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After Fafner returned, Angel was naturally not good to continue the meditation.

After his eyes were opened, he discovered that Fafner was looking at the stone wall on the other side with his inquiry. There, it was the place where Angel left the phantom text before.

Generally speaking, no one can disentangle the message except for the people of the Phantom Island lineage. But this is just a formal way of saying that when the strength is higher than Angel, a large amount of Fafner looks at it. There is no need to unlock the Illusion technique to read the hidden information.

Because Angel knew that Fafner would definitely see the message he left, he only left a simple sentence, and said nothing else, just to avoid trouble.

After Fafner read out the row of information, he didn’t at any movement, but sneered a few words in his heart.

The aroma of the barbecue came out of the fire.

Fafner was very heroic and picked up the huge meat leg to nibble. She ate very fragrant. She didn’t know what kind of meat. The oil dropped, and the hooked Angel’s stomach also got greedy.

Angel swallowed secretly and quickly lowered her head. He didn’t dare to grab a deep abyssal dragon, pretending not to see it was the best.

However, the more you don’t look at it, the more you will miss it.

The thinking in my mind revolves around food.

This meaty leg is definitely a precious ingredient. If you roast and eat it alone, you will have a savory aroma. If you let Greia cook, I don’t know how delicious it will be.

In order not to let himself continue to think down and reveal his ugliness, Angel forced to transform his thinking into a rational brain. Since the thinking “vortex” of vortex cannot be avoided, what kind of creature does this ingredient come from?

Angel thought about it and suddenly remembered something about food.

He remembers that when Fafner said “danger” before, he once said: “Everything in the world is dangerous, the journey will encounter Demon, the rest will encounter disaster, and the diet will swallow doom …”

Angel not at all thought this sentence at the time, but now it’s reminiscent, but found a trace of deep meaning.

In itself, this sentence was used by Favner to ridicule Angel, which is equivalent to saying, in other words to him. Then the subject of her comparative sentence, is most likely referring to himself?

He did meet Demon during his journey, and he also suffered disasters when he rested, but his diet swallowed bad luck … Angel came to the abyss and hardly ever ate anything, at most drink some Fruit Tree liquid and eat some magical meat .

The “meaning of something” in this sentence was not him.

Angel put his eyes on the sleeping Toby, is it Toby?

Toby actually ate a lot of abyss food. For example, when Angel went to Toby’s dream before, he saw Toby eating “crab meat” more than once. According to the appearance of those crab meats, it can be seen that it is actually a ghost. The Olof tentacle crabs in the shadow cave.

“Swallow doom … Olof tentacle crab …” Angel thought of Favner, suddenly seemed to understand something.

Wouldn’t Olof’s tentacle crab be contaminated by the doom patrol and then eaten by Toby? !

When Fafner finished nibbling, Angel cautiously asked about it.

Perhaps Fafner was full, with a somewhat lazily expression, not at all refused to answer Angel 鈥檚 question, nodded and said: “Yes, now the doom patrol is on the bottom of the lonely dead sea, where the crabs are contaminated by doom.”

After being confirmed by Fafner, Angel suddenly realized that it seems that the underground river channel of Youying Cave is connected to the lonely dead sea? !

When Toby went to the underground river, he encountered the Olof tentacle crab that had escaped from the lonely dead sea, and then ate it, and he was contaminated by doom!

This is probably the truth about Toby’s doom.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is a very scary thing.

Olof tentacle crab contaminated doom, and then escaped the lonely dead sea, because it was also affected by doom, so it encountered a strong enemy-Toby, Toby ate it, and then Toby carried it Doom.

Think of it this way, this doom is like an infectious virus that is difficult to limit!

Moreover, the virus is so deeply hidden that it will not be discovered by anyone at all, and people who eat it will contaminate doom unknowingly.

Even more striking detail is that Sanders had told him before that Olof tentacle crab is a very Treasure Grade gourmet ingredient, discovered and named by a gourmet Magus named Olof.

Therefore, as long as Magus found the Olof tentacle crab, he would definitely treat it as a table food. If someone eats it, doom will inevitably be spread.

Of course, if the Olof tentacle crab is not found, then it does n鈥檛 matter.

But Angel clearly remembered that just a few days ago, when he escaped from the Shadow Cave, there were 3 Magus-level monsters behind him, namely giant snake, troll … and Olof tentacle crab!

The giant snake was obtained by Sanders, and the troll and the Olof tentacle crab were the members of the Frost Moon Guard with the other Magus in the fortress to hunt together.

The hunted Olof tentacle crab, Angel is almost 100% sure, escaped from the lonely dead sea. Also in other words, that is also a monster contaminated by doom!

Angel couldn’t imagine the end of the Olof’s tentacle crab.

If someone is taken to the sky island, someone will eat it, it will definitely inflict a devastating blow on the sky island!

Because of this kind of disaster curse, there is no trace, even the existence of the level of Sanders is difficult to distinguish.

If the sky island was attacked because of bad luck, they might not even find the reason. If we don’t find anyone who is contaminated by bad luck in the long run, it will definitely be a matter of extreme fear.

Angel didn’t dare to think down. The more he thought, the more the disaster on the front of the abyss might be difficult to calm down. The terrifying degree of this disaster is almost unimaginable. The doom patrol is really a big trouble. Legend has it that the Lord Demon dare not provoke it, and now I want to come, and the rumors are not false.

He can only pray now that those who have eaten Olof’s tentacle crabs don’t want too much.

In Angel’s heart, this is really just a good wish. Because when hunting Olof’s tentacle crabs, most of the Magus shot, according to the rules set by Frost Moon, every to act Magus will get corresponding feedback. It means that there are definitely more than one of the “disaster bombs” in the Magus that currently watch the fortress …

After thinking about it, Angel decided to leave this message.

He came to the previous stone wall and re-engraved the next line.

This time, this message not at all sets the Illusion technique to hide. He hoped someone could see it and pass it to Magus on Sky Island.

Angel does not care about the fate of other people. He did this because His Excellency Kant is his respected Senior and he remains on the sky island. In the future, maybe Madeleine will also go to Sky Island.

Their presence made Angel decide to leave this message.

However, in the end, no one can see that Angel can’t control it.

For Angel’s new message, Fafner just coldly snorted: “The hypocrisy of human beings can be seen.”

Angel has this indifferent expression, and he can only help, anyway.

“It’s almost time, it’s time to go.” Fafner said at this point, it turned into a terrifying abyssal dragon without warning.

Fluttering with huge wings, circling in the air, sharp claws deep, holding Angel’s back collar, and then rolled up a hurricane and rushed into the hazy sky-

In the deep pit of the murmur of wind, only a pile of remnants of fire and the faintly glowing text on the mountain wall were left.


Savage caves, towers in the clouds.

When Sanders came, Rhein was already waiting for him.

The large room was covered with large and small Crystal Balls. Rhine was sitting in front of a Crystal Ball embedded in the floor and smiled to Sanders nodded.

Rhein motioned Sanders to sit opposite him.

Sanders did not at all promise immediately, but stared at the corner of the floor.

Unlike the dry surroundings, it is obviously damper, and if you look carefully, you can still hear a surging wave.

“The Lord Poseidon has been here before?” Sanders seemed to be asking, but his words were very determined.

With the power of Rheinland, it is not too easy to eliminate these traces. Since it has not been eliminated, it is obviously intentionally left to him.

“Plane fusion suddenly failed at the last step, which naturally led to speculation. For these days, Fronza sent clone to come and exchange information with me.” Rhein said at this moment, he paused: “But today He came over and mentioned you. “

“Mention me?” Sanders said indifferently. “Is it because the failure of the plane fusion is related to me?”

“The timing of your return is quite coincidental. It is true that some Apprentice is spreading these rumors, but the real situation is not what Apprentice can know.” Rhine said indifferently said that these rumors are only pretentious only by Apprentice.

It really needs to be more real, not to mention Sanders, even if it reaches the Legend 3 Magus, it will not affect the integration of the plane.

“It seems that Your Excellency Rhein also pays attention to Apprentice’s remarks.” Sanders laughed.

The reason why even Rhein heard these rumors is that the scope of the rumors is too wide, and the time when Sanders appeared is indeed coincident. Of course, the 4 most rumours were caused because the last time in Devil Sea Territory, and also after Sanders left, the plane fusion failed. This time, Sanders had just returned, and the plane fusion just failed.

Even if Official Magus knows that it has nothing to do with Sanders, but they can’t help but think: Sanders is estimated to be a musty star, where he went, where plane fusion failed.

Just as Sanders made fun of Rheinland, in fact, Sanders himself felt quite coincidental, otherwise he would not be able to say this as soon as he came.

If Sanders is not the party, it is estimated that he will not be as obvious as other Magus, but he will definitely defame in his heart.

“Don’t mention these rumors, you really can’t guess why Fran莽a mentioned you?” Rhein asked.

Sanders thought for a moment: “Is it because of Angel?”

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