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After taking the Dragon Scales, Odkras shook his body unconsciously.

Angel vaguely saw that the flame on Odekras became a bit dim.

He can be sure that the white Dragon Scales should be from an abyss frost dragon. The Frost Dragon naturally matches with the Fire Dragon. Odkras got this scale, which is estimated to have some damage to himself.

But when he took over Dragon Scales, he didn’t hesitate at all, and it was as sweet as it was.

When Odekras took a closer look at the Dragon Scales, Angel finally saw the gorgeous frescoes in the up ahead hall.

The entire ice crystal palace is almost blue and white transparent, except for the mural, the gorgeous one does not seem to come from the abyss creative.

In the mural is an abyss dragon like White Jade.

Angel has seen Fafner ’s real body before, and now Odkras is in front of him. Whether it is a wind dragon or Fire Dragon, its appearance is terrifying, but the abyss dragon on the mural is pure white like crystal. Clear and shining, even the horns of other abyssal dragons resembling giant tumors, on its body, felt an irresistible beauty.

On the mural, the scales of the abyssal dragon are also transparent in White Jade, which is exactly the same as the previously frozen Dragon Scales.

Could it be that this is the abyss frost dragon called Bina Jones?

Judging from the murals of Odekras’s affectionate models before, it may be true.

Angel continued to observe the murals. From the perspective of painting style, this abyss dragon’s appearance is in the style of mainstream realism. Perhaps it contains a beautification of subjective consciousness, but it looks at least more realistic.

But the background of the mural-

The abyssal dragon straddles the night and the day, when the daylight is like golden quicksand, and at night the fireflies are like stars.

The change of day and night is obviously with abstract colors. Especially at night, the starry sky is like vortex, which directly impacts the visual senses, making people unconsciously addicted to Hallucinatory.

The combination of multiple painting styles, but no conflict at all. It is free and easy, and the stroke is ready, as if the ink color is already on the chest of the painter, just wait for the pen tip to faint.

This painting is not very exquisite, the color processing in many places is relatively elementary, but the painter’s feelings are deeply concentrated in the painting. Although the appearance of a painting is very important, the inner context is the painting soul. This picture, even if technique is not Peak, but at least owns soul.

However, what Angel paid more attention to was actually something conveyed outside the mural: “This mural is obviously not an abyssal style. Some of these techniques seem to be used by human painters.”

——As a traditional noble, Angel appraised the level of painting, and it was quite high than his level of painting.

After discovering that this painting contains human skills, Angel already had doubts in his mind. Perhaps this mural was not painted by the abyssal dragon? But it is not right. Humans want to draw strong emotions for the “Abyss Dragon”, which is actually very difficult. Especially in this mural, the emotions are strong and complex, and there is even a faint love.

Not always, there is a human being Dragon Knight, right?

Even if it is really Dragon Knight, the aesthetics of the Abyssal Dragon must be far from human.

From the old gaze of Odekras on the affectionate styles of murals, Angel felt that maybe this mural was painted by Odekras. The reason why he has human skills may be that he once studied with humans?

As Angel’s thoughts circulated, Odekras suddenly called out Dragon Breath.

The terrifying flame floated in the air.

Angel was taken aback, thinking that his value of use had disappeared in the eyes of Odekras. It was about to burn himself to death … However, these flames not at all attack Angel, but slowly gathered into a flower Little flames.

Under the control of Odekras, the flame gradually changed from a fiery red color, slowly faded, from red to purple, and finally turned into a pale ice blue.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply. This fire was not a hot flame at all, but an Ice Flame that was enough to freeze myriad things.

This Ice Flame floated in the air for a while, as if absorbing the frost of the surrounding frost, so that its flame gradually deepened, and then it slowly merged into the ice cube of the frozen Dragon Scales before.

Under the erosion of Ice Flame, the ice gradually changed its shape, turned into liquid, and fell to the floor drop by drop. Finally, only the White Jade Dragon Scales remained, floating in front of Odekras with a glimmer of light.

After absorbing the Ice Flame, Dragon Scales is even more dazzling.

A part of the frost and cold breath in the previous Dragon Scales has been transformed into “Ice Dragon Shield”. This is the strong breath of Dark Steel Gargoyle that stimulated Dragon Scales.

Now, with this Ice Flame, the frost and cold breath of consumption in Dragon Scales is replenished again.

Although Angel does not understand the purpose of Odekras, but it is a powerful flaming dragon, so it controls Dragon Breath into an Ice Flame that is completely contrary to its attribute, only to supplement the breath of consumption in Dragon Scales. .

From here, you can really see the value of Odekras to this Dragon Scales, or, to love Bina Jones.

Perhaps, as he had guessed before, Odekras and Bina Jones are a pair of partners, otherwise Angel can’t imagine the reason why Odekras is so precious. Moreover, the rich love in that mural does not seem to be affectionate.

Angel is not curious about Odekras’s love, but he is a little puzzled. Why does Favner have Bina Jones’ Dragon Scales?

The reckless thinking allowed Angel to instantly fill up the lingering love and hatred of 3 abyssal dragons.

On the other side, after Odekras restored the frost and cold breath of Dragon Scales, it did something in the palace that Angel didn’t know about, called frost, opened the burrow, attracted the streamer … and so on.

Angel did not shy away when it did all this.

In other words, it seems to completely ignore the existence of Angel. In its eyes, there is no difference between Angel and the bricks and tiles in the surrounding ice crystal palace.

Being ignored, at least shows that his safety seems to be guaranteed. But he has been ignored, what should he do to solve the problem?

Angel carefully observed the movement of Odekras. He wanted to find a gap and asked about Toby.

However, Odekras is completely immersed in his World, and there is no gap at all for Angel to drill.

Afterwards, Angel even thought that he would not have to wait for the space, just ask. As a result, before the psychological construction of this idea was completed, Odekras was wrapped in a flame and disappeared into the great hall.

Angel was left alone in the lonely palace hall.

Angel: “…” completely ignored me.

When Odekras heard the name “Favner” before, there was a flash of anger in his eyes, when Angel thought that he might be turned into a cannon fodder. However, Odekras did nothing and did not communicate with him. Instead, Angel was a little overwhelmed now.

What should he do now, go out, or stay here?

After hesitating for a moment, Angel came to the side of this ice crystal palace, where there was an open window to see the outside.

When Angel stood outside the window and looked out, he found that he was now in an ice valley.

The ice wind was roaring outside, and almost no view was seen.

And this ice crystal palace is located in the middle of a cliff.

“Isn’t it here … I don’t melt the ice valley?” Angel looked at the scene of the black turquoise outside and the ice wind blowing constantly, and suddenly felt a little unrealistic.

It is said that you will be cursed when you enter Ice Valley, but Angel carefully examines herself, and it seems not at all any curse haunting.

He tried to condense the “ice wall” trick model in Thinking Space, and it went very smoothly. Even because the ice crystal palace was full of frost, he built it much faster.

Is it because he was brought into the ice valley by Odekras before, so he is not cursed?

When Angel was thinking, a shadow suddenly appeared below the ice valley. In the violent blast of ice wind, Angel could not clearly see the specific situation of Shadow, but the size was very large.

“Is it Odekras?”

Angel tentatively reached out the Spiritual Force tentacle and wanted to feel more carefully.

But at the moment when the Spiritual Force tentacle protruded out of the window, Angel felt a strange strength, digging in from the tip of the Spiritual Force tentacle, and crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood who wanted to directly hit Angel’s Spirit Sea.

Angel was taken aback, and immediately cut off the Spirit Force tentacle and gave it up.

As the Spirit Force’s tentacles broke, Angel felt that the brain was about to explode and the pain was unbearable. During the stumble, Angel felt like he was leaning against a hard wall and fell into a coma.

In this coma, Angel did not know how long he had been in a coma.

When he woke up, he still felt a tingling sensation in his brain from time to time. Thinking Space does not seem to be in a bad state, but Spirit Sea is messy.

He wanted to probe out the Spirit Force tentacles again, and for now, it won’t work for the time being.

Although the physical pain continued, Angel was still somewhat thankful. He has now reacted. The strange strength that he had drilled into his Spiritual Force tentacles should be the chaotic curse that exists in the ice valley.

Angel estimates that this ice crystal palace is not affected by the curse, but once it goes outside the palace, it will immediately cause the curse to attack.

Although he is more fortunate that he has not been contaminated, he still does not know, what should he do next?

Angel looked around all around and found herself sitting under a cylinder. He is still in the palace hall, and the surrounding area is still very quiet, without any silhouette.

He was sighed, and before he knew what to do and so on, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of the mural not far away.

When Angel turned his head towards the arc of light, a man covered in flames stepped out of the arc of light.

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