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This is a blue-grey ocean.

Since ancient times, this ocean has been covered with vortex, and the currents have brought hurricanes, one after another water tornado straight into the sky. Water mist, strong wind, and haze make this Sea Territory feel like the end.

In the ocean, there are not only vortex, but occasionally several serpentine silhouettes, which roll on the ocean surface and bring a strong smell.

At this time, over the ocean.

Rhein rides on the flight vehicle and whispered: “Now the deep ocean vortex is controlled by the Naga Demon, it seems that the possibility of becoming a battlefield is greatly reduced.”

After Rhein finished speaking, looked towards Sanders on the other side, but Sanders not at all gave a response.

Sanders closed his eyes, his breath long and frequent.

After a long time, Sanders eyes opened, and one after another wonderful energy escaped from his body.

“Dream system?” Rhein looked at Sanders suspiciously: “You closed your eyes and went to sleep all the way, just to realize the power of dreams?”

Sanders said indifferently: “I just don’t want eyes opened to see this flying vehicle. Since I closed my eyes, I would appreciate the strength of the dream.”

Sanders looked disgustedly under his eyes, and now the flying vehicle they are riding on is called “Rain Eye”.

The name seems to be nothing, but its shape is actually a huge Crystal Ball.

Crystal Ball is that’s all. The reason why it can be called “iris”, because in the center of Crystal Ball, there are 7 colorful streamers. When Crystal Ball crosses the sky, these streamers will cross the rainbow in the sky. The tail looks dreamlike.

Speaking of which, there is nothing wrong with the rainbow eye, and the speed is also very fast, and it also comes with a rainbow force field. However, the rainbow eyes are obviously more suitable for witches, and the two big men sitting on it are very incompatible.

This makes Sanders miss the gondola of Angel very much. Although gondola also looks very dreamy, it is 10000 ancient starry nights. Compared with the rainbow eyes of brilliant lights and vibrant colors, it is much more elegant.

“I originally customized the iris at the Warlock Platinum. It was originally intended to be given to Samantha, but she didn’t accept it. I could only put it in my ring and put it on my ring.” Rhine Road, ” If it were not difficult for the abyss to recover its magic power, I do n’t want to use it. “

“Is it really painful?” Sanders said angrily. He estimated that Rhein knew that Samantha didn’t want it, and it must be an exhilarating collection. After all, Rhine is an incurable Crystal Ball control.

Rhein smiled: “It’s not important. It’s been used here for a while anyway, and no one saw it, right?”

“When I was in the port of Kodo, someone saw it.”

“You can rest assured that we are flying very high, and no one sees what we look like.” Rhein Paused: “Besides, almost all the Magus in the port of Kodo has been transferred to the sky and sky island. The ones who stayed there are all Apprentice, they Your eyesight ca n’t penetrate the rainbow force field. “

Sanders: “…” If it weren’t for emergency, he didn’t want to catch the eye at all.

Speaking of which, they have just left from the port of Kodo, one of the 8 fronts of the abyss. Sanders wanted to see if Senafa and Kanter and the others stayed in the port of Kodo. Because when they left from the watch fortress, they had to transfer to the port of Kodo.

But the facts show that they only left a part of Apprentice in the port of Kodo. The other Magus, whether Sinaifa or Samantha, including Kanter, diverted to the sky island.

After all, as the Rhine said before, the dark vortex of today is controlled by the Naga Demon, and the descendant of Demon God will never pass by here. Because Naga Demon is another servant of Demon God, there is also the concept of subordination between Demon God.

Since the descendants of Demon God, whom Monarch wanted to hunt, would not go this way, it is not necessary to stay in the port of Kodo, so they all turned to the sky island.

Sanders and Rheinland can only be transferred from the port of Kodo to the sky island.

“Don’t talk about these trivia, you tell me, do you have any new research topics?” Rhein turned his head and looked towards Sanders with a curious look. At this point, he probably only has a greater curiosity about pursuing knowledge, but now most of Magus’s research topics, he can almost push at a glance, and will not hit the spark of inspiration.

Therefore, he is not interested in ordinary Magus topics. In turn, he is very curious about Peak Magus topics like Sanders.

“What subject?” Sanders looked at Rhein suspiciously.

Rhine said with a smile: “Dream.”

He didn’t believe that Sanders would perceive the power of dreams for no reason. There must be something stupid in it.

As for Rhein’s shallow understanding, dreams and fantasy seem to have several points of similarity. Maybe Sanders just found out, want to combine the two together and come up with a new topic?

Sanders shook his head humorously: “No, I perceive the power of dreams, but simply want to learn a few dream tricks.”

“Really so simple?”

Sanders thought for a moment: “When it comes to the topic, I really have a dream and fantasy research topic. It’s just that this topic was not drawn by me, but by Angel.”

Rhine could feel it, Sanders obviously brought a hint of Pride when he mentioned Angel.

“It turned out to be Angel … that’s pretty good, dreamy combination, maybe there are really good ideas.” Rheinland be that as it may, but his interest is greatly reduced, although he is looking forward to Angel’s potential However, Angel has not reached a certain level, and the research proposed will definitely be influenced by vision.

Since it is Angel’s research topic, it should be of little help to myself. The reason why Sanders learns dream tricks is probably to teach by example and teach Angel?

Thinking of this, Rhein stopped talking.

Sanders naturally saw the change in Rhein’s expression and understood why Rhein was like this. He shook his head in deep in one’s heart. If Rhine knew that Angel was studying the dream wilderness that was enough to change the pattern of the entire Magus world, wouldn’t he be so interested and lacking?

However, Sanders did not intend to tell the story of the wilderness of dreams now, but as a student of Angel, he couldn’t help but explain to him:

“His research topic may one day get you started.”

Rhein shrugged and said indifferent expression: “Then I will wait and see.”

After flying for several hours, they have already flew out of the deep ocean vortex, and they are getting closer and closer to the sky island.

But as time went by, Sanders’ expression slowly became dignified.

Rhein knew that Sanders was worried about Angel.

“Since Angel left a message, he said he was going to the ice valley. His safety is temporarily guaranteed. Moreover, the abyssal dragon in the ice valley is rumored that there are very few Slaughter humans.” Rhine Paused, the only one that is more difficult to say now The point is who is the person who took Angel away?

Can Angel be allowed to leave a message, and it can be seen that the other party does not care about Angel’s whereabouts, is there a strong confidence in his own strength?

“I’m going to the sky island immediately. When the message is reached, we will change to the ice valley.”

Not long after the words fell, they saw a vast inland water.

The water area covers a very wide range, surrounded by lush mountain forests and luxuriant trees. Such rich natural resources are very rare in the entire abyss.

Soon after flying along the water, they saw a spectacle.

Large-scale waterfall groups appeared in their eyes.

The waterfalls are vast and the water is turbulent. The waterfalls become pearls and look like magnificent and magnificent like snow falling. Such a scene can be said to be an eye-opener for ordinary person, but it is also ordinary for Magus.

But the reason why it is called “spectacle” is because these waterfalls flow upside down.

It’s like breaking away from gravity, the water flow reverses at a certain moment. From the flat ground, it flows directly into the sky, and above the sky is a huge floating island.

This is the sky island!

The surroundings looked calm, and Rhein sighed a little: “It seems that Olof’s tentacle crabs should not have been eaten yet.

However, just as they approached Sky Island, their expressions changed suddenly.

A huge and terrifying breath is rising from the sky island.

At the same time, at a corner of Sky Island, a door was opened out of thin air, and a Big Fatty ran out in a hurry. As he ran, he messaged the people in the central hall of Sky Island.

Sinai is in the central hall, frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Samantha looked towards her in doubt.

Sinaif hesitated for a moment: “Blu Fen just sent me a message saying that the ancient Evil God of the Loft World he wanted to resurrection had a change, and his emotional threshold was dropping rapidly, coming from a steady state into a state of fear. . “

While Sinaif was talking, all the eyes in the central hall appeared in a trance.

An evil thought that makes people fear from deep in one’s heart is slowly spreading out from not far away.


Angel is now moving quickly towards the cross-story door.

Although Odekras has Flame Mark on him, he can avoid Demon ’s unfounded Slaughter to some extent, but it does not mean that all Demon will let him go.

In order not to let himself catch the attention of Demon too high-profile, he not at all rides gondola, but starts flying in the dark at night, galloping in the low-level jungle with cover.

At the same time, Angel also used illusion to change the color of the eyes to pure black.

Whether it is pupils or white eyes, it is now dark.

——This is the appearance feature of the abyss native people.

Although Demon doesn’t necessarily see these abyss native people, but at least it is more pleasing to the eye than human appearance.

I saw the glimmering glimmer of light under Angel’s feet, and he fell to a cliff.

Not far in front is the cross-layer door, which happens to be the cross-layer door that Angel followed when she first entered the abyss.

Angel could vaguely see the huge threshold in the canyon.

However, Angel not at all chose to enter, but turned around and glanced behind him.

I saw a lithe and graceful sexy black-haired woman with short hair, who was casually following him.

“Honorable Fafner Lord, do you plan to go to La Sudland with me?”

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