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These three kinds of irreplaceable materials, Angel has only heard the black gold nightmare’s indestructible burning bones.

The black gold nightmare is a strange monster in the abyss. Sanders actually integrated the bloodline of the black gold nightmare, and even the original magical nightmare substitute he developed at the time. The nightmare refers to the black gold nightmare.

The black gold nightmare’s indestructible burning bone is actually a Treasure Grade magic material for Alchemy Warlock. In the Magus world, there should be inventory.

But now he can’t leave the abyss at all, and it is a little difficult to find such a magic material again.

In addition to the black gold nightmare’s indestructible burning bone, Angel has not heard of the other 2 materials, but the Senior wrote the source of these 2 materials.

Sedimentary veins of firestone over 1000 years old, this is said to be firestone, at first Angel thought it was some kind of ore. However, after careful reading, it was found that it is actually a semi-elemental life in the state of imminent revelation and ignorance, and it is also Demon ’s favorite food.

This Semi-elemental Life is generally sleeping under lava.

Angel’s current Fleshy body’s ability to resist high temperature, but can’t support him to look under Lava.

Therefore, this is not a good material.

However, the most difficult to find and the most important of these 3 materials is the ash fire melt made by Hell Nether Fire. Say it’s hard to find? In fact, it is not right, because its difficult place is not the white embers behind, but the hell Nether Fire in front.

As far as Angel knows, the only thing that can release Hell Nether Fire is … Chuan Demon.

Also in other words, if you want to refine the white ember fire melt, you must have a fire demon to cooperate.

This makes Angel very difficult? Seeing the Fire Demon, the other party didn’t kill himself, it was already 10000 lucky, and still asked them to cooperate?

Moreover, the Fire Demon is a true knowledge level, Angel is impossible even if he wants to use his fists to intimidate.

Angel thought of these three materials, but his face was bitter.

I originally thought that after the synthesis method, I should be able to relax a bit, but now it seems that with the synthesis method, his troubles are even worse.

“It seems that you are dissatisfied with this synthesis method? However, the transaction has been completed, but there is no room for regret.” Balalaika drank Yin red wine and spoke a little bit meaningfully.

“I have no regrets, it’s just these kinds of materials, it’s too difficult to get them.” Angel said this, and looked at Balalaika again with begging eyes, meaning it was self-evident.

Balalaika shrugged: “I’m just a news dealer, and occasionally do homicide and arson, but I’m not responsible for the supply of materials.”

Angel bowed his head in disappointment.

“However, I can recommend you to a place where there should be some materials you want.”

Balalaika’s words gave Angel another hope.

—— “La Sudran.”

When Angel heard the name, the shape of Mobius Organisation appeared in his mind. Couldn’t he get around this Demon city no matter which way he chose?

Balalaika didn’t know that Angel’s original journey was to go to La Sudran and find her in a resting place. It was the halfway variable.

“There is a shop opened by Demon in Rasudran, where there should be the materials you want, such as the black gold nightmare ’s indestructible burning bones, and the deposit of more than 1000 years of veins of fire veins. The most important thing is that you want to synthesize fire. Stone, you need 1000 pieces of fire stone, there are also there. “

Earlier Angel only considered the three irreplaceable materials. In fact, among the alternative materials, there are some more difficult to handle. For example, the fragments of the stone of fire passed by Balalaika.

Angel has a part of the Firestone fragment obtained last time from the Ember Rock, but it is not enough to synthesize a complete Firestone.

Therefore, he must either kill 1000 fire-bone witches or choose to buy them.

But if you choose to buy, only Demon City can have such a large amount of storage in the abyss.

Angel was silent for a moment: “Can Demon City get Nether Fire?”

“If you have money, you can hire a Demon Demon to spout Hell Nether Fire specifically for you.” Balalaika is paused, “However, if the Demon Demon sees you use Hell Nether Fire to refine the White Ash Fire Melt, you Guess, will it know what you are doing? “

Once Demon knows that he is refining the White Ash Fire Melt, the end is probably not good. But if you do n’t go to the Demon, then Nether Fire ca n’t get it.

This is like a strange circle, where to go is a dead end.

Suddenly, Angel recalled the half-blood Demon that Odekras said to him: “If you have a half-blood Demon that passes the Demon bloodline, will you spit out Nether Fire?”

At this time, Balalaika gave him an affirmative answer: “If the strength reaches the level of the Demon Demon, it is possible.”

Hearing this answer, Angel’s eyes lit up. Although Odekras did not at all speak about the strength of the half-blood Demon, but according to time estimates, the half-blood Demon had also lived at least 1000 years, maybe it has reached the biography The level of Fire Demon?

Going around, it seems that he still has to go to La Sudran anyway.

After all, what he currently knows about the Nether Fire way seems to be only the half-blood Demon, who is quite related to humans.

Moreover, it seems that he can only go to La Sudran to crash some luck in refining some materials of the Stone of Passing Fire.

But now there is another question before him. What currency does La Sudran use to trade?

“Demon gold coins are a universal currency. If you don’t have Demon gold coins, you can trade things.” Balalaika said at this time, raising her eyebrows. People, is it not easy to make money? “

With Angel’s current ability, in any World, it is really not difficult to make money. But now he has a time limit. If he ca n’t complete it within 200 hours, once Tosea ’s doom is unsealed, then he will be disturbed by any doom if he wants to do anything, and the last thing will be even impossible.

“No matter what, I can only go one step at a time.” Angel gritted his teeth and decided to leave now, rushing to La Sudran. He has been in the resting place for almost a long time, and can no longer waste time.

Thinking of this, Angel was ready to leave.

When he got up, he saw two small ornaments on the bar, the crystal harp and the stele of the strange ring. Balalaika is looking at the two small objects with reluctant eyes. The only thing she promised to trade before is the Ukrainian wave Roth, and the two ornaments can only be returned to Angel.

Angel thought about it, these two small ornaments actually can’t be considered anything, and said: “I have solved a lot of confusion here at Miss Balalaika, and these two small ornaments will stay for thanks.”

Angel’s words, let Balalaika eyes shined.

However, she didn’t accept it immediately, but thought for a moment and took out a transparent box from under the bar.

Angel can clearly see that there is a frozen scale in the box.

There was a trace of doubt in Angel’s eyes, he thought the scale seemed familiar?

“As a trader with integrity, I won’t take advantage of you, oh, this is Bina Jones’ Dragon Scales. Here you are.” Balalaika dropped the box to Angel at will: “The original Bina Jones had a relationship with me and gave me this scale. It is like the Flame Mark on you, it can suppress your human breath. You can also choose to give it to Odekras, but if you are like this It ’s best not to tell if you choose … “

Balalaika pointed out the black-skinned woman who was bored and dazed.

Angel’s eyes flashed with joy, when he went to Ice Valley to see the strength of Dragon Scales, even the gargoyle was frightened.

With these Dragon Scales, his safety is also guaranteed.

After throwing the box to Angel, Balalaika started to rub the two small ornaments that he had just got.

Angel whispered at this moment: “Miss Balalaika, this crystal harp can be completely unsealed.”

Under Angel’s explanation, Balalaika turned on the switch under the crystal harp and only listened to the sound of “peng”. The smoke spread out, and the small ornament instantly became dozens of times larger, becoming a real harp.

Luxurious and elegant, glittering lights of light under the swaying lights.

Balalaika also had some surprises on his face. Originally thought it was just a uniquely shaped music box, but it was didn’t expect and could be liberated into a real musical instrument.

After hesitating for a moment, she stretched out her slender fingers and touched the strings with her fingertips, gently plucking.

There seems to be ripples.

The harp’s unique clear notes came out, and just one note made people shake their hearts.

This clean tone made Balalaika’s expression happy, and she was very satisfied with the performance after picking.

She stroked at random, even if there was no note rhythm, it was also a colorful movement.

Balalaika’s eyes narrowed like a crescent moon. Taking a light breath, Balalaika felt that the darkness in front of her was torn by the bright starry sky and the gentle moonlight many years ago.

When moonlight was immersed in front of her eyes, Balalaika seemed to feel a night breeze. With this night breeze, she played the harp in front of her.

Elegant notes, like flowing water, pouring down. Not only echoed in this little tavern, but also with the swaying fire light, cloth cloth spread out and floated in the rest place.

With the music, Balalaika closed his eyes and hummed softly.

This is a nocturne, with nostalgia and some sadness.

It seems to be celebrating the old days of the old World.

Angel at this time, already not in the bar, he stepped into the distance. However, I can still hear the touching music, and the humming that is more touching than Tian Lai.

The night wind lifted the tavern’s cloth, the charming face of Balalaika, under the light of the lights, in the smoke, in the leaping of the notes, became extremely radiant.

Perhaps Angel will not forget this scene for countless years.

Not only the charming woman, but the lights in this tavern floating in the notes.

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