Twenty 5th level Dan and Twenty 4th level Dan, although seemingly just a big realm on the surface, is actually far from being so simple.

Twenty 4th level Dan is the powerhouse of the Ninth Step Great Perfection, which smoothly breaks through to Titled Immortal Emperor.

But the twenty 5th level Dan is the existence of the Ninth Step Great Perfection, which smoothly breaks through to Universe Venerable Realm.

Ordinary Immortal, Immortal, Tittled Immortal King, Tittled Immortal Sovereign, Tittled Immortal Emperor… These five big realms, called Immortal Five Spheres.

The Universe Venerable after the Tilted Immortal Emperor is no longer within the Immortal Five Realms.

Twenty 4th level Dan is the last 1st level of Immortal Five, but Twenty 5th level Dan has surpassed the scope of Immortal Five.

In this way, the meaning of the two levels of Baodan can be clearly and unambiguously judged.

Therefore, compared to the twenty 4th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe, twenty 5th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe, to be smoothly derived, the difficulty is at least several times.

The previous twenty 4th level Dan, Ye Xuan has been in the process for nearly a year, of course, at that time, he did not have the terrifying Divine Consciousness of the current level, and the efficiency of the promotion is far less than the present.

Even so, with the terrifying Divine Consciousness of his current imperial concubine, it would take at least a year to successfully extrude the twenty 5th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe… and still sleepless, leaving all the other Disregarding things, the whole body is in a state of derivation!

Now, Ye Xuan, it is impossible to have a year to concentrate on the 20 5th level Dan, because the 20 4th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe has been deduced, but the raw materials for refining Baodan have not yet Landing.

He can only separate the derivation time of this year and complete it several times.

Right now, as he returns to Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life, Ye Xuan first activates Demon Ape’s nine-lined Bloodline divine ability and goes directly to Sixth Transformation. His body growth is also short, his cultivation base strength is also short. Within the short three, he climbed to the Titled Immortal Emperor First Step.

Immediately after the expansion, Ye Xuan’s Mind quickly entered the level of the two things I forgot, concentrated all Mind, and urged the terrifying Divine Consciousness of the powerhouse, based on the twenty 4th level perfect pill recipe. Speed ​​calculation…

Time passed slowly, unconsciously, and the time of one month passed.

At the end of the last day, Ye Xuan opened his eyes, the deep place at the bottom, and a serene glow flashed through, revealing a deep sense of exhaustion.

This kind of abandoning everything else, whole body calculus and deduction, the most difficult, let him Mind burnout.

However, the whole month of full-scale derivation, the harvest is not small, twenty 5th level Baodan’s perfect pill recipe, finally have a little eyebrows, according to Ye Xuan’s estimation, the entire pill recipe’s derivation process should be close About 7 percent.

In other words, based on the Divine Consciousness of his current Titled Immortal Emperor First Step, if you want to completely extrude the twenty 5th level’s perfect pill recipe, it will take at least 13 months!

“It’s just twenty 5th level Dan. It takes more than a year to launch the full-scale terrifying Divine Consciousness. It’s so hard, there are twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and two behind. Nineteen 4th level Polandan’s perfect pill recipe, once it is launched, obviously progress will be slower…”

Dismissed from the state of Demon Ape Sixth Transformation, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, whispering in his face, and his face could not help but reveal a deep helplessness.

Shaking his head and laughing: “And this is just a pill recipe nothing more. After the perfect pill recipe is deduced, you have to collect materials to refine Baodan.”

“This is not a problem at all, but as the level of Baodan is getting higher and higher, the level of Vicious Beast blood is also increased…”

“For example, if you refine 20 5th level Dan in the future, you will need at least five blood-stained emperors. This is the existence of five emperors…”

“Twenty 6th level Dan is more terrifying. If you want to refine the furnace, you need to kill at least five Universe Venerables… This simply is speechless.”

Speaking of this, thinking about the problems facing the future, the Ye Xuan complexion at the moment is not a bit green, and finally can only shake his head again, temporarily forgotten these: “Everything in the future will be said, right now The most pressing problem before us is to try our best to upgrade the cultivation base strength to Universe Venerable Realm.”

“The dozens of Xeon Forbidden Land and Xeon Star Territory in the Void around the Galaxy Star Territory, even the weakest Basic Level Xingqiang Forbidden Land, are located in the Universe Venerable, so, think about it. You can walk around the Milky Way Star Territory with confidence, and you need to have at least the power of Universe Venerable Realm.”

“Demon Ape has changed to Seventh Transformation. Once it is displayed, it will increase the power of a whole large realm. That is to say, it is necessary to have the cultivation base strength of Universe Venerable Realm as soon as possible. Realm, at least to reach Titled Immortal Emperor Second Step !”

“So, twenty 4th level Dan is imminent, and the five royal bloodsmen needed to refine this pill must be handed out as soon as possible, and must not be dragged down for a long time…”

Having said that, Ye Xuan no longer speaks, and his body shape is swept away from the top cabin of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life, and his body appears in the source nest Star Nucleus outside the giant plug…

Bada Jingang, the flying centipede and the silver grotesque, and the ten of the Vicious Beast army, Immortal, were summoned by Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“This Star Lord wants to go out for a lap. Before I return, no one can leave the source nest 100 million miles away, lest the powerful Vicious Beast catch the aura, causing trouble for the Headquarters…”

Looking around the crowd, Ye Xuan commanded a few words, then swayed, rushing out of the Star Nucleus of the source nest star, spurting toward the dark Primal Chaos Void.

Soon after, Ye Xuan came to a remote Void just about 100 million miles from Headquarters. Without any hesitation, he directly branded an Interstellar Coordinate jump point here.

Now, the System title is already the Interstellar controller at the 6th level. In the same universe, a total of three Interstellar jump coordinates can be branded.

Here, the first Interstellar Coordinate point, Ye Xuan, is branded in Sangzhi Star Territory.

The second is branded near the source nest star that gave birth to his power doppelgänger.

The third Interstellar Coordinate jumping point is now branded around the Headquarters source nest, which is obviously the most appropriate.

Although the three indicators in Ye Xuan’s hands have been completely exhausted after the Interstellar Coordinate is branded, it does not matter, the Galaxy Star Territory where the ancestral star is located has been found, and most of it will become the Great Desolate Era after the endless years. Ye Xuan branded a star coordinate point on the edge of the final fight, and he can return at any time in the future.

Only this is enough.

This time, he chose to mark the last star coordinate jump point in the Void near Headquarters because Ye Xuan decided to leave the Primal Chaos Void temporarily and return to Xusheng Forbidden Land. Start hunting!

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