Then, as Ye Xuan’s cold glow flashed, a purple pattern of the followe glow, immediately fell into the front of the six Demon Dragon’s two inside the body.



These two Demon Dragons are instantly shouting, and they sound like some kind of mysterious magic power, covering the entire medium-sized Starry Sky Forbidden Land, but also the numerous Forbidden Land Vicious Beast that Void is trying to escape. Trembling and crouching down, I didn’t dare to move.

The next scene was a light road, and the two Demon Dragons breathed away. In a short period of time, the four Titled Immortal Kings and the 12 heads sealed Immortal were all made into a black mist.

When Demon Dragon returns, Ye Xuan has waved all the blood mist and sent it to Shennong Cauldron with the body, directly refining to Vicious Beast.

Then, Demon Dragon turned into a purple black man, and rushed forward again.

At this time, Ye Xuan turned to look at the seven Yan Xiu and Xiang Huyu behind him and said: “There are still ten days, the destination of this trip will arrive, but before that, this Star Lord will enter the space in the compartment and expand the breakthrough again…”

“If the Star Lord has not come out before entering the Star Territory Periphery Zone, then you will stop temporarily and crouch in Void. You can’t easily enter…”

After that, see the seven Yan Xiu Xiu and Xiang Hu Yu nodded and said that Ye Xuan was relieved, and the body shape directly entered the space of Demon Dragon’s car, still came to the previous valley, waved Shennong Cauldron was sacrificed.

Today, he has a total of 188 seals of blood, and 58 of them are bloody. He decided to use them all. As for the other seven seals, he did not use them.


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

With the wave, these Vicious Beast blood and a large number of top-level cultivating natural resources were taken out by Ye Xuan, and the blink of the eye was compressed with the domain Shennong Cauldron’s domain power.

Turned into a small ball, and then a mouth swallowed into the abdomen, turned into a majestic energy river, and rushed open!

Then, the 桎梏chain sound of huā lā lā quickly rang in his within the body. This time, because of the huge amount of top-level cultivation natural resources swallowed, as Ye Xuan expected, there are two 桎梏chains that appear in the body.

This makes Ye Xuan very happy, because if nothing unexpected, it will once again usher in two consecutive breaks.

Soon, the natural resource, which was swallowed by the righteousness, was transformed into a great energy in the body. Under the leadership of Ye Xuan Divine Consciousness, in the limbs of his with the body, quickly The ground is tumbling, and it is like a broken bamboo.

The pain in this period does not have to be said, but Ye Xuan has long been used to it, and there is no discomfort.



I don’t know how long it took, with the sound of two huge gold and iron crosses, Ye Xuan within the body. The two chains that appeared this time were all broken!

Almost in the next moment, the familiar System notification sound will ring again in his mind, two in succession…

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal Sovereign Ninth Step Great Perfection !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal Sovereign Ninth Step Great Perfection !”

Fenghuang…Ninth Step Great Perfection!

After the previous breakthrough, if he casts Demon Ape’s nine-lined Bloodline divine ability to Seventh Transformation, the peak power that can be achieved is Tilted Immortal Emperor Sixth Step.

Right now, with another breakthrough in a short period of time, now Ye Xuan, in the state of entering Demon Ape’s nine change, the peak power will rise again, reaching the Titled Immortal Emperor Eighth Step, the battle force, again Climb a lot.

Even if only Demon Ape Bloodline is activated, Demon Ape is not used, and the body shape is only under the condition of ten zhang high. His cultivation base will also reach Titled Immortal Emperor First Step, which has a moment to cross a large realm. Terrifying power…

“Titled Immortal Sovereign Ninth Step Great Perfection… finally reached the peak of this big realm!”

Opening his eyes, Ye Xuan’s sly bottom flashed a touch of excitement, and then, almost subconscious, he suddenly reached out, under the palm of his hand, at the palm of his hand, a Purple-Gold treasure appeared in an instant. Dan.

The powerhouse that can help the Ninth Step Great Perfection level, in a short time, break through to Titled Immortal Emperor… Twenty 4th level Dan!

This pill, Ye Xuan was originally refining five pieces. This time, the one that was taken out was the best one, which was used to swallow it, and it was broken into the realm of the emperor!

When everything was ready, Ye Xuan didn’t have too much delay. Even if the twenty 4th level Dan was taken out of his mouth, then he took out a batch of cultivated natural resources again, and compressed it with Shennong Cauldron’s domain power. Into the ball, also swallowed in the abdomen.

This twenty 4th level Dan and the natural resource that was compressed into a ball, instantly turned into a huge energy river, appeared in the meidians of Ye Xuan within the body.

Everything that follows is still the case. With the enthusiasm and guidance of Ye Xuan’s Divine Consciousness, this huge energy-giving river is followed by Void Abode Ancient Secret Art’s Cultural Technique Profound Truth, in Ye Xuan’s limbs. In the middle, it quickly flows through, forming the operation of the next big day.

This time, the chain that he appeared in the body, although only one, is very strong, representing the leap of the big realm.

I can’t tell how many big Sundays I have completed. When this hanging energy is completely refining, Ye Xuan doesn’t hesitate, even when urging the True Essence River in the meridians, toward this stout 桎梏chain, fierce Hit it.


There is no suspense, after the gold and iron symphony, the chain is broken.

In the next moment, the familiar System notification sound will ring again in his mind…

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough ! Current realm :Titled Immortal Emperor First Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal Emperor First Step !”

Finally…Titled Immortal Emperor!

The breakthrough that was completed shortly before, if Ye Xuan casts Demon Ape’s nine-lined Bloodline divine ability to Seventh Transformation, the peak power that can be achieved is Tilted Immortal Emperor Eighth Step.

Right now, with another breakthrough in a short period of time, now Ye Xuan, in the state of entering Demon Ape’s nine-seventh transformation, the peak combat will rise again, reaching Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth Step Great Perfection…

Even if you only activate Demon Ape Bloodline, you don’t use Demon Ape, and your cultivation base will reach Titled Immortal Emperor Second Step!

That is to say, the current Ye Xuan, even in the normal human form, the weakest cultivation base strength has reached the emperor, as long as he thinks, after entering the Demon Dragon Seventh Transformation, he will enter the most imperial territory in an instant. Peak .

Together with the terrifying strength of Qi and Blood of the huge Demon Ape True Body within the body, it is the real Universe Venerable, fearing it can also fight!

“To this day, this Star Lord, finally got Strength with Universe Venerable?”

Tightly clenching his fists, Ye Xuan excites his body and trembles a little, a passion, a long time in the chest, repeated…

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