“Supreme medicine! This is definitely a supreme medicine…”

“Ordinary flesh and blood Great Medicine, but Golden no more, and Purple-Gold’s flesh and blood Great Medicine, can be included in the scope of Purple-Gold Treasure Medicine, the one that Zhao Mou refining Furnace, just a faint Purple-Gold color, can only be regarded as ordinary’s Purple-Gold Treasure Medicine…”

“And the true top-level Purple-Gold Treasure Medicine is the rich and pure Purple-Gold color, which is a rare thing in the legend. I didn’t expect that I can see eight here today. The color of the color of the supreme medicine!”

“The most top-level sacred medicine in the legend is the color of the nine colors. The furnace refining Xuanyuan young master has not reached the nine colors, but it is very close. This is definitely a legend. The sacred medicine that can be heard in the middle of the country…”


With the success of Ye Xuan’s flesh and blood Great Medicine, the 16-fold Titled Immortal Sovereign in Void was short-lived, and soon it changed quickly, and it was dumbstruck cry out in surprise.

In the face of this canopy like the giant peak of the giant magic, they simply can not resist the temptation, the mouth is cry out in surprise, while the side has swept the body shape, close to the side of Ye Xuan, he will be surrounded by live.

In the middle of it, all of them shot the eager ray of light.

Ye Xuan is also extremely satisfied with this stove, which is definitely the best quality among all the flesh and blood Great Medicine he has refined.

Even if there are still a lot of remaining Purple-Gold flesh and blood Great Medicine in hand, the quality is far from being able to evaluate on equal terms.

With these eight-color god medicines, Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength will surely be able to refine. At this time, he can’t wait to swallow it. He wants to swallow some of them immediately and start the seclusion. Try the effects of these eight-color god medicines.

If there is no accident, once swallowed, after the seclusion is launched, the breakthrough will be successful again, and it is a matter of nailing.

But obviously it’s not the time, he has more important things to do, and that is to find a way to get the complete Alchemy Secret Art of the Inheritance of the Emperor Star Territory.

With a more complete Alchemy Secret Art, Ye Xuan believes that if the same flesh and blood Great Medicine is re-constructed, even if it is invested in the same natural resource, the flesh and blood Great Medicine will be better.

Even because Shennong’s flames are only eight colors, and can’t reach the level of the nine-color god medicine, it is absolutely no problem to reach the peak of the eight-color god medicine.

“Xuanyuan young master, I don’t know if you used Alchemy’s eight-color furnace cauldron, what kind of flames?”

“Yeah, look at the eight-color flames that form the medicine cauldron. There is one kind of pure and transparent. If there is no accident, then it should be Void. Is it the previous colorful flame bridge that swallowed that? After the huge transparent Void flames of the canopy, the evolutionary evolution?”

“Like this treasure, flames and blood, Xuanyuan young master can really tell me to be so envious, no wonder you can refine this supreme medicine…”

At this time, after the initial shock, the Titled Immortal Sovereign of the sixteen Star Territory, surrounded by Ye Xuan, has already made a sound.

All eyes are very strong, and the expression on the face is as full of envy as they say.


In a wave, Ye Xuan puts the octopus in the front of the Void, which is like a giant peak, and put it into the closed cave at the bottom of the body volcano in the center of Shennong Cauldron.

Then the face sinks, even when said with displeasure: “The eight-color flame of this Tao has just just completed the evolution, and it is indeed because the colorful flame bridge has swallowed the Void mother flame of the talented…”

“However, listening to what you mean, it seems that the reason why this Taozi smelt this canopy, everything is because of the eight-color flame, this is clearly the Alchemy rumor of this Tao!”

What he said is true, and Ye Xuan knows it.

In front of the sixteen Old Fogy, all of them are Titled Immortal Sovereign, and the eyes are sinister. Ye Xuan is the only one in their face to sculpt this colorful remedy. Naturally, nothing can be seen.

Although Ye Xuan’s prescriptions are not seen by the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign, on the one hand, Ye Xuan’s hand speed is too fast. On the other hand, these medicines are Ye Xuan within the body. Some of the more perfect Alchemy laws derived from the Devouring System are even derived from innovation.

But in general, they can still see the rough situation.

It can be said that in the eyes of the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign, Ye Xuan was able to refine the eight-color magical medicine that made them enviable, except for the eight-color flames that he used to sculpt. One reason is that the refining materials used by Ye Xuan are too high-end.

About half of them are all Tressure Body wrecks of the Desolate Ancient Almighty class, and the rest are all above the level of Emperor Fengfeng…

As for Ye Xuan’s Alchemy rumors… Sorry, they don’t really catch a cold.

At this point, everyone knows it well, and the heart is not convinced. Ye Xuan seems to have no self-knowledge. It is a face of dissatisfaction and is questioned in public. In the face of such a situation, sixteen Xuanhuang Star Territory’s Titled Immortal Sovereign looked at each other and all felt awkward.

Originally, the Xuanyuan young master was not convinced. For the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign, it was simply not a concern.

But now the situation is different. On the one hand, they are interested in the terrifying behind them. They want to hold this thick leg and enter the Primal Chaos Star Territory in the legend.

On the other hand, it is the Void of the Emperor Star Territory that has been swallowed up by the other party, but they still can’t beat others. So, if you don’t follow the Xuanyuan young master, I am afraid I will find it later. It is unlikely that Heaven and Earth will be used to replace top-level flesh and blood Great Medicine instead of Void.

What’s more, people can easily extract a huge transparent and inflamed inflammation from the eight-color flame that has just completed its evolution, and give it to others.

Explain that the essence of the eight-color flame should be embedded in a piece of Grade’s amazing Supreme Treasure, which has been able to continue to live.

In this way, as long as he is next to the Xuanyuan young master, not only will the energy source continue to get pure transparent Void from his hands, but even the other seven Heaven and Earth fires will be very likely.

Moreover, after gaining the trust of the other party, it is possible to ask for the other party in the future, and directly give a sacred flame to himself to flesh and blood Great Medicine…

After all, his eight-color sacred flames have long been able to survive, giving a awning, not afraid to damage the roots.

Thinking of this, the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign exchanged a quick look and exchanged a very tacit agreement.

All of this did not escape the eyes of Ye Xuan.

At this moment, seeing the sixteen Old Fogy obviously has a heart movement, he secretly sneaked, but his face was never shown, his eyes turned and he turned and he wanted to leave…

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