As Ye Xuan resolutely entered the so-called star-swirl specified by System, the familiar System notification sound in his mind also sounded again at this moment…

“Hey, Congratulations host! successfully opened the System title exploration mission! If the exploration is successful, there will be a chance to upgrade the system title!”

“System current title: 5th level, Interstellar Seeker!”

“1st level under System: 6th level, Interstellar controller!”

“Interstellar controller: The title’s own halo effect, based on the original 5th level titles Interstellar Traveler, Interstellar Adventurer, Interstellar Explorer, Interstellar Pioneer, Interstellar Seeker, will add a new System Ability, random activation. At the same time, the number of Interstellar Coordinates branded by any Universe plane is increased to three by the first two!”

“System mission exploration completion requirements: find a Primal Chaos source nest, enter it, differentiate it into a Primordial Spirit, refine it into a Primordial Spirit seed with the Doppelgänger System, plant it into the Primal Chaos source nest, and open the path of Primal Chaos Demon God. !”

“Exploring mission failure penalty: The System title is up and down 1st level on the current basis!”


With the sound of this System notification sound, Ye Xuan’s mind suddenly blew out the roar of the road, and the whole person was sluggish, wide-eyed, just like a thunder.

Primal Chaos Demon God ?

I actually differentiated myself into a Primordial Spirit, refining it into a Primordial Spirit seed with the Doppelgänger System, and planting the so-called Primal Chaos source nest to open the path of Primal Chaos Demon God.

Just kidding, this simply is scary.

Ye Xuan is naturally fully understood for the meaning of the system requirements. It can even be said that it is not difficult to implement. His Devouring Doppelgänger is condensed with the Doppelgänger System attached to the System.

But this time it is obviously different. Although it is actually refining a doppelgänger, the level of doppelgänger is too high and it is too big.

Although he does not know what the so-called Primal Chaos source nest is, if you think about Primal Chaos Demon God, you can basically conclude that it should be a special star Star Nucleus!

Moreover, this Primal Chaos source nest is obviously more than one place, which is also consistent with the legend!

In the legend, there are 3,000 Great Dao in the world. The articles can prove Great Dao. The three thousand Demon God are the Innate gods born by the Great Dao three thousand rules. Each Primal Chaos Demon God has one kind of rule. Primal Chaos Demon God was born out of Great Dao.

Even the splitting heaven and earth apart in the legend, the Pangu god that opened the Great Desolate big golden era seems to belong to one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God!

In other words, the so-called three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God was born before the opening of Great Desolate Era. Now, Ye Xuan suddenly encountered such a System title, and actually let him find one in this mysterious Void. Primal Chaos source nest.

And put a piece of his own Primordial Spirit seed into it, used to breed a Primal Chaos Demon God… This undoubtedly also verified the Great Desolate big world from one side, and it is indeed coming.

This is Primal Chaos Demon God, and splitting heaven and earth apart, the Pangu Great God that opened the Great Desolate era belongs to the same level. If you can really take a slice from the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, one of them will be With the refining of its own Demon God doppelgänger, Ye Xuan’s mighty, I am afraid that even the so-called Great Desolate Heavenly Dao may not be able to match.

“This is too ridiculous, but now the System title has been opened. In any case, there is no way out. Anyway, try to find the so-called Primal Chaos source nest…”

After a period of turmoil, Ye Xuan gradually calmed down, and in the middle of the flash, he quickly decided: “As for whether or not to follow the requirements of the System, differentiate a Primradial Spirit into the Lord. Where, 鸠 雀 Nestlé, occupying one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, refining for one of their own doppelgänger, that is the next thing, find the source nest, depending on the situation!”

However, to find this so-called Primal Chaos source nest, I am afraid it is not a simple matter, even if it is similar, there is a high probability that there are exactly 3,000 places, and Ye Xuan just needs to find one place.

After all, this is the 6th level System title. How can it be difficult? If it is easy to complete, then it is strange.

With this kind of thinking, Ye Xuan subconsciously turned to the top four, talented, when I first entered here from the star, the first time in my mind, the specific details of the 6th level System title was heard, which attracted Ye. Xuan’s Mind, so he did not pay attention to the surrounding environment.

At this point, he suddenly let his whole heart cool down.

After entering here, Ye Xuan no longer deliberately concealed and suppressed the cultivation base and returned to the situation of Titled Immortal King, but now, with the extension of his powerful Divine Consciousness, until the limit distance is explored, Still did not detect even a small abandoned star.

This piece of Void is dark, nothing, not to mention an abandoned star, simply even a half of the universe can not capture the dust.

Don’t say that the void crack that enters this place is too small to be noticed. No one will pay attention to it. Even if some Forbidden Land Vicious Beast enters here, it is estimated that after a round trip, it will immediately be with the slightest hesitation. Leaving, simply has no value…

But System’s tips are not wrong, and such a vast universe void, but nothing black, even the powerful Divine Consciousness of Titled Immortal King extends to the limit, can not capture even a small Small abandoned stars… just this is not normal!

This is enough to show that there is something weird here!

With this in mind, Ye Xuan suddenly got a splash on Spirit.

As long as the title of the System is not wrong, there is nothing to worry about. Before the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth fragment Void that entered the crack, Ye Xuan wandered alone in the dark Void. Years, this time, I will not be able to review the feeling that’s all.

After adjusting his mindset, he didn’t hesitate. When he even screamed his hair, he directly activated the Bloodline divine ability with the body Demon Ape. “Demon Ape is a nine transformation… Sixth Transformation!”

When the roar came out, the power of Ye Xuan within the body immediately began to swell, like a roaring roar in the roaring river, screaming in endless fierceness in the limbs, and a terrifying strength of Qi and Blood emerged from his within the body.

It was originally only under the shape of the zhang high, and the balloon that was inflated in the blink of an eye generally expanded rapidly. The short three interest rate has reached the giant of 10 million, just like a human star. .

And with the violent body shape of Starry Sky, and the cultivation base aura that is with the body, when the huge body of 10 million’s Sixth Transformation appears, the cultivation base radiated from the body. Aura, has reached the terrifying Titled Immortal Sovereign Sixth Step.


With the completion of Demon Ape Sixth Transformation, Ye Xuan, who has the middle stage peak, will speed up several times, and once again, he will not hesitate, he will not hesitate, and he will look in a direction and look at it. And go…

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