After confirming that the Demon God seed in the source nest star is actually the true body of Mad Mosquito Sovereign, Ye Xuan immediately cried out in surprise, thus reminiscent of the true body of Tu Wen Old Ghost. And with this divergent thinking, I thought of more and more…

At this moment, as the words in his mouth broke out in the cry out in surprise, Xue Ben and the two people of Xianghu were obviously stunned, watching Ye Xuan slyly, then conditioned, turning Sweeping to the source nest stars thousands of miles ahead!

For a time, the three did not continue to speak more, but the shock that my heart was floating at the moment could only be described as overwhelming!

This pit is too deep!

If it is true as Ye Xuan guessed, then among the 3,000 source nest stars in this Primal Chaos Void, how many of them have been stolen, it is impossible to estimate!

Even the things that Ye Xuan and Mad Mosquito Sovereign and Tu Wen Old Ghost’s true body can think of, those from the broken Great Desolate Era to some of the current Desolate Ancient Almighty, Desolate Ancient Supreme… Can you think of it?

鈥淚t seems that Nether Furnace will appear in the Asahi Forbidden Land outside the star vortex of this Primal Chaos Void, and most of them are related to these source nest stars…鈥?/p>

After a silence, Ye Xuan made a more daring guess.

Halfway through, the words in his mouth came to an abrupt end, and the whole heart sank to the valley.

If this is the case, the Desolate Ancient Almighty and the Desolate Ancient Supreme, who were seriously injured in the Desolate Ancient of the Great Desolate world, sneaked into this Primal Chaos Void, occupying a place. Breeding the source nest of Primal Chaos Demon God… I am afraid that it is impossible to estimate Forget it.

And, if nothing else, not only the top-level desolate ancient creatures of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Azure Eye camp, but most of the top-level desolate ancient creatures of the camp of the headless infant corpse Dry.

Ye Xuan previously thought that she had fallen in the Desolate Ancient era of the year. In this case, the Golden Devine Dragon and the Deserte Yaksha of the destroy both body and soul, it is very likely that all of them are now immersed in a certain source nest. ……

Even the popular ancient creatures of the Desolate Ancient Almighty cultivation base, such as Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Nine Heavens, can live the second world, and the two camps are stronger than their Desolate Ancient Supreme… why not?

As soon as this thought emerged from his mind, Ye Xuan was suddenly shocked and stunned.

If everything is as he guessed, then the Great Desolate Big World, which had already collapsed in the past, will once again be re-emerged. When it came to the world, there was a Desolate Ancient to powerhouse that had fallen in that fight. Undoubtedly one after another will be born again.

At that time, Ye Xuan still didn’t know where it was.

This time, when the Great Desolate big world came down, Ye Xuan, who will be together with all the powerhouses of the two great war battalions of the fight, will be born at the same time.

For him, it used to be just a legendary Great Desolate myth. In the near future, it will become a reality that is closely related to his own body… This change is so amazing that no one can accept it without being caught!

“Forget it, this time it鈥檚 a white toss, it鈥檚 completely empty…鈥?/p>

After some depression, Ye Xuan quickly adjusted his mind and sighed and said: “Since all of them have successfully captured Nestle, they have become a Demon God. In this source nest, they will be born. At that time, as for now, it is useless to guard them. Anyway, there will be no danger, so let’s leave…”

After that, he waved his hand and enrolled Xue Ben and the phoenix two people with the internal space of Shennong Cauldron in the body Eternal World, and then directly activated the Interstellar Coordinate Jump Ability.

It took more than three months to come. Now I have to go back to the source of another summon force in the other direction. Ye Xuan does not want to spend more than three months before returning to the front. Star Territory.

Directly activate Interstellar Coordinate Jump Ability, expand Interstellar Jump, and arrive in an instant…


With the full launch of System Ability, a tiny unrecognizable serene glow flashed through, with a faint sound of breaking, Ye Xuan’s body disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it crossed the endless Void, and returned to Star Territory, which he and Xue Ben, like the fox, set off more than three months ago, which is the source nest star that Ye Xuan power doppelg盲nger is gestating…

Ye Xuan stopped again after another day in the direction that Xue Ben had raised his hand in the other direction. After a wave, Xue Ben and the two people were released from the internal space of Shennong Cauldron.

“Hey? Is it really back?”

“So fast? Head, you have a lot of secrets…”

Both of them looked a little dazed, and this was only the day when Ye Xuan earned Shennong Cauldron nothing more. It was so fast and came out again. After turning around and looking around, he suddenly found an abnormality. At this time, the Void was more than three months away. The Star Territory sent out before was not too far away, so when I was shocked, I suddenly got out of surprise.

Ye Xuan didn’t explain too much, and there is no need to explain, starry sky powerhouse, who doesn’t have a bit of their own secret?

Soon, the three people are on the road again. This time, the destination to go to is obviously farther away. The source of the weaker power of the previous summon is at the speed of the cultivation base of the Second Step of Ye Xuan. It took more than three months to arrive.

Another source of strong summon here, according to Xue Ben’s induction, seems to be farther away. So, if you want to reach your destination, it may take at least four to five months, or even longer. may.

This is indeed the case. This time, Ye Xuan still ignored everything along the way. Even if he saw a source of stars in the distance between the distance and the distance, he never stopped. .

Even so, the three people went all the way, and after more than five months, they still did not reach the source of this summon force.

Five months of speed, not only Ye Xuan and Elephant Fox are more and more intolerant, even Xue Ben himself.

Just as the three of them all floated, the far end of the line of sight was at the end, the original darkness, no Void in the distance, suddenly there was a ray of light, and as the three again moved forward, the front Void At the end of the rays of light, I actually picked it up.

This is clearly the far side of the Void in front, there is the rhythm of the Star that can emit light and heat. Since there is Star, there will be a Life Star. When you think of this, all three people are excited.

This is Primal Chaos Void, not the outer universe void. It is exciting to find Life Star in this place.

Under the extreme speed, three days passed, and at the end of the Void at the end, a huge bright Star Territory, quietly floating, swaying Void, squatting like a galaxy…

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