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The Stone of Fire? !

After hesitating for a moment, Angel took out a few beads with scarlet glow from the bracelet.

As these beads were taken out by him, the temperature in the air gradually increased. The icy air interweaves with the glow of Cabernet Sauvignon emanating from the beads, forming a visually distorted Space.

Odkras glanced away, then looked away.

This is a broken stone of fire transmission. Generally, the monsters under the fire demon have similar things. It is said to be fragments, but in fact there is as different as heaven and earth with the complete stone of fire.

Even if the fragments of 10000 fire stone are not as good as a fire stone.

Although Odekras did not speak, the disdain in his eyes was unabashed. Angel also knows that the fragments of the Stone of Fire must not be as good as the complete product. He took them out just to ask one thing.

“Honorable Odkras Lord, I heard that the Stone of Fire is synthesized from this fragment.”

Odkras was silent for a moment, nodded.

“I am an Alchemy Warlock, I can try to fuse these fire stone fragments, but I do n’t know the method of synthesis …”

These pieces of fire stone were originally obtained in the hands of the fire-bearing witch outside the embers. At that time, Madeleine told him that the fragments of fire stone were not at all used, but, complete The Stone of Fire is extremely rare.

However, it is said that only the Fire Demon has the method of synthesizing Fire Stone.

The Fire Demon is at least true knowledge level. If you are powerful, killing it is easy, but if you want to get the Fire Stone synthesis method from it, there is almost no possibility.

The method of synthesizing Fire Stone is the biggest secret guarded by Fire Demon.

Angel himself can’t deal with the Demon Demon, even if someone can help him kill the Demon Demon, it is impossible to get a synthesis method. Therefore, he can only ask from Odekras.

Since Odekras needs the Stone of Fire, maybe he has a synthesis method here?

However, Odekras’ answer was short and firm: “No.”

Angel’s expression became a little bleak. If there is no synthesis method, then this task is almost impossible to complete.

The delicacy synthesis method of Chuanhuo Demon has not been obtained by any Magus for so many years … maybe there is, but at least Angel has not heard of it.

Angel doesn’t believe that he has the luck to get it. Even more how, Toby is beside him, and he doesn’t think about any luck.

The task of Odekras is almost impossible to complete, and Alpha Magus is on the other side. Is it that Toby’s doom can only be eliminated in time?

Moreover, even if it takes time to kill, then a safe place is needed. How can there be a safe place in the abyss?

When Angel was sad, Odekras actually had another thought in his mind.

Angel said something before. —I’m Alchemy Warlock.

It is this sentence that reminds Odekras of what the “Feng” said at the time. Alchemy Warlock is rare in the entire Magus world. If anyone can synthesize the stone of fire transmission, probably only Alchemy Warlock can do it. .

If Angel did not say this, Odekras estimated that he had been pushed out of the ice valley at this moment, but after he said his identity, Odekras did not think Angel could bring back the Stone of Fire Time is a little more hopeful.

It is also because of this hope that he released new information.

“Although I don’t know how to pass the Stone of Fire, I know where it might be.”


Angel left Ice Valley.

When he stepped out of the ice valley against the violent snow and snow, the lingering fire on his body turned into a flame-shaped mark and attached to his left ear lobe.

From a distance, it looks like a flame-shaped earring.

This Flame Mark is an exclusive mark left to him by Odekras, and its role is only 2 points: it can avoid the chaos and curse of Ice Valley, and it shows that Angel temporarily belongs to the Odekras camp.

Before Angel left the Ice Crystal Palace, he was eroded by the curse of the outside world, and Flame Mark turned into a lingering fire, blocking the chaotic curse of Ice Valley.

It can be said that before Flame Mark disappears, Angel can freely enter and exit the ice valley without being disturbed by the curse.

As for the second role of Flame Mark, it is actually the key to whether this time Angel can get the method of synthesizing fire stone.

Angel has Flame Mark on it, not only shows that he belongs to the Odekras camp, but also temporarily suppresses his human breath.

In the wild, if found by other Demon, at least he will not attack him because of his identity.

Of course, some Demon regardless of the so-called identity, it is a killer. Faced with this kind of Demon, Angel has no use even if it has Flame Mark. However, at least some Demon connected with the Odekras camp will not move him again.

The Target of this time Angel is an underground Demon city called La Sudran.

According to Odekras, there is a half-blood Demon, who was once associated with one of his old friends. This half-blood Demon, in addition to half of the bloodline of the abyss native people, the other half of the bloodline comes from a fire demon.

Oldcrass has an old friend named “Feng” who once said that he is old with this half-blood Demon, and said that he has obtained the complete inheritance of the Demon Fire Demon. So think of it, it should also have a method of synthesizing the stone of fire.

All Angel needs to do is go to La Sudran to find this half-blood Demon, and find a way to get the synthesis method of the stone of fire.

To blend into Demon City, Flame Mark on him is indispensable.

After leaving Ice Valley, Angel took less than half an hour to leave the mountain range.

He not at all saw Fafner at the entrance of the mountain range, thinking she had left, but when he was judging the way, Fafner suddenly dropped from the sky.

Fafner is still humanoid, with a sexy and dark posture, and looks smooth and shiny.

“You didn’t die?” This was the first sentence after Fafner saw Angel.

Angel: “…” What can he say? It seems that Fafner actually held the attitude early in the morning that he might be killed by Odkras.

“Did his character change?” Fafner muttered, and continued to look at Angel, with a trace of suspiciousness in her eyes, and finally her eyes fixed on Angel’s left ear lobe.

The Flame Mark made Fafner’s expression momentarily absent.

Fafner looked at the Flame Mark faintly, as if seeing the huge terrifying dragon body through the phantom of the flame leaping on Angel’s earlobe.

Fafner’s desperate eyes cool Angel’s back.

This look is almost the same as when Odekras looked towards Bina Jones in the mural!

Did he guess right before? Fafnir, Odkras and Bina Jones have staged a bloody romance between three dragons?

As Angel’s thoughts circulated, Fafner exhaled gently.

She wanted to ask what was going on with this Flame Mark, but she still held back and just said, “Audkras relieved your bird from the disaster?”

Angel: “…” What is my bird? ! It’s Toby! And after Toby turned into a griffin, it was bigger!

Although he was vomiting his heart, Angel was very respectful.

He took Toby out of the bracelet. Toby was still sleeping, but now it is sleeping in an ice hockey.

This ice hockey was Odekras’s handwriting, and he didn’t know that he made a flaming dragon.

According to Odekras, this ice hockey can temporarily suppress Toby’s doom.

The time to suppress doom is limited, about 200 hours.

Converted to days, it is about 7 to 8 days.

Therefore, there is not much time for Angel. In this short period of time, he needs to not only obtain the method of synthesizing the Fire Stone, but also return from La Sudran to Ice Valley.

Angel took the ice hockey with Toby and said about her experience after going to the ice valley.

speaking of which, this experience is very short. There are no more than ten sentences that Odekras and he said, most of which are still around the half-blood Demon of La Sudland.

So, he finished quickly.

After Fafner listened, his expression was strange. speaking of which, what Odekras said, all seemed to fit his character, but she didn’t understand Odekras’ choice in many places.

First, did he actually kill this human?

Second, he actually gave this weak humanity a hope to exchange the stone of fire for the conditions to relieve the disaster.

She naturally knows the significance of the Fire Stone to Odekras, and even she once heard Bina Jones said, Odekras said: Who can bring him the complete Fire Stone, will get his friendship .

It can be said that the Stone of Fire is very important to Odekras.

He actually gave this task to this human? Also, this person class Flame Mark was given to help the bird suppress the disaster.

All of this seems to indicate an attitude: Odkras thinks Angel may really be able to get the Stone of Fire.

But why does Odekras think so? This is just a humble human, he has what skills and abilities?

She repeatedly asked for the details, and Angel didn’t hide it. She said it all.

Fafner could see that Angel did not lie, but it was so natural that it made her even more confused.

Since she couldn’t figure it out, she decided to leave it for now, but asked another thing.

“Did he ask me anything after he got that piece of Dragon Scales?” Fafner’s expression was calm when he asked, but the shrinkage of her pupils indicated that her heart was not as calm as the outside showed.

Angel shook the head: “Lord not at all what Odkras said.”

In fact, it does not mean that there is no response at all. When Angel mentioned Fafner, Odekras’ eyes flashed a clear sigh.

It’s just that, he still refrained from saying good.

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