There are two kinds of stars in Primal Chaos Void. One kind of is the abandoned star of ordinary, just like the outside world. Another kind of is the source nest star of Primal Chaos Demon God.

The latter, only 3,000, has one, and even the strongest one, was taken by Ye Xuan, planted a Primordial Spirit seed, and is nurturing his power doppelgänger.

These three thousand source nest stars, except for their extraordinary size, are basically the same as other ordinary abandoned stars. That is to say, the atmosphere of Life Star, the surface of the stars in Primal Chaos Void, does not exist at all.

For this reason, Ye Xuan, Xue Ben, and Xianghuyu are still thousands of miles away from this huge source nest, but with a strong cultivation base, the distance is still the same. Everything that can make the stars on the land table, everything is fine, all have a panoramic view.

The land surface of this star is the same as the abandoned star of the ordinary, even a plant can not see, let alone the figure.

In other words, the power of summon sensed by Xue Ben is actually in the Star Nucleus inside the source nest star!

As this thought floated in my mind, Ye Xuan’s complexion was not green, and it looked like a dumbfounded Xue Ben.

Said faintly: “Xue Ben, brother, is your sensory reliable? This is clearly a source nest star that breeds Primal Chaos Demon God…”

“And, the Demon God seed in this source nest has sprouted. That is to say, in the stars, except for the Demon God seed in Star Nucleus, there is no other life material. I can definitely determine.”

Ye Xuan was previously unaware of this, but when he planted a Primordial Spirit seed in the source nest star that gave birth to Primal Chaos’s strongest power rule, Ye Xuan knew it immediately. This matter.

All the source nest stars that breed the Demon God seed. Once the Demon God seed sprouts, it is impossible to have other Life bodies inside and outside the star. Even a small insect will appear in the ripple ripple of the source nest stars. That moment, it will be annihilated.

As if to prove his own words, Ye Xuan said here, waving an invisible energy, rushing toward the source nest stars thousands of miles ahead.


A huge roar came in an instant, and as the energy spurted away, in the universe void about a thousand miles above the source nest star, the 1-Layer spherical ripple ripple appeared instantly, and the whole source nest The stars are all enveloped, and after a flash, they quickly disappeared…

“Look, don’t say it is me, even a Titled Immortal Emperor, even Universe Venerable come over, can’t open this layer of ripple ripple, only wait until the Primal Chaos Demon God inside Star Nucleus is gestating, break yourself Open and rush out… it will be born!”

In other words, this source nest star, there is absolutely no latecomer to enter, the power of mysterious summon sensed by Xue Ben is either wrong, or… it is the Primal Chaos Demon God born in the core of the source nest. !

From the current discourse and performance of Ye Xuan, he obviously prefers the former!

For this, both Xiang Hu and Xue Ben felt that the two exchanged a look, and then Xue Ben turned to Ye Xuan.

When I looked at it, I said: “Ye Xuan, my voice is absolutely correct. The weaker summon power is within this star. Just as you said, it is in the Star Central Star. Among Nucleus…”

“And, because the distance is now close, this originally weak simon power has reached a strong point. I even know its origins and details…”

“What? Say it…”

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan’s eyes lit up in an instant, and quickly urged: “What is the origin of Primal Chaos Demon God in this source nest?”


The expression on Xue Ben’s face was a little weird at once. There was some support between the words. At the end, I shook my head and smiled: “He is my sister! To be precise, it’s my true body… This is Direct Bloodline relationship, I can’t be wrong in such a close distance!”

“Hey? Is it the true body of a crazy mosquito?”

This result is bigger than Ye Xuan’s expectation. He was already mentally prepared. He felt that like him, he had stolen a fellow nesting star, mostly of Xue Ben’s grandfather, which is followed by Demon Primordial Ancestor. The Desolate Ancient Mosquito.

I didn’t even think that the truth would be like this.

“Yes, it is him, and he is not just the one you used to, just planting the Demon God seed as the source nest of the Primordial Spirit…”

Nodded, Xue Ben said with a serious look: “According to my induction, he completely and thoroughly defended himself in the Star Nucleus of this source nest star, mortal body and Primordial Spirit Together, for the development of a Demon God seed, it is like a new life, live the second world…”

“Insane, absolutely crazy… No, this fellow is crazy, and the main doppelgänger is Mad Mosquito Sovereign, his true body, obviously more crazy!”

The truth that Xue Ben said was amazing, but after Yi Xuan heard it, he immediately believed it.

These source nest stars are born with Primal Chaos Demon God, which controls a Primal Chaos rule. It is obviously not so easy to take Nestle and take it.

At least, the means of the parent’s body possession, there is absolutely no possibility.

Because Ye Xuan owns the Devouring System, it is done directly by the Doppelgänger System attached to System, which differentiates a Primordial Spirit.

But the same thing, for other people to do, but definitely not so simple.

Even those who have the Devouring System with the body, such as the few winners who lost to Ye Xuan in the System competition, they have the Devouring System, but if they don’t activate the attached Doppelgänger System like Ye Xuan. In fact, it is obviously not as easy to do this.

But Mad Mosquito Sovereign’s true body didn’t want to let go of this sneak peek, live the second world, and make a big break in the Great Desolate big world, transforming itself into a powerful Primal Chaos Demon God.

Therefore, we will choose this way, the mortal body, the Primordial Spirit, and finally all together, turned into a Demon God seed, occupying this source nest star.

Although the price paid is too great, at least Ye Xuan is absolutely unacceptable, but I have to say that this Old Fogy is not only embarrassing, it seems that luck is still quite bad, in this way to seize the Primal Chaos, and eventually he was successful. ……

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan’s divine light flashed in my mind, and I didn’t know what I thought. When I changed my face, I suddenly got out of surprise. “No, since the true body of the crazy mosquito has done this, then Tu Wen Old Ghost’s true body? Wouldn’t it be like this? By the Primaldial Spirit seed in the 3,000 source nest stars in Primal Chaos Void, at least how many have been stolen…”

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