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In particular, Fafner ’s sentence “Originally has a lot of relationships, but later never met because of trivial things”, said that it is irrelevant, but Angel always feels that there must be a big mess in it, otherwise it is impossible for him to be a messenger people.

Even though Angel was a little curious, she didn’t dare to inquire, so she could only ask, “Who is Odekras, and where is it now?”

Fafner sneered: “Humble man, who gave you the courage to dare to call Odekras’ name?”

A terrifying hurricane hurled Angel to the altitude of several dozen meters.

Angel was startled without any preparation. Fortunately, Fafner not at all follow-up actions, he adjusted the weightless figure in the air, and then started flying in the dark night, and slowly fell.

Without waiting for Fafner to speak, Angel hurriedly said: “I’m wrong, I want to say Lord Alderclad Lord!”

Fafner was nodded satisfied, and then she said a location.

—— “He has always lived in the Unglacial Valley.”

When Angel heard the name, there was a loud noise in his mind, and he didn’t expect the abyss dragon kin who had always said in Fafner’s mouth, actually the one in Binggu!

In order to avoid Demon’s pursuit, Sinaif fled to the ice valley, where he was contaminated with the frost curse of terrifying, so his strength was less than ten.

Later, he learned from Madeleine that the curse in the ice valley was actually made by an abyssal dragon living inside. This abyssal dragon has a strange temper, but it is powerful and has survived for more than 1000 years. In the face of it, Lord Monkey needs to use honorific title.

He was going to talk to such an ancient and powerful existence?

Angel shuddered and said: “I heard that people who go to the ice valley will be cursed by chaos …”

Angel had n’t spoken yet, and Fafner said coldly: “In terms of your strength, the elemental technique may not even be able to set off a hurricane? The curse wo n’t affect you at all, and as long as you please Odekras If he does, he will help you. “

To please Odekras?

There was a chill in Angel’s back, and he suddenly remembered one thing he had overlooked: it was one thing to find Odekras. The other party refused to agree to help Toby lift the doom. It was another thing!

Earlier he had always thought that he would talk to Fafner, and Odkras might be looking at Fafner for helping Toby. But now listening to Fafner’s tone, is he going to brush the favor of Odkras?

As Fafner has always said in his mouth: how can he humble a humble human being, please aloof and remote abyssal dragon?

Angel suddenly began to drum.

Maybe it ’s Angel ’s inner thoughts. Favner said indifferently: “Odkras and Old Guy had a relationship before, maybe it ’s for its sake, leave a way out for you. Otherwise, you think Why am I looking for you to talk about human beings without knowing it? “

Fafner pointed to Toby sleeping in Angel’s chest.

When Angel heard this, she was more palpitated. Fafner always seems to think that Toby is a chess piece made by an Old Guy, but she doesn’t know that Toby is actually a living food made by Greia through the ‘Old Guy’ 5 dirty.

Even if Toby ’s predecessor really had a relationship with Naodkras, but if the other party found the truth, let alone a good impression, he would have been very nice if he did n’t turn gray on the spot.

Although Toby thought about it in his heart, he dared not say it.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Fafner didn’t kill him because of Toby’s existence. If this secret is revealed, it is estimated that it is not necessary to see Odekras, Fafner will put him on the spot.

“Ice Valley is at the outermost level of the abyss. According to the current disaster affected by Toby, I doubt whether I can successfully reach the ice valley.” Angel tried to make his final struggle.

Fafner indifferently said: “I will send you over, you just need to help me pass the word.”

Since Fafner will send him over, it seems that he can’t escape, but now his situation is very difficult, advancing and retreating. If you violate Fafner, it is estimated that you will die on the spot; but when you go to Ice Valley to find Odekras, you may not have a positive variable.

In other words, in fact, he encountered Fafner, and Fafner asked him to see Odekras, or was he affected by Toby’s “disaster curse”?

If this is the case, then his probability of survival is infinitely close to zero.

Angel felt miserable at heart, but he had to do it.

Packing his thoughts, Angel asked, “I don’t know what Lord wants me to say?”

Fafner was silent, and said after a while: “You will be understood at that time.”

After about 2% of this, one man one dragon temporarily reached a temporary regional peace. Fafner has set a time to go to Ice Valley, and will depart about ten hours later, at about noon tomorrow.

During this period of rest, Fafner not at all recovers the dragon body, but still exists in a human form.

Angel wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get some consultations about Odekras from Fafner. But after telling Angel the time to leave, Fafner turned and left the pit.

Although Fafner did not know where to go, Angel did not dare to leave at will.

After knowing that Toby was suffering from a disaster, if he left at will, the Demon in the dull mountain range alone would be enough for him to drink a pot. Under the balance, it would be safer to speak in a trough.


In the deep hole, the sky was dim.

Only the fire was burning, supplying the light of this black place.

Angel sat quietly by the fire alone, thinking in his mind. How can Odekras help him, how can he survive safely, and how can he leave the abyss?

It seems that none of my problems can be solved. The only thing you can do is take one step at a time.

In the swaying fire, Angel seemed to see the situation when he was still watching the fortress not long ago, and the fireplace in Sanders’s study was burning like this every day.

However, although the firelights are similar, they are not the same. And, besides the firelight, Sanders’ presence is also lacking.

When thinking of Sanders, Angel actually felt a little guilty. Before Sanders continuously used the fragment Mayfly to open the cross-border channel, there were problems. Now think about it, it is estimated that it is affected by Toby.

How is Sanders doing today? It is hard to say whether the trapped mezzanine was exiled by Space or escaped smoothly.

But what can be confirmed is that Sanders did not return from the cross-border channel, which means that his condition is definitely not very good.

Angel sighed, take a crystal clear and near-transparent from the bracelet, like a gem-like blood bead.

The blood beads exude a strong energy breath, which is the blood of Sanders.

If Sanders dies, his blood will certainly have a certain impact, and now it seems that the essence of blood has little effect.

Estimated that Sanders is still alive?

Thinking of this possibility, Angel felt a little relieved. Since Sanders is still alive, according to Angel’s speculation, he might come back to find himself.

Thinking about this, Angel decided to leave some clues here.

He came to a stone wall and left a row of messages in phantom text: I went to Binggu.

Although he didn’t leave his own name, but this special nightmare power can only be used by the phantom island lineage. If Sanders sees this line, he must understand that he left it.

It’s just that when he can see it and whether he can see it, it’s another story.

After leaving the message, Angel returned to the edge of the fire and sunk his mind into the thinking space under the fire.

Speaking of which, he spent at least a few years in that bizarre world, and he has been learning to build a door model for a long time. But since he returned to reality, he has never had time to pay attention to the model of the door in the thinking Space.

Now that the eyes are again placed in the Thinking Space, Angel quickly locates the model of the half-built door through the 10000 image axis.

“The model of the door is not fictitious. It seems that the learning journey of the odd Different World is true.” Angel subconsciously bowed his head, looking towards the outer eye of the lining, as the outer eye of today has been completely Quiet, no more glittering, it looks like ordinary glass beads.

But after the strange journey before, it is obviously inappropriate to hang the word “ordinary” in the prefix of the Eye of Heaven.

Moreover, Angel ’s benefits from that singular journey are very rich. The tricks constructed by the door model contain special energy, so the specific effect is still unknown. However, according to the derivation of the existing information, the function of this door model has been very nice.

It seems that the benefit is still very high.

However, to open the eye of heaven and earth, every time you need the special energy of the plane fusion, it is a bit extravagant. You should know that it is not uncommon for planes to merge in 1000 to 100 years.

Moreover, for the first time there was a change in the Eye of the Extraterrestrial, the fusion of the Devil Sea Territory’s plane was failed.

This time through the cross-border channel, the Eye of Heaven and Earth absorbed the special energy of the plane fusion on the Pamiji Plateau. I don’t know, have any errors in the plane fusion?

If this time the plane fusion also fails, Angel is afraid to use it easily. One or two times failed, it can be inferred that it was a coincidence, but then the fallacy of 3, even if it does not cause World’s Will to be investigated, but predicts that Magus’s exploration will definitely can’t escape.

Thinking of this, Angel was deeply sighed, and I hope that this plane fusion will not be a good thing.

Angel wanted to continue the model of the door, but now that the magic source is empty, he can only temporarily leave the Thinking Space to prepare for meditation to supplement the magic.

About ten hours later, Angel’s magic source only added a small half. At this time, Fafner’s tall silhouette appeared on the edge of the deep pit.

She carried a huge meaty leg on her back, her skin still glued to her, and the scarlet blood ticked down. It seemed that she should have just been killed shortly.

As soon as Fafner landed, he put the bloody legs on the fire.

She has been asleep for hundreds of years because of the wounds, so she rarely wakes up and will not treat her hungry stomach naturally. Before I left, I went to hunt for food, but there were not many foods that met her taste. I ran into this one after hunting for one night.

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