“The power of the emperor…”

Opening his eyes, Ye Xuan flashed a touch of excited serene glow, muttering: “Titled Immortal Sovereign’s Divine Consciousness is so terrifying, the power of the emperor is strong… one can well imagine !”

“Twenty 4th level Dan’s pill recipe has been completed, but twenty 5th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe, but it takes a long time, and Demon Ape’s nine-variable Seventh Transformation is given to the Devouring System. For a long time, I’m almost coming to an end!”

Having said that, Ye Xuan in the eyes bright glow flashes : “Looking at the present, first deducting the essence Profound Truth of Demon Ape Seventh Transformation, and then part of the extension of the twenty 5th level Dan perfect pill recipe, just right I can stabilize my mind and then start the next step…”

After the decision, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, even when he got up, the voice of the mouth screamed: “Demon Ape is nine transformation… Sixth Transformation!”

The roar came out, and the power of Ye Xuan within the body suddenly rushed, like a snarling of the Nujiang, roaring, with the body, and the inexhaustible fierceness of the limbs, and even more horrible The terrifying strength of Qi and Blood emerged from his with the body, which was originally only under the shape of the zhang high, and it swollen as quickly as the balloon that was inflated…

Less than three interest rates, it has reached the 10 million giant, like a human star, but this is not all!

Because of the skyrocketing shape of Starry Sky, there is also the cultivation base aura that has been in the body. In the Demon Ape True Body state under the shape of the zhang high, its cultivation base is with the body. Aura is Titled Immortal Sovereign Fourth Step.

At the moment, when the huge body of 10 million’s Sixth Transformation appears, the cultivation base aura emanating from the body has reached the terrifying envelope of Emperor One.

This is not the general Emperor One order, Starry Sky’s violent body type 10 million, the strength of Qi and Blood is so horrible, I am afraid that the general presence of the Fengdi class is far from the opponent. Its real combat power is already comparable to the general Emperor Two!


With the completion of Demon Ape Sixth Transformation, the starry XrimX million starry Starry Sky screams and screams again, and the entire folding space on the top of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life giant plug seems to be in this heaven-shaking roar Medium… slightly trembled!

This is the current surge in the volume of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon, and the vastness of the internal folding space is far from the past. Otherwise, the huge figure of 10 million under Ye Xuan Demon Ape Sixth Transformation, Roaring Tyrant Dragon The top cabin, if it is true, may not be able to put him down.

When Sixth Transformation was completed, Starry Sky’s violent within the body instantly ushered in an unprecedented power, even Ye Xuan’s Divine Consciousness, which surged sharply compared to the previous one.

He didn’t hesitate, even if Mind converges, and adjusts the body of the body Devouring System’s calculation to the limit value, with the powerful Divine Consciousness of his own emperor, he immediately launched the promotion…

Time passed slowly, unconsciously, and three days passed.

Demon Ape Seventh Transformation Ye Xuan has been handed over to the body of the Devouring System for a long time, and has already completed 90% five or more. At the moment, together with his terrifying Divine Consciousness, the last point failed. The completed calculations were finally completed.

Just after the third day, Ye Xuan’s mind came with a familiar System notification sound: “Hey, Congratulations host, Demon Ape, Seventh Transformation, completed, is it activated immediately?”

“Activate now!”

Without any hesitation, Ye Xuan gave the activation command to the System even if he opened his eyes.

In the next moment, the shackles and information of the complex to the extreme are pouring into his mind. The amount is huge and horrifying. Even if Ye Xuan now encloses the cultivation base strength of Emperor One, it is powerful for Divine Consciousness. The rushed head was dizzy.

These are a huge number of crepe patterns, which is the complete Profound Truth of Demon Ape’s nine-dimensional divine dynasty ability Seventh Transformation. Although it has been completely deduced by Ye Xuan and its with the body’s Devouring System, it should be successfully Exhibited, it is obvious that Ye Xuan needs to comprehend himself.

Fortunately, it’s not difficult. Ye Xuan has the understanding of the previous six changes. Together with the Profound Truth of Seventh Transformation, he originally participated, so it’s only a small half-day, pouring into my mind. This canopy is called the massive Seventh Transformation Profound Truth information, and he has been thoroughly understood and integrated.

However, he did not directly play in the top cabin of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life, because once he entered the Demon Ape Seventh Transformation, his huge 10 million size will once again skyrocket ten times, and the cultivation base strength will also Because of the terrifying strength of Qi and Blood, I climbed First Step again.

10 million is 30 million meters, which is 6,000 miles. It is only about the diameter of a small meteor. The roof compartment of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life can be loaded.

But if it rises ten times to reach 100 million feet, that is, 60,000, it is definitely the size of an ordinary star. The 1-Layer cabin of Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life is still not loaded at all.

Under the circumstance, Ye Xuan first released the state of Demon Ape Sixth Transformation and restored it to the violent body of Starry Sky under ten zhang high, and then swayed and blinked to facilitate the top of Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life. The cabin disappeared.


The faint sound of breaking sounds, when Ye Xuan’s figure reappears, he has reached the universe void outside the source nest star, and turns to look around, while Divine Consciousness stretches out and determines within a billion miles. There was no abnormality, and no Vicious Beast passed, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, even if he looked up and screamed: “Demon Ape nine changes… Seventh Transformation!”


A huge explosion came, this time, his body’s skyrocketing speed is faster than before, the strength of the body is rolling like the big river is roaring, the limbs are screaming in endless fierceness, and there is even more From the majestic to the horrible terrifying aura, the body shape that was originally only under the zhang high, with one kind of horrible speed, blinking!

Less than three interest rates, it has reached a hundred million feet, which is not the size of a small meteor, but the true ordinary star.

Moreover, the cultivation base aura, which has been soaring from the body at the same time, has risen again at this moment, and it has reached the Titled Immortal Emperor Second Step!

“Immediately turn on the calculation of Ability and push it all out…Demon Ape Eighth Transformation !”

Feeling the with the body 礴 礴 令人 令人 令人 令人 令人 令人 令人 令人 令人 令人 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。


In the next moment, Ye Xuan dismissed the state of Demon Ape Seventh Transformation, and the weak sound of the sound broke out. After the figure, it returned from the dark Void in the distance, and rushed into the source nest. Star Nucleus, and immediately entered the top cabin of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life.

Next, he will continue to promote, but this time it is not Demon Ape’s nine divine ability, but twenty 5th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe…

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