Seeing that Ye Xuan turned around, the 16 Old Fogy immediately rushed, and quickly screamed to stay…

“Xuanyuan young master, please stay, don’t hurry!”

“right, right, right, have something to say…”

“I am waiting to question the Alchemy rumors of Xuanyuan young master? I just want to remain the little young master and discuss Alchemy Great Dao that’s all with you.”

“Not bad, in my Star Territory, there is a whole set of Alchemy Secret Art from Great Desolate Era. If I am interested, I am willing to take it out for the little young master!”

“This Alchemy Secret Art is full of Manifestation. It is very complicated. If you want to see through the details, I am afraid it will take a lot of time. Xuanyuan young master is better to stay in the Star Territory. I will accompany you to participate and study slowly. how is it?”

“This way… This is a very interesting way for this Alchemy. If so, then let’s lead the way!”

When they talked about this, Ye Xuan didn’t continue to pretend, stopped at the right time, and thought about it in a down-to-earth manner. Finally, with a big hand, he turned and plunged into the side of Demon Dragon.

Seeing that he finally agreed to temporarily remain, the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign of the Emperor Star Territory suddenly sighed in relief, and after switching to a look, even if he swept out and led the way, lead Ye Xuan In front of Void, a huge Life Star.

At this time, Ye Xuan and the seven great Yan Xiu, as well as the elephant fox, have all returned to the Demon Dragon, but they have not entered the space in the compartment, and they are waiting in the vestibule of the smoky curtain. Between, control the driving, turned into a black glow, spurt away.

After a few moments, the entire group enters the atmosphere of this huge Life Star, and the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign leading the way, is in a huge valley, the environment is beautiful, the spiritual qi is compelling, think it should be the four Half-Step One of the Cave Mansions of a certain person.

“hōng lóng lóng !”

The huge roar sounded, and the earth under the feet shook a little. The Demon Dragon fell on the side of the huge valley, and then the nine Demon Dragon turned into a path of Ye Xuan. Black glow, drilled into the space inside the cabin.

Only the Demon Dragon is still in the air, and it still stays on the ground of the valley. It looks like a small house with a vestibule, and there is a curtain that is formed by the mist of the fairy. The antique, the artistic conception and the spiritual qi are compelling. The valley is quite fit.


The fog curtain covering the vestibule was put away, and the seven great repairs had returned to the space in the compartment. Only Ye Xuan walked out of the imperial car, and the shoulders were like a fox.

This Old Fogy is mostly with the body of the treasure hunter Bloodline is doing it again, the nose twitching slightly, from time to time look around, it looks like a sneak peek, a bit of a sense of temptation.

However, in the face of Ye Xuan, and there are still 16 Titled Immortal Sovereign here, he dare not play the idea of ​​a baby in the family nest, after all, there is still no impulse, spurt away…

“Xuanyuan young master, among the jade slips, is the complete Alchemy Secret Art of the inheritance of the tribe of my lord Star Territory. Please ask the young master master…”


Just out of the Imperial Motors, Zhao Dong, the eldest of the four Half-Step emperors, hurried forward and greeted Ye Xuan with a respectful gesture. As soon as he finished, he raised his hand and there was a Cyan glow spurred toward Ye Xuan.

This is clearly a jade slip.

Ye Xuan took it with him, and Divine Consciousness swept in. With the powerful Divine Consciousness in his emperor’s realm, all the contents recorded in the jade slip were all engraved in an instant.

And in an instant, in the data repository of the body Devouring System, a separate data file is formed!


In a wave, this azure jade was sent back by Ye Xuan as it was, and it was stunned and fell into Zhao Dong’s hands.

Later, Ye Xuan nodded and said: “This Alchemy Secret Art is really not bad, but this Tao has only been roughly scanned, and I have to look back carefully…”

“I am afraid that time will take a long time, and you don’t have to wait here. After the details are finished, this Tao will naturally go out.”

Speaking of this, Ye Xuan was slightly stopped, and after a few insults, this took up: “that’s all that’s all, this Tao has always been cheaper than others, just got your tribe inheritance Alchemy Secret Art, you can’t Nothing to show…”


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

When he said that he hadn’t finished talking, he waved his hand abruptly. In a moment, there were sixteen people who rushed from the palm of their hands and rushed to the front of the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign.

When they arrived in front of them, the mans came to an abrupt end, hanging in the Void in front of the 16 people, it was the eight-story Ye Xuan just refining the eight-color magic.

Every canopy is full of thousand zhang square!

Together, simply is a hill, but compared to Ye Xuan’s refining, like a giant peak, it is nothing.

“Hey! This is… eight colors of medicine?”

“Xuanyuan young master, these eight-color god medicines… Could it be for me?”

“This… how can this be done? Too expensive!”


Ye Xuan’s move made the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign all startled, and then the face appeared ecstatic, and they burst out in surprise.

Although they are all Titled Immortal Sovereign, there are even four Half-Steps of the Ninth Step Great Perfection, and because the Alchemy Secret Art of the Inheritance of the Emperor Star Territory is almost complete, everyone Can refine the light Purple-Gold flesh and blood Great Medicine.

Even after Ye Xuan gave a pure transparent and inflamed inflammation, Zhao Dong also produced a better quality, top-level flesh and blood Great Medicine with a full-color Purple-Gold color.

Even this pure-Purple-Gold top-level flesh and blood Great Medicine can only be regarded as the level no more of Treasure Medicine, and the magical color of the colorful color is still a big difference.

At this moment, Ye Xuan gives them not the usual three-color god medicine, four-color medicine, but the eight-color medicine that belongs to the high level among the multi-color medicines.

Although each person only has 1000 cubes, they may not be able to directly breakthrough. However, once refining, the cultivation base is greatly improved, it is a matter of course.

Even in addition to the four Half-Steps, the other eight cultivation base strengths have not yet reached the peak of the emperor, so breaking through a small step is very likely!

It’s no wonder that they are so upset that they will be so excited!

“Isn’t that the 1000 Cube’s colorful magical medicine? Excited to be like this…you guys have this!”

Looking at the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign’s inexplicable look, Ye Xuan turned his eyes intently, waved his hand and turned to look at towards the inside of the car: “Okay, go to the seclusion, try these eight colors.” How is the effect of the medicine?”

“If there is no accident, among you, there should be six or seven people breaking through one or two small steps…”

“huā lā lā ……”

The voice was degraded, and Ye Xuan had stepped into the imperial drive. During the meditation, the fog curtain of the vestibule fell, and the restriction was fully opened…

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