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“Shouldn’t it be discovered?” Angel was inexplicably worried.

Judging from the frequency of vibration, this is definitely a big guy.

Each shaking will raise a lot of dust, making the air in the underground karst cave extremely muddy. Not only that, as it got closer and closer, the gravel on the top of the head was like rain, and the underground karst cave even collapsed.

Angel has now almost confirmed that the big guy is definitely directed at himself.

“Why is this time!”

Now he within the body Demon Source has almost bottomed out, and when facing foreign enemies, he is definitely in a disadvantageous situation. Even more how, although he can’t be sure of the level of the guy outside, he would never be too low.

It may even be stronger than the giant snake I encountered in the Shadow Cave before!

Since Angel came to the abyss, the moment when he encountered the most bad luck is probably now. He said that when he was in the abyss, he was naturally weaker than the original creature of the abyss. He said that the geographical position was in a closed underground karst cave, and there was no way to escape. Besides, people and Sanders are not there. Being in a state of exhaustion … It can be said that the right people and people are not on Angel’s side.

In such a passive situation, is there any way to break the situation?

Angel suppresses the panic that has gradually increased in her heart, forcing herself to calm down and whispering in her mouth: “There is a way … there must be a way …”

As his thoughts turned quickly, Angel recounted all the trump cards that he could open.

Then he found that if he faced a monster stronger than him, he could hardly do anything.

If the “door model” in the thinking Space can be formed, in the Space state where the language is low and stable, maybe it can be transferred. However, his door model is only half built.

After thinking for a long time, Angel felt that his only chance was to escape by the veins of gravity.

At this time, the vibration suddenly stopped.

Angel can feel that the big guy is definitely outside the underground karst cave. At the same time, a cold glance was hovering around him. Whenever Angel has a movement, he will be locked by this line of sight, and the pressure of terrifying will come, unable to move.

On the contrary, he stood still obediently, and would release his coercion to the convenience.

When the opponent let go of the pressure, Angel fell directly to his knees, spit a mouthful of blood.

Such coercion, he had never seen before! Even when facing Isabel, he had never been under such terrifying pressure. And Angel is very clear that the other party simply did not use all his strength. Instead, he was treated like a toy.

The strength of the guy outside might not be inferior to Sanders!

Thinking of this, Angel’s heart was half cold.

Under such circumstances, even if relying on the veins of gravity, it is difficult to find an opportunity to escape.

Is there really no chance? Angel asked herself repeatedly, but the answer seemed to be yes.


The huge gravel overhead suddenly dropped from the sky, fiercely hit the already scarred ground, the underground karst cave, which was more than ten meters deep, broke a hole, and the gloomy glimmer of the outside light shone down from the hole.

Angel looked up. At least, he wanted to see what the monster was outside.

But the first thing he saw was not the outside scene, nor the so-called terrifying monster, but the gravel and dust lifted by the strong wind. At first it was just a vortex, but it quickly became a terrifying tornado.

Originally the underground karst cave just broke a small hole. But in this terrifying tornado wind that could destroy everything, the boulders overhead fell one after another.

However, in just a few minutes, the underground karst cave already not in, here became a tiankeng.

Angel is now at the bottom of the Tiankeng.

His condition at this time is not good. In the face of the tornado wind and a large number of falling stones, when the devil’s source is almost exhausted, his only option is to find out the soul and rely on the veins of gravity to protect himself.

Although he survived successfully, his final trump card was also exposed.

He had originally thought that, while the other party did not understand his details, he was looking for an opportunity to escape with gravity. But now, the matter of gravity has definitely been brought into the line of sight of the other party, and he has found it difficult to escape.

The wind stopped and the dust fell.

As soon as you look up from the bottom of the tiankeng, you can see the hazy sky.

On the side of the tiankeng, Angel heard the rustling sound. He looked up, but saw a huge claw covered with scales, which was attached to the pit.

At the same time, a terrifying head that scared Angel came out slowly.

This scene reminds Angel of the disaster illusion of Demon God that Sanders showed him. One of them is a country with a 100 meters high wall, thinking that it can defend against foreign enemies by the wall, but it is didn’t expect, a whole body. The lava-covered troll head slowly emerged from the high wall where everyone coveted hope. With bloodthirst terrifying eyes, looked towards the humans inside the wall.

The kind of oppression that only exists in the illusion is very similar to today’s situation.

However, the head exposed outside the pit was not a troll; it was more terrifying than a troll—

Deep, deep, dragon!

Angel can’t admit mistakes, the crocodile’s head, the sharp sharp horn, and the barbed scales all over the body fit perfectly with the legendary unspeakable existence!

Before he came to the abyss, he read a book that introduced the abyss monsters, which marked the existence of “absolutely not to provoke”, there is an abyss dragon!

For the Big Demon, the book only shows: try to avoid rivals.

But the Abyssal Dragon directly stated that it should not provoke, and once provoke, there is no way out. Even the most powerful Monarch of South Territory, when faced with an abyssal dragon, must be cautiously, not to mention others.

With the abyss dragon body in front of him, the Wind Element energy is so rich that it can almost be seen with naked eye, we can know that this is an abyss wind dragon!

Just yesterday, Angel also heard from Sanders a legend about the tragedy of wind.

The reason why it is prefixed with “wind language” here is because the Wind Element element is also active here, which causes hu hu wind to be heard from time to time, just like God of Wind is only whispering.

At the time, Sanders joked: “It’s a little weird that such an active Wind Element did not have the Elemental Life of Wind Element. Is it said that there is a powerful Wind Element monster sleeping here?”

didn’t expect was a word.

Here is not a Sleeping Wind Element monster, but a powerful abyss wind dragon that is almost completely irresistible.

Perhaps, the active Wind Element in the Fengyu Valley is actually caused by this Fenglong.

Faced with such an opponent, Angel was completely desperate.

The strength of the abyssal dragon is at least true knowledge level. An adult abyssal dragon is almost always the pinnacle of level 3 true knowledge, even breakthrough legend.

Angel doesn’t know what stage the Abyssal Dragon is in front of him, but in any case, it should be difficult for him to escape.

Especially … the scarlet eyes of this abyss wind dragon, while watching him, were extremely malicious.

Faced with the Evil Thought of materialization, Angel has no possibility, no chance, escape alive.

When you learn that you have nothing to do to change the situation, you will eventually sink into the abyss of despair. What will you do? Angel’s choice Angel didn’t know, but now, although his expression looks calm, his eyes slowly become dull, and he is almost crazy.

Successive blows, continuous doom, and Angel’s inner accumulation are gradually fermenting, and today’s despair and fear have become the Catalyst of this chemical action.

Madness became Angel’s only thought.

Once, Angel engaged in an event on the twilight big shot, which led to the subsequent change of Yongye Kingdom.

Today, Angel without a trump card and no hope of survival, wants to set the table again!

Even if you die here, that’s all.

However, when Angel ’s mad demon thought passed into soul ’s wound, the abyss wind dragon suddenly opened terrifying wings to cover the sky, one after another was a trivial wind blade that was insignificant to it, but for Angel it was a desperate knife The attack, like a knife rain, fell into the sinkhole …

When the violent Wind Element energy enveloped Angel, Angel suddenly felt his thoughts were silent.

Rumor has it that everything will become deserted and calm before death.

Even time gradually becomes still, and this is the last piece of music before death-the silent chapter.

The walking lights of life will slowly emerge in this silent movement of death.

Until the last light goes out.

Angel’s pupils, from zooming in to zooming out, slowly returned to normal.

He thought he would die, but not at all.

All the Wind Element energy is still in front of him. It was not the silent movement before his death, nor the dislocation of time and space at this moment, but … The opposite abyss Fenglong actively stopped the Wind Element energy.

Angel looked up, and the rich malice in Fenglong’s eyes had not dissipated, but there was a little doubt in it.

Angel is still under the cold eyes of Fenglong, unable to move.

But Fenglong suddenly spoke at the moment.

Not a roar, but a Spirit idea directly into Angel’s mind.

“Why do you smell it?”

This idea is full of grandeur and long-distance. Angel’s eyes were confused for a moment, and he felt that his memory box was being forcibly opened.

There was a violent itch in the back, Angel came back to his senses from the trance.

“Huh? Strange Strength.” Spirit thought came again.

Before Angel came back to his senses, she found that after a violent wind, the abyss faucet full of fishy smell came to Angel.

At the same time, Angel’s body slowly rose on Monday.

His clothes were slowly blown away, and Toby, who was sleeping in his chest pocket, was slowly lifted up by the soft wind.

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