The Star Territory, the only one of the large-scale relics, the Star Territory, is far from the Xusheng Forbidden Land on the other side of the Void, and is the most powerful in this area. The two major forces.

Xusheng Forbidden Land, which has been extinct this morning, but the news has not yet reached the Emperor Star Territory, so it is still very calm.

Territory of the entire Emperor Star Territory, tens of billions of miles, there are countless stars, most of them are abandoned stars, and Life Star, there are more than 3,000.

Among the more than 3,000 Life Stars, there are both Desolate Ancient and Starry Sky Vicious Beast.

There are more than a thousand Life Stars belonging to the Starry Sky Vicious Beast. The rest of the more than 2,000 Life Stars are all living in the Desolate Ancient.

In this Territory, a force ruled by the people, there are more than a thousand Starry Sky Vicious Beast inhabiting the Life Star, because the Desolate Ancient remnants who ruled the Emperor Star Territory also need the Vicious Beast natural resource. .

And the demand is still quite a lot, because the Desolate Ancient relics of the Star Territory of Xuanhuang want to refine flesh and blood Great Medicine, and supply the cultivation, and these flesh and blood of Vicious Beast are essential for refining flesh and blood Great Medicine. Main material.

In other words, the Starry Sky Vicious Beast in the 1000 Vicious Beast stars in the Star Territory is actually as low as the Desolate Ancient relics of the Star Territory.

They don’t even think about escaping, but that’s obviously impossible. This 1000 is a Vicious Beast star. Although there are also powerful Vicious Beasts that are waiting for the seal, the king and even the royal family, they can dominate the Star. Compared to Territory’s Desolate Ancient survivors, Strength is weaker than a little bit…

It can be said that you can’t escape at all!

Within the entire Star Territory, the Desolate Ancient relics are countless, divided into tribes, and the ruling class is the Emperor Elder Court, which consists of a tribe’s Patriarch.

In the courtyard of Emperor Elder, there are more than two hundred Elders and sixteen Elders. Among them, the Ninth Step Great Perfection, which is the Half-Step Elder, has four in total!

It can be said that even compared with Xusheng Forbidden Land, Xuanhuang Star Territory has to be significantly stronger. If this is not the case, the Starry Sky Forbidden Land can be seen everywhere, but the legacy of Star Territory is very large. Void, Xuanhuang Star Territory simply can’t exist.

Ye Xuan guessed it, the Imperial Star Territory did indeed inherit the ancient Alchemy Secret Art from Great Desolate Era, and it was a very complete inheritance. In contrast, Sangzhi Star Territory’s Alchemy Secret Art, only It can only be regarded as nothing more than the fur.

In the northwest corner of the Star Territory, there is a universe of about a billion miles, an empty piece, no one star, just like a huge Black Hole, but there is no invisible suction unique to Black Hole. The force exists.

This area is in the restricted area of ​​the Emperor Star Territory, and no powerhouse is allowed to enter easily.

In fact, there will be no legacy of democracy going into here, even if it is only close to the edge of this area.

The same is true of Starry Sky Vicious Beast, which includes the thousands of Vicious Beast stars in the Star Territory.

Because this area of ​​one billion miles is extremely dangerous, even if the king-level powerhouse enters it, it is very likely that it will encounter a life and death crisis. If it is not good, it will not come out.

However, for the Desolate Ancient relics of the Star Territory, this piece of a billion miles, like a giant Black Hole-like mysterious Void, is indispensable.

Basically, there are a large number of Desolate Ancient remnants of Immortal Realm above the cultivation base, gathered around the area to start hunting.

And this annual hunting operation, the target of hunting is not Starry Sky Vicious Beast. In fact, this area like Black Hole does not have any Starry Sky Vicious Beast at all, even the stars and fragments. No, empty, like a world of nothingness…

The top secrets of the Emperor Star Territory, in this empty universe void, the target of hunting is actually one kind of flame, one kind of erratic, just like Ghosts and Demons are generally unpredictable, they call it Void Heaven and Earth are different from each other.

The purpose of hunting for this Void is to use top-level flesh and blood Great Medicine.

The Alchemy Secret Art from Great Desolate Era is very complete, and it has a far-reaching relationship with the fur of the Sangzhi Star Territory.

The flesh and blood Great Medicine, made with this complete Alchemy Secret Art, is far less imaginable than the survivors of Sangzhi Star Territory.

But again, this complete Alchemy Secret Art has a variety of requirements and limitations that are extremely demanding.

In addition to the materials used to refine flesh and blood Great Medicine, such as Vicious Beast flesh and blood, various top-level rare treasures, etc., must be strictly in accordance with the Secret Art limited by the number of Grade, Great Medicine’s flame also has stringent requirements.

Ordinary Earth Fire, although the Star Flame can also be refined, but the refined flesh and blood Great Medicine, the effect will be greatly reduced, can not be said to be lost.

And this kind of erratic Ghosts and Demons, the mysterious Void that sees the head of a divine dragon but not its tail is the best flames used to smelt flesh and blood Great Medicine.

Void does not eliminate inflammation, but also grades, the worst, the color is dark, the best, it is completely transparent, the naked eye can not see at all, only the Divine Consciousness sensory can capture its existence.

But this completely transparent, top-level Void that is invisible to the naked eye is not the most difficult to capture. Since the endless years, the Emperor Star Territory has never captured this level of Void, even if it is only small. A cluster of flames!

Historically, the Desolate Ancient relics of the Star Territory in Xuanhuang, the best quality Void that is captured in this one billion-dollar empty Void, is a bonfire. For the hundred zhang square, it was regarded as Supreme Treasure, and was divided by the four Half-Steps of the family.

The double smear of the double sputum is not the color grade of the Void.

Colorless and transparent to the dark color between the pure black, the total is divided into nine levels, colorless and transparent, the lightest color is single black does not extinguish inflammation, a little deeper is double Wu Wuyan inflammation, and analogy ……

Jiuwu does not eliminate inflammation, but the quality is only slightly stronger than the pure black.

In other words, Void does not eliminate inflammation. There are actually 11 grades, single black to nine black, plus high-grade quality, the best colorless and transparent, and the worst quality pure black!

Right now, it’s the time of the annual hunting of Void. In general, the best hunting period is a month in total, because in this month, the Void in the empty area of ​​the one billion mile is the most active, and it is more labor-intensive to find.

At this moment, the entire top of the remnants of the Forbidden Land Immortal Realm, almost all of them gathered in the empty void of all around.

Sixteen emperors, more than two hundred royal seals, more than two thousand seals, since the tens of thousands of ordinary Immortal … This is definitely a powerful force, even if Ye Xuan sees, have to shrug However, moving!

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