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A look pale, black hair man wearing a dark green dark-skinned suit frowned tightly: “It seems that the opposite World seems to be a desert. Should the benefits be limited?”

“Not necessarily.” The answer was that he was a white-haired old woman, a golden-brilliant Chinese costume, and the most striking thing was the two earrings worn on her earlobe, which were in the shape of cranberries, and Yin Hong was dull. Blood to drip.

“Even if there are resources in the desert, there should be few?”

“The moment of looting, the reason why it can be called the moment of looting, naturally has his reason.” White hair old woman indifferently said: “World’s Will appears, the other party’s high-end battle strength will be seen at a glance … South Territory has not been seen for 1000 years With the integration of such a vast World, it took a whole week to melt the first two stages alone. It can be seen that the other side of the World is definitely not simple. “

While she was speaking, there was a burst of exclamation and exclamation around her.

The people looked up, but they saw the yellow sand reflected in the sky. In the sky, there was a huge sand worm that was drilling out of the desert, showing a head, looking towards the people of the Pamiji Plateau with a vicious look, and piercing. Into the desert.

“What a huge worm!”, “At least a Magus-level monster!”, “I don’t know if it is poisonous, can it be controlled?”, “What kind of material will it have?”

Everyone is discussed spiritedly.

The white hair old woman also said to the black hair man who was talking to him at the time: “Look, the World on the other side can’t get nothing. The Magus world has been integrated for so long, indicating that the Law on the opposite side is very stable. A solid Law World must have its own Notable place. “

“The sandworm, according to its body characteristics, is in line with the social conditions. And its momentum is also very amazing. It can set off such a manic sandstorm and should reach the Magus level.”

“A group of Magus-class monsters, what is the value, you should understand, Saipan.”

The black hair man called Saipan was silent for a moment: “Mrs. Daini, even if there are Magus-level monsters, we can’t kill in seconds. As long as the fighting time is a little longer, someone will definitely take a slice!”

The black hair man said that at this moment, fiercely looked towards not far away.

The white-haired old woman is the Level 2 Magus Lady from the Gravity Forest. She glanced across the eye with the man ’s eyes, and saw a naked and small jade foot in the magnificent Magus team. Delicate blood-colored umbrellas, women wearing black veils are smiling at them with evil charms.

Even, she stretched to act finger gently, provocative.

“Damn, it’s so arrogant!” Saipan said fiercely evil: “A few days ago in the garden, if Flora and Rhein were blocking us more, we couldn’t get a drop of constant debris! They are provoking us! “

The Magus team opposite is the people of the barbaric cave, and the woman with the umbrella is Flora, who is called the “blood witch”.

Mrs. Denny’s eyes were dull, and she said softly: “Our gravity forest and Phantom Island lineage have already formed hatred. This is also the home of the barbaric cave. They do not let us get constant debris, which is also expected.”

Not long ago, they were still over Sanders in the abyss, so Liang Zi had already been knotted.

“Shall we endure that way?” Saipan was a little excited, and his pale cheeks were faintly red.

Mrs. Dani withdrew her eyes and lowered her eyebrows: “Yes, bear with me.”

Saipan heard the word, and his eyes were full of anger. At that time, Sanders and Flora extorted the ‘Treant’ Poco, only to get constant debris to build a gravity garden, no matter what, they are responsible!

It’s just that Saipan never thought that if they were weak, they would reason. When they are on the strong side, who will reason with others?

Even more how, the Magus world is not a reasonable place.

Seeing Saipan’s heart burn more and more, Mrs. Daini said softly: “You know, our Target is not a savage cave, but the man in the abyss …”

From start to finish, the gravity forest doesn’t dare to really match the barbarian caves, and it’s not good for them to match the barbarian caves. They still think of Sanders and the gravity garden in his hand!

Gravity Forest also has a gravity garden, as long as it can merge with Sanders’ gravity garden … At that time, it will inevitably transition to a higher grade!

“But the man was in the abyss and we failed last time.”

Mrs. Dani glanced at the “Poseidon” França standing on the other side, and whispered a name: “Don’t forget, we still have … Imagan!”

Hearing the name of Imagan, Saipan slowly calmed down, his eyes very complicated.

Imagan is the man of the song of the deep sea, and his strength is very powerful. But rumors about this person, but rarely focus on strength, more is his origins.

According to rumors, Imagan within the body has an outside bloodline, and even he himself is a giant soul container of the outside world.

Therefore, Emagan was stared at by people with extreme sect all year round. However, his strength is strong, and the deep entanglement in the deep sea song series behind him is very difficult to move him.

When the Devil Sea Territory’s plane merged, Sliu and Winter World’s Two Star teacher, “Fly Crow” Yin Dike, blocked them with a silent wall, still in memory.

From that, we can see that the Song of the Deep Sea is absolutely connected with the alien creature.

“We really want to unite with Imagan?” Saipan hesitated. After all, the identity of the other party was extremely suspicious.

Mrs. Denny ’s eyes were dull, the cold wind of the plateau blew her white hair, and a slender sound came into Saipan ’s ears: “The deal with Devil has never stopped through the ages. Magus is a very realistic group People, as long as the interests are high enough, why not cooperate with the Abyss Demon? “

After this, Saipan and Mrs. Dane were silent.

When they talked again, they took the previous topic very tacitly.

“Wait, after the moment of plundering started, we went to the other side of the world and immediately moved away from the crowd and searched for unmanned places. In particular, people who wanted to avoid the savage caves,” said Lady Daini.

Saipan nodded: “I am understood.”

Mrs. Daini said indifferently: “The barbaric cave is also right now. According to the prediction of the last stargazing day, the entrance of the plane fusion completely solidified this time, will definitely not appear on the Pamiji Plateau.”

Such a huge World on the other side, if the solidified entrance is also on the Pamiji Plateau, it can be called the back garden of the Savage Cave.

Even when the Rhine was so actively arranged, it was thought that the Headquarters of the Savage Cave, World in the Mirror, would be transferred to this new subsidiary plane that is about to solidify.

Therefore, the entrance to solidification is not in the Pamiji Plateau, which can be said to be a huge blow to the Savage Cave. Although they didn’t want to fight against the barbaric caves, they would feel comfortable when they saw that the barbaric caves were not good.

“Speaking of the stargazing day, eradication of the ‘innocent reader’ Shura’s prediction, this time the plane fusion will have a great chance, but now it is almost the time of plunder, and the so-called great chance has Was it obtained? “Saipan curiously said.

This time the plane’s fused garden crumbs indeed ejected a lot of constant debris. Although the big heads were all snatched by Rheinland and França, there are still many Magus organizations divided by 4 and 50%.

It is said that it is “great opportunity”, and it seems that it is not a good match.

In the endless road stage, although there are great opportunities, no Magus can get it.

“Does it mean that great opportunity refers to the moment of plunder?” Saipan wondered.

In fact, there are many people who think of this, because although the benefits obtained before are also many, but when it comes to great opportunities, they are still awkward.

Therefore, all the Magus present are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the “predatory moment”!

As the desert reflection in the sky became clearer, all Magus had begun to rub their hands. Once the sky reflection is completely turned into reality, it represents the success of the plane fusion and is also a harbinger of the beginning of the plunder!

At this time, Magus had begun to fly into the air, waiting for the reflection to become the real moment, rushing into the World on the other side.

Another quarter of an hour later, Rhein and França began to arrange the arrangement, and the people from the Magus organization on both sides flocked to the sky.

Mrs. Daini’s expression also became more solemn at this moment, “Prepare, the plane fusion will be over soon!”

Saipan nodded, and the rest of the gravity forest Magus also showed serious expressions.

With time ticking ticking …

one minute, two minutes … 5 minutes … ten minutes …

Even Magus had already waited impatiently and fell back from the sky to the ground.

The plane fusion has never ended, and the so-called “predatory moment” has not been turned on. Instead, it is a reflection in the sky, and it has slowly become illusory.

Everyone is wondering, what’s wrong with this?

Mrs. Daini and Saipan glanced at each other, they always felt how familiar the scene before them was!

At the last moment, the plane fusion of Devil Sea Territory was at the last moment, and there was a problem! Even the original plane fusion failed!

Now, do we have to repeat the same mistakes?

Just as the hearts of them were throbbing, the clear and boundless sky suddenly burst into a deafening bang.

“Thunder?” The people raised their heads. “Why did the thunder suddenly strike?”

Along with the thunder came dark clouds slowly spreading.

“what happened?”

At this point, everyone sees something is wrong, plane fusion is not a rare thing in history, and even some Magus family with some details have relevant records.

However, in nearly 10000 years of records, this has never happened.

When the plane merged, with the presence of World’s Will, it is impossible for thunderclouds to gather, but now it appears … what does it mean?

Could it be that this plane fusion is really the same as the Devil Sea Territory a few years ago.

Will it fail again? !

If it really fails, what is the reason for the failure? Continuous failure, does it mean that the future South Territory Magus world can no longer accommodate the new subsidiary plane?

Everyone is confused, waiting for a result-

Tick, ticking.

Downpours rained down the sky.

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