towards Prapa.

Prapa stared curiously at the leg that was still burning with black flames, and always felt familiar: “It has no effect to continue to practice. I thought about waiting to go out to see if there are some that are suitable for my cultivation. thing.”

“So that’s how it is.” Ye not at all said, took 2 gold coins shining rays of light from the small pockets in the waist, and threw them to Prapa: “I will advance the salary this month. Here you are, I hope you can find what suits you. “

Prapa’s eyes flashed with gratitude, and with these 2 Demon gold coins, he had a total of 2 Demon gold coins in his body, which was already a lot of money for him. You know, the legacy left by its parents is 1 Demon gold coins.

“Thank you Hall Master.” Prapa, while grateful, went straight to the hut behind the display room at night, guessing it should be to clean the leg of the animal, and quickly said: “Hall Master, if it is cleaned, let me Just do it. “

Ye Ye shook his head: “No, don’t look at it has only one leg left, the flame on it is not extinguished. Contrary to your attribute, you will be injured if you handle it.”

After the night was over, he went directly into the cleaning room and closed the door.

Prapa remembered the “indestructible flame” in his mind, and then left the prey hall. It walked on the road for a long time, and suddenly there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind: black’s indestructible flame, and its horseshoe-like hind legs.

Let it think of a monster.

Black gold nightmare!

Wouldn’t it be the hind legs of a black gold nightmare?

Prapa felt more and more correct. Although it was farther away, the black animal’s legs did indeed radiate a seemingly insignificant pressure.

If it’s a black gold nightmare, wouldn’t this prey be hunted by Hall Master?

Prapa was a little bit agitated suddenly. The black gold nightmare is a monster comparable to middle grade Demon. Some powerful black gold nightmares can even be compared to the larger Demon. Such a powerful monster, Hall Master can hunt … Doesn’t it mean that its previous guess is not at all wrong, Hall Master’s strength is really strong, but that’s all is not normally displayed?

That Hall Master is so powerful, can it make the Museum Priest how it can improve Strength?

Prapa shook his head sadly. Even if the Hall Master is even stronger, it is also the Raging Flames Attribute. It happens to be contrary to it, and there can be nothing to teach it.

Continue to visit La Sudran and see if the shops here can help him.

After most of the shopping, Prapa felt that she was still too naive.

Although the purchasing power of ten Demon gold coins is not bad, it is impossible to buy something that can enhance Strength, whether it is a cultivation method or a special treasure.

These are not just what Prapa desperately needs, but also what any other Demon or Half-Blood Demon wants.

Therefore, these prices are very expensive, at least 50 Demon gold coins take off.

It seems that it wants to have the ability of revenge, it will have to wait a few years.

Prapa, with a low air pressure, was preparing to return to the prey. At least in Rasudran, Hall Master is very good with it. As long as you work hard, 50 Demon gold coins should not be stored for long.

On the way back to the quarry, Prapa Yuguang glanced at a small wood house.

When he looked back, he found that he actually reached the edge of La Sudland again. The wood house named “Hallucinatory” that he saw before was in the woods not far away.

Prapa shook his head, preparing to move on.

But at this moment, it suddenly noticed that there was still a line of words under the sign called “Hallucinatory”.

Most importantly, it is no stranger to this word, even with strange memories.

Abyssal language! Actually saw the abyssal language here? !

Abyssal language is the unified text language of the native peoples of the abyss. Its mother is the native people of the Notting people. From an early age, Prapa not only learned the Demon language of his father, but was also familiar with the abyssal language taught by mother.

Therefore, when it is in the signboards of the Demon language in La Sudran, even the ancient Demon language, it can actually see the abyssal language, and a strong sense of intimacy immediately emerges.

Following this intimacy, Prapa subconsciously moved to the “Hallucinatory” small wood house.

Through the green path, only a few trees separated, but Prapa felt that the air here was very comfortable, so that when he came to La Sudran, he always felt a bit relieved from his depressed mood.

The light of the indestructible light source, through the shade, cast mottled light and shadow on this stone path.

When Prapa walked to the door of the wood house, he looked up at the signboard carefully.

In addition to “Hallucinatory” on the signboard, there is a line of words in abyssal language: feel the rhythm of the ocean.

As a half-blood Demon of Water Attribute, Prapa naturally knows that the ocean actually has its own unique rhythm rhythm, but is there any use to feel this rhythm rhythm? Why is it related to “Hallucinatory” again?

Also, how to feel the rhythm of the ocean?

A picture appeared in Prapa ’s mind: a Demon on the back grows a pair of wings, went to the ocean to scoop a bucket of water, poured it into a wooden bucket, and then pointed at the wooden bucket with a smile, as if to be indicating, As long as you go into the barrel and soak it, you will feel the rhythm of the ocean.

Prapa shook his head and shook off the picture in his mind. What was the specific situation? I didn’t know if I went in and looked at it.

I have to say that this wooden door is too short. If there is no interest in the abyss words on the signboard, Prapa will never step here.

Before entering the wood house, Prapa had thought that he would write abyssal words on the signboard, which is estimated to be a half-blood Demon. And, it is a half-blood Demon who recognizes his native people’s bloodline.

However, when Prapa stepped into the wood house, he realized that he was completely wrong.

It is not a half-blood Demon who recognizes native people’s bloodline at all, but native people’s deity!

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