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This heavy rain completely washed away the reflection in the sky.

Everyone clearly saw that the desert reflection in the sky slowly dissipated in the torrential rain and turned into an illusory bubble.

“Really gone?”

“This is gone?”

“What about the plunder? Why did it disappear suddenly?”

A Magus who first experienced the fusion of the plane asked silly: “Is this a successful fusion?”

Someone answered him: “… without success.”

Without successful fusion, there is only one answer left: failed fusion!

plane fusion, once again failed!

The heavy rain in the sky, as if World’s Will is mourning. In the previous two stages, World’s Will paid a lot to integrate this New World, but at the last moment, he did the wedding dress of others.

So this heavy rain is more like World’s Will crying.

Other people don’t care about the reason of the rainstorm, all they care about is the reflection in the sky——

“Is the observer’s predictions false? Is it a great chance?” Someone questioned: “Is it a lie ?!”

Similar condemnation, one after another, even someone rushed directly to the Magus of the Crown Star Church to shout.

Coronet ’s prediction Magus glanced at each other and smiled bitterly: “The observer ’s prediction never missed.”

“Who will explain all this in front of you?”

In the face of the emotionally excited Magus, it was predicted that Magus would sit down directly cross-legged, ready to connect with his inner beliefs, and ask all the reasons.

But after a while, the only answer they got was: World’s Will is mourning.

For some reason, the wool was scrounged, and too much strength was lost. Even World’s Will ended in mourning. This heavy rain is because it is crying.

This answer is obviously not convincing, or that people who are in a passionate mood don’t need an answer at all, they just take the opportunity to vent their emotions.

At this time, the two most powerful presences in the entire Pamiji Plateau looked at each other.

“Poseidon” França looked at the rhine who was quiet aura in the distance, and said: “What do you think is going on?”

Rhein shook his head: “Who knows? But, no matter what, Seurat is at least right.”

Shura said: The solidified entrance of the plane fusion is not on the Pamiji Plateau.

Regarding this point, Rhine now understands that it is indeed not in the Pamiji Plateau, because the plane fusion directly fails, and naturally there is no so-called curing entrance.

Speaking of which, Magus in the Barbaric Cave is actually in a much better mood than others. At least in the garden, they benefited a lot, and even if there was no time for plunder, they would not lose.

Moreover, because of Shura ’s prophecy, they learned that the curing entrance was not in the Pamiji Plateau. It was always uncomfortable, and even Magus secretly used this to ridicule them.

But now, don’t ridicule, because there is nothing to solidify the entrance at all.

França naturally understands the meaning of Rhine. At their level, what they pursue is more self-breakthrough. As for the fragmented benefits generated at the moment of plunder, as long as they are not particularly important, they are actually bearish.

Regarding the failure of the plane fusion, whether it is Florence or Rhein, in fact, the most concerned is not the gains and losses.

What França wanted to know the most was: “Did you see anything?”

Rhein understands what França means. In fact, he is also a doubt in his heart: What is the reason for the failure of plane fusion? Is this failure a single event or a collective event? Will it happen in the future?

While in doubt, Rhein suddenly got a sound transmission.

The content of this sound transmission made him hesitate to speak.

In the end, Rhein said the news he just got: “One of my old friends told me that before the rainstorm was about to come, there was energy dissipation in the virtual space Space where the plane merged. It was almost a moment. The power will dissipate, which may be the main reason for this plane fusion. “

“One of your old friends refers to the ‘Void Walker’ Isos?” França looked towards a place where others could not see it, but he faintly felt there was a silhouette there.

He was still guessing who that person was before, and now Rheinland points out the problem of energy collapse in the virtual space, and the identity of the other party is clearly revealed.

Aesop, Mysterious side Space Department of Real Magus, once got the twisted Grand Magus legacy, and is also a good friend of Rhine.

Other people’s rhetoric may not believe, but this Isos, he needs to weigh the weight.

“If the reason is this, what is the source of the energy dissipation?” França continued to discuss with Rhein.

“According to speculation, it may be caused by external forces.”

Rhein is at the end, while Florence, who heard the answer on the other side, pupils shrink slightly.

The so-called external force is most likely the handwriting of intelligent life!

Dare to grab food in front of World’s Will, and succeed in grabbing food, and finally make World’s Will’s “weeping” external force, the strength is not trivial, it is very likely … it is Legend or above, or even higher!

If there is such a great existence hidden behind the scenes, then many things seem to have been explained.

For example, Shura ’s prophecy is not wrong. There is indeed a big chance, but this big chance is not obtained by them, but the existence of unknown.

For another example, why did the prophecy Magus not detect it, because the other party’s level was too high to be spied on by the prophecy, and it would be himself who would be hurt by peeping.

Forsa and Rhein are silent at the same time, if there is such a thing, this matter is not something they can blend in at all.

The rainstorm was getting bigger and bigger, showing no signs of stopping.

Thunder and lightning, like a silver snake, are chopping the earth unscrupulously.

Indeed, World’s Will is also weeping. However, World’s Will is a collection of consciousness. It has no emotions. It just conveys messages in this way. At the same time, it also uses the energy of lightning to repair a large number of Space cracks above the Pamiji Plateau.

In the pouring rain, everyone at this moment sympathized with Heaven and Earth, but sympathized.

This kind of grief may be following World’s Will, or it may be venting the anger in my heart.

Each and everyone Space cracks, stitched like needles and threads in the violent thunder and silver snake. The broken Pamiji Plateau was reintroduced to the right track at this time.

Maybe after the sky clears, everything will disappear. But the resentment left to everyone present was not so easily relieved.

Many people came here within 1000 miles, and even stationed in the vicinity very early. During the stage of the garden, they couldn’t grab the constant debris, that’s all, and even the “carnival feast” of all Magus at the moment of plunder was also deprived.

But this anger has no place to vent, and there is no Target to let them out.

This is a sympathy with Heaven and Earth.

Saying it is sympathetic, more of it is self-pity.

When the Space crack on the Pamiji Plateau each and everyone was repaired, the silver snake lightning in the sky finally extended the tentacles to the edge of the Pamiji Plateau.

This is actually already the territory of Yali Duchy.

The altitude here is nearly kilometer lower than the Pamiji Plateau. In a cold wood forest known as an uninhabited zone, a dark and splendid Space Passage was discovered by the Silver Snake Lightning, and, like the previous repair of other Space cracks , Lightning in order to “sewing”, ready to stitch this inexplicable Space Passage ……


At the same time, in the depths of this dark Space Passage, someone is making a choice.

Sanders did not know whether he was lucky or bad luck.

Relying on his own strength, he did not care about Angel’s palpitations, and he stepped into the cross-border channel.

Halfway through, he found that the danger signs Angel had felt before were really true, because he was lost in this space passage, which was not too long.

Shortly after Sanders entered Space Passage, he felt lost in direction and began to fall into a strange endless loop.

It’s like being stuck in the mud without knowing it, thinking that you’re walking towards the hole, but you just don’t move at all.

This kind of space direction is completely lost in Apprentice, which is more common in Apprentice, but at the level of official Magus, this situation will basically not appear.

With Sanders’s strength, there will be no such confusion, because in his in mind, he does not judge his own way by Space sense of direction, but rely on the position of the sensing beacon as a beacon of his own progress.

But now, he can feel that the position of the signpost is not far away, but he just can’t get there.

Sanders understands that he may be caught in some kind of space-time puzzle.

According to records, the space-time puzzle is a place where the space-time vector is chaotic. Sometimes his index vector is time, and sometimes it is Space.

Thankfully, the indicator vector for this time is Space.

It looks like a short distance, in fact, it is separated by countless time intervals.

In this kind of time-space puzzle, Sanders can’t go back to the trough of whispers, and can’t go to the Pamiji Plateau.

Sanders thought of various methods, but there is no effective way to solve the current problem.

The luminous “exit” not far away can only make him hope for thirst. He seemed to have a mirror in front of him and behind him. He passed through the mirror in front of him, but was twisted by Space to the mirror behind him.

The endless cycle made him completely lost.

There are only two ways to get rid of this cycle of mud: speed beyond the space-time puzzle, or use powerful Strength to break the space-time puzzle.

However, how can such a space-time puzzle created in the cracks of Space be broken so easily?

Even if you are stuck here, it is basically impossible to break the game with your own strength.

At least you must have Legend-level explosive power!

“Yesterday’s cross-border channel collapsed, and today’s cross-border channel has a maze. It is the probability of picking one out of 10000. Am I such a bad luck?” After being lost for most of the day, Sanders couldn’t help but wonder: “Or is, I provoke the disaster of the doom patrol during the period of not paying attention?”

When Sanders began to doubt himself, this time and space puzzle that made him unbreakable had new changes.

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