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The bone crow is a strange magic crow with an outer skeleton. Because the outer skeleton wrapped it tightly and looked like a dead skeleton bird, it was called the bone crow.

The bone crow alone is not too strong, Angel is more than enough to deal with. But now that the black crow-like bone crows, if he breaks in, it is estimated that it won’t take a moment to melt into white bones.

At this time, the sound of “sou sou” came from below. He looked down and saw that the previous carnivorous plant each and everyone got out of the ground, and they all turned into Jack magic beans of the sky, although the barren land had a few Green, but a little more terrifying strange.

Nowadays, these carnivorous plants that grow from the ground are waving the vines hanging from the stems and leaves, and the green shadow glittering, like a poisonous snake, attacking Angel.

There are more and more carnivorous plants underground, and there are bone crows in the sky.

Is it safe to say yes? Okay, no powerful monsters? !

Although carnivorous plants and bone crows are not very powerful monsters alone, if the number reaches a certain level, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, even if the official Magus comes, it is estimated to be a headache.

Angel sighed and looked back at the entrance to the mountain range.

This is not far from the entrance. Favner should be able to see the movement here. Will she to act to rescue?

Angel’s beautiful vision was broken when the bone crow left him with several li left. It seems that Fafner has no intention of to act at all. In the face of this up and down attack, Angel’s only option is to … escape!

He can say that the most fortunate thing is that these monsters are not strong enough to form coercion.

As long as there is no coercion, he can rely on the speed escape alive.

Angel thought so and did so.

However, he overlooked one thing, not to mention that there are only threats from carnivorous plants and bone crows, but he is still only outside the mountain range! When he started to move towards the position of the ice valley, it was like a fuse in the devil’s den, the danger continued to burn, and it was more and more scary.

The beast roared continuously, and there were countless monsters behind him.

The bone crow is almost submerged in the monster group.

Angel thought it was bad enough, but there were always facts telling him that there were worse cases.

When he was only dozen dozen li away from the ice valley, a terrifying pressure rose from below!

I saw a terrifying monster with a cold breath and metallic luster, fluttering barbed wings, and flew out of a cliff cave.

If the head is a lion, the forehead has a horn, and there is a beard on the chin. The upper body is human-like, with huge muscles, and the feet are like wolf legs, with a shiny metal feeling all over.

From the unbridled coercion, this is definitely a monster above the Magus level.

Precisely, its shape Angel is no stranger.

——Dark Steel Gargoyle!

In the past, Angel’s biggest impression of the Dark Steel Gargoyle is that its tongue coating blood is very precious, and it can be turned into a bottle of blood ink in a drop, which is a best-selling product on auction.

Today, the living Dark Steel gargoyle is right in front of him. Angel has no idea of ​​any resistance. His only thought is: Run!

After running through the coercive coverage speed, he won!

However, this time Angel finally hit the south wall. Not long after he fled in a panic, another group of bone crows appeared in his field of vision.

This group of bone crows is completely hiding the sky and covering the earth, as long as he walks forward, he will hit them in any direction.

But behind him, the Dark Steel gargoyle was hotly pursued.

Between front and back, Angel only had the single thought head in his mind: “Isn’t I planted here?”

Just a moment of hesitation, Angel felt the pressure behind him overturned, and at the same time, accompanied by a roar of terrifying.

Angel tried to look back, but saw that the Dark Steel gargoyle opened a mouth full of sharp rodents, a dark light like a nether purple star curtain, spewing out of its mouth, straight towards the face of Angel Here.

It is difficult to move because of coercion and restraint.

Angel thought that he must be here today, however, the expected attack not at all hit him.

The ice in his arms was sealed with white Dragon Scales, sending out a ray of ray of milky white, enveloping Angel’s overlap.

Like a transparent spherical shield wall, the pattern of “snowflake” can be clearly seen on this shield wall.

Dark Steel Gargoyle’s attack hit the shield wall, and a 90-degree turn directly appeared. The nether purple star screen was redirected to the ground, dusty, and a huge deep pit appeared on the spot.

“This is …” Angel looked at the spherical shield wall surrounding him, and his eyes flashed with surprise, reflecting the Dark Steel gargoyle’s attack. The shield wall did not yet have any turbulence.

Moreover, Angel found himself in a shield wall, and could feel the frost frost floating around him, which made his eyes a little more thoughtful.

“Perhaps, this frozen white Dragon Scales comes from the abyss frost dragon?”

This thought just circulated in my mind for a moment, Angel not at all to think about it, and now more important is to escape from here.

While the Dark Steel gargoyle was in a daze, Angel turned and rushed into the “Bone Raven Black Cloud”. Now that there is a spherical shield wall as a defense, he doesn’t worry about the attack of the bone crow, and just passes by!

It went smoothly all the way, beyond Angel’s imagination.

Neither the bone crow nor the Dark Steel gargoyle did him. He rushed into the group of bone crows, but he was shocked by the bone crows. They all seemed like mice that met cats. There is no such strict formation as before.

Angel glanced with Yu Guang behind him, not just the bone crow, but the Dark Steel gargoyle who chased him also followed the natural enemies, retreating back and forth, then fled back to his cliff cave under Angel’s attention .

It was almost less than two minutes. Legion ’s previous killing Legion, all disappeared, leaving only the face of an angry Angel, still stopped in mid-air.

Angel looked down at the frozen Dragon Scales in his hand. It was just a passive defensive shield wall. Shouldn’t they be so scared? He secretly guessed in his heart, is this breath of Dragon Scales shocked Xiao Xiao?

It turned out that Fafner still gave him this backhand? No wonder she didn’t worry about herself before.

Angel in the heart whispered, and turned to prepare for Binggu.

However, after Angel turned his head, the heartbeat suddenly stopped.


A Giant Dragon with terrifying red flames appeared suddenly, not far behind Angel, without emitting any breath, even the flames had no temperature.

Clouds lingered on its gritty faucet, and the cold vertical pupil looked at Angel quietly.

To be precise, it was looking at the frozen Dragon Scales in Angel’s hands.

For a time, they were speechless.

This quiet gaze is only a few seconds, but Angel feels as if it has passed 1000 100 years. Swallowing and spitting, Angel is almost certain that the abyss fire dragon in front of him should be Odekras.

In Fafner’s mouth, it was her kin, and also her respected Senior.

But in the reputation of the Magus world, the Abyssal Dragon in the Ice Valley is a weird temper and chaotic existence.

Angel could feel that Odekras was looking at the frozen Dragon Scales in his hands with a full of emotion in his eyes, with nostalgic, emotional and rich thoughts in his eyes.

With so much information being transmitted through the vertical pupil, it can be seen that Odekras cares about the white Dragon Scales beyond imagination.

Who is this white Dragon Scales?

I don’t know how long it took. When the flames on Odekras had evaporated a smoke from the sky, a spirit of the Great Hall of Lord’s Spirit came to Angel’s mind.

“Why do you hold Bina Jones’ scales?”

“Dear Odkras Lord, I don’t know who this Dragon Scales belongs to. This is what Favner Lord has brought me to you?” Angel respectfully said.

“Favner.” Odkras suddenly coldly snorted, and there seemed to be glittering glittering in the scarlet vertical pupil.

Angel saw it, and suddenly began to tremble. The reason why Fafner does n’t come over in person is because she has hatred with Odkras?

A flame hummed from Odkras’s nose, enveloping himself with Angel.

Among the flames, perhaps the protection of the frozen Dragon Scales, Angel not at all felt hot. The flames encircled the angels, and like a flaming meteor, it hit the distant valley of unmelted ice at an unimaginable speed.

Angel was in a trance, and the flames around him slowly disappeared.

He found that he had appeared in an ice crystal palace. The style of this palace is quite like Demon repairing Dao Academy, but it was built by 10000 years of unmelted ice, and it seems to lack Demon’s gloomy and bloody style. , A little more magical sense of publicity.

The palace is large, but there is almost no decoration inside.

The only decoration in his up ahead is a gorgeous mural.

Angel’s content on the mural is not clear, because Odekras’s huge dragon body is in front of the mural.

It is also strange to say that Odekras is obviously an abyss flame dragon, but in the palace built by 10000 years of ice, there is no discomfort at all, and the flame on its body does not burn the surrounding ice.

Odekras stared at the mural affectionately for a while before turning his terrifying head to Angel:

“Give Bina Jones’ Dragon Scales to me.”

Before clarifying the character of Odekras, Angel naturally dared not have any rebellion or neglect, but cherished the most but without the slightest hesitation, handed Dragon Scales to Odekras.

Angel’s cherished attitude towards Dragon Scales clearly pleased Odekras. Before, he felt that there was some seeming pressure on his body, but now he feels a little lighter.

From this detail, it can also be seen that Odekras may have a great relationship with the “Bina Jones” in his mouth.

Maybe it’s a partnership.

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