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The terrifying giant faucet is less than 2 meters away from Angel.

Even if the other party not at all releases any coercion, but such close contact, the accidentally consciousness of the release around her body makes Angel unable to move, and can only watch Toby with his eyes closed, and the other party is rolled into the air.

“No … don’t move it.” Angel tried his best to hold back the tumbling blood and the feeling of horror, word by word.

The Abyss Fenglong didn’t pay any attention to Angel, but just looked at Toby carefully with his bronze bell-like eyes.

The emotions in its eyes are very complicated, both doubtful and nostalgic, but more disgusting.

“Sure enough, it has its breath.” Spirit thought into Angel’s mind, “It’s not like its descendants, but it’s a bit like putting all of its emotions in one pocket? Is it an acquired transformation and transplant?”

The abyss Fenglong’s doubts made Angel stunned.

At first, he didn’t know what the other party meant by “its breath”, but combined with his later words, such as “sentiment into one place”, Angel roughly understood.

Toby is actually a “living food” created by Greia through the technique of creation, but a little special is that the sauce for Toby is made by the 5 dirty bodies of a Legend monster she accidentally obtained. .

Originally Angel not at all thought and accidentally explored Toby’s “predecessor”, but since he had been in the abyss, he found that Toby seemed not at all to be negatively affected by the abyss environment, even compared to the Magus world. More like a fish back in water, Angel guessed at that time, would Toby’s predecessor, the Legend monster, actually come from the abyss? Otherwise, it is impossible to answer Toby ’s unimpeded movement in the abyss.

Previously it was just speculation, and now in this abyss Feng Longkou, Angel has been confirmed.

Sure enough, Toby’s predecessor came from the abyss, and it seems that the abyss Fenglong also recognized it.

“No, it’s not an acquired transformation. Its birth looks natural, but it seems that not at all has been interfered by external forces.” Abyss Fenglong muttered to himself, denying the previous speculation.

Long time unavailable, the abyss Fenglong itself is not a person who likes to think frequently: “Forget it, the Old Guy is extremely cunning. It is estimated that it is the backhand and layout it left, or it is not mixed.”

Toby, who was rolled into the air by the soft wind, fell down again.

Angel saw it, forcibly supported the oppressed fleshy body, stepped forward to catch Toby, and then embraced him.

The abyss Fenglong’s eyes are curious and inquiring, “Do you know who the humble man is?”

“It’s … Toby.” Angel gasped.

“Is it called Toby now? It’s a faintly insignificant name.” Abyss Fenglong’s tone was sneered: “Human, do you know its real name?”

“It’s Toby, there is no real name.”

Angel’s answer surprised the Abyss Fenglong, but it didn’t express any more stances on this issue. Instead, the words changed sharply: “You are a human being and you intend to continue to carry it?”

Angel didn’t speak, just hugged Toby and showed his choice with his own actions.

The abyss Fenglong stretched out his terrifying wings, his head lifted from the deep pit, looked towards an unknown distance.

The terrifying breath that had been pressing on Angel disappeared before, glancing around, Angel found that there was still disgust in the eyes of the abyss wind dragon, but the materialization of Evil Thought disappeared.

The killing intent also seems to be gone?

Angel was puzzled and didn’t know what happened.

Abyss Fenglong’s eyes at this time seem to penetrate countless time and space, looked towards a lonely, dark and floating dead sea, on the bottom of the dead sea, there is a silhouette of a kneeling ……

It took a while for it to come back to his senses.

“Sure enough, I was awakened by anger and came after killing thoughts because it was naughty.”

The Spirit of the Abyss Wind Dragon carries Wrath, but hidden under Wrath, it is a disgust and undetectable taboo.

While Angel was wondering, the head of the Abyss Pterosaur turned to Angel again.

“Human, are you sure you want to take it with you?”

This is the second time the Abyss Fenglong asked the same thing. Angel’s answer was nodded slowly and solemnly.

The abyss wind dragon gave Angel a deep look: “Even if the entire dark mountain range Demon is attracted by it, humans, do you plan to take it with you?”

The Demon of the entire gloomy mountain range, is it from Toby? There was doubt in Angel’s eyes.

Toby’s predecessor is so powerful?

The Abyss Fenglong seems to have seen through Angel’s thoughts: “It has nothing to do with its identity, it seems that you don’t know yet, it has the doom patrol breath?”

Doom’s breath? ! Angel froze, he did not doubt the abyss Fenglong’s remarks, because the other party had no reason to deceive him.

If you follow this logic, everything seems to make sense. Why did he start to rescue Toby and all kinds of bad luck happened along the way. After being hunted down by giant snake, encountering trolls, Olof tentacle crabs, leaving from the watch fortress, and encountering countless sneak attacks, maybe even 2 cross-border channels have accidents, all because of Toby ’s Doom affected.

Even, Sanders may be lost and exiled in the cross-border channel, all caused by Toby?

“Humble and ignorant human beings, even so, you still have to carry it?”

When Angel was in a trance, the terrifying idea of ​​the Abyss Fenglong broke into his mind again.

Angel looked towards Toby in his hand, without hesitation, and put it in his arms.

His movements have already shown his attitude. Toby has rescued him from death countless times. The relationship between them has long been alive and dead, and Angel cannot give up Toby, and will never give up.

“In that case, then you can do it yourself.” The abyss wind dragon did not call Angel a humble human at this time, but just glanced at him with unpredictable eyes, and then flapped his wings, ready to leave here.

It was not intended to kill Angel.

In other words, at its level, Angel is completely regarded as a ant. Just like a human being, will an unfathomable mystery step on when he sees an anthill by the road?

The same is true of the Abyss Wind Dragon.

The reason why I held Angelus before was that I was influenced by anger.

Kill Angel from not at all at first, knowing that it had doubts at first.

It does not inflate a ant arbitrarily, it does not kill Angel, it only restricts Angel’s movement, but it is looking for the reason to make it move.

Of course, the misfortune of this can be considered Angel has reached peak, but it’s a misfortune.

Because the strength of the Abyss Fenglong is too strong, one step further is Legend. Its strength is enough to detect the abnormality of its emotions, so it is willing to find the reason.

If you change to something like the one that Dong La encountered before and fell to Throne’s Mangimoni, you won’t find anything strange, and will absolutely follow your inner desires and kill the existence that makes it feel disgusting.

The abyss wind dragon understood the doom’s breath is its impulsive factor, it will be clear.

After learning the truth, it can still deal with Angel’s life and death at will, but Angel’s choice makes him give up the decision to kill.

It doesn’t matter whether you kill an ant or not. But that Old Guy chose the ants, maybe there is a reason for it.

The Abyss Fenglong did not know that Toby was actually born at the dinner table, but the fear that was once Dominate by the Old Guy was deeply engraved in its heart, so it was convinced that Toby was the Old Guy’s chess piece.

Therefore, it chooses to let it go, and does not blend.


Angel thought he was in a mortal situation, and even secretly thinking about lifting the table. But didn’t expect that in the end the abyss wind dragon gave up his plan to kill him.

Angel thought for a moment, and there was a guess in her heart.

The abyss wind dragon appears here, it is estimated that it is also affected by “doom”. Unfathomable mystery is controlled by emotions, better known as “Fate Guidance”. When he discovers that the truth is actually controlled by the doom of the doom patrol, he will definitely feel rebellious.

Of course, this is just Angel’s guess.

In any case, it is lucky to be able to survive.


Angel looked towards the sound Toby sleeping in his pocket, it didn’t have any slight tension, and it looked quite comfortable.

Angel doesn’t know how Toby got into the doom patrol’s breath, maybe something went wrong in the Shadow Cave, or Toby secretly ran into the critical forest? But the facts are already in sight, and even tracing the source can’t change the status quo.

What Angel is facing now is how to survive with Toby after being contaminated by doom? This is what he is most concerned about now.

His strength is relatively weak for the overall level of the abyss. Not to mention those demons in the gloomy mountain range, Angel can’t deal with a demon half-blood alone, so even if the abyss wind dragon didn’t kill him, but when he meets the next monster, he will surely become the target of hunting. .

Demon inherently rejects human beings. When they meet Angel, they don’t think about why they want to kill, but do it directly.

All these thoughts just flowed in an instant, but in the end, Angel still did not reach a more appropriate conclusion.

How should he live in the abyss?

Now no one can answer him, Sanders is alive and dead, and only Toby, who is sleeping next to him, and … an abyss wind dragon about to fly.

Angel’s thoughts moved.

“Dear Wind Dragon, Toby’s doom, is there a way to relieve it?”

Angel has anxiety in his heart. He didn’t want to be related to the super giant like the abyss Fenglong, but now he really has no other way.

If he doesn’t ask, he will stay here alone, and he will die in the end.

Simply ask, maybe there is still a chance to survive.

Angel’s sound made the abyss wind dragon slowly lower its head: “Humble human, what are you qualified to ask me?”

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