Away from the edge of Xusheng Forbidden Land, Ye Xuan broke into an abandoned star and sacrificed Shennong Cauldron directly.

As his Divine Consciousness extends into the treasure cauldron, it happens that the old cargo of the blue cow has not been seclusion. It seems that it has just broken through a small step and is preparing for the next seclusion breakthrough.


During the sigh of thought, a faint sound broke through, and the green cow in the original Shennong Cauldron was directly smashed out by Ye Xuan. When the body shape appeared, there was still some unclear situation. After seeing Ye Xuan, it squirmed.

The road straightened up and greeted: “Hey, what happened? How did you suddenly pull out the old cow? Just broke through to the Second Step, and I am preparing to continue seclusion.”

“These seclusion is not anxious, returning to Phoenix Blood Forbidden Land, and some time is giving you seclusion.”

Ye Xuan waved his hand and directly interrupted the words of the green cow. Then the expression was positive and said: “This king encountered something in this Xusheng Forbidden Land. It is very likely that he will not be able to return in a short time, but the blood is in Forbidden Land. The Starry Sky Nomadic Legion’s combat power can’t be delayed. Therefore, you need to bring back some of the various levels of Baodan.”

“After going back, it is up to you to temporarily command the whole blood of Forbidden Land. Fortunately, even if the king is not there, there are six Kings in the Forbidden Land. Although they are all initial stages, they are within a hundred billion miles. There is no strong medium-sized Starry Sky Forbidden Land, and when there is no flaw…”

After that, Ye Xuan waved his hand and slammed several storage bottles toward the green bull. The inside was loaded with 20 to 20 3rd level.

Breakthrough to the 20th-level Baodan of ordinary Immortal, Ye Xuan has more than 5,000 pieces in his hand, this time to the Green Bull, it is a full two thousand.

Breakthrough to the second 11th level of Immortal, he has more than 500 pieces in his hands and gave 200 pieces.

Breakthrough to Titled Immortal King’s two 12 class Baodan, he has thirty-eight in his hand, this time gave twenty.

Even the breakthrough XIX3rd level of Tandan in Titled Immortal Sovereign, Ye Xuan has only four in hand, and they have all taken half, two.

The value of these Baodan is so large that simply can’t be measured. Even the two-family Ninth Step Great Perfection’s Half-Step in the Forbidden Land, I am afraid I will be shocked.

Nowadays, they are all packed in a storage bottle, and they are thrown to the green cow.

Old Fogy apparently didn’t expect Ye Xuan to take a shot at once, but it was terrifying. After taking over the four storage bottles, Divine Consciousness looked inside and scared the hooves and slammed them into four bottles. Void.

“Da, so many Baodan, there are actually two Fenghuang Baodan, you just hand it over to me…”

Staring at Ye Xuan for a few moments, Old Fogy’s face was blushing: “don’t tell me, I’m not afraid of the old cows, I’m carrying them away, with this natural resource, I can’t find it. The place, in time, can create a large Starry Sky Forbidden Land!”

“If you want to run, you will run. Anyway, Fenghuang Baodan has already given you one before. Even if you don’t count the two given this time, you have one in your hand. In a short time, you should not need to seal the emperor. Dan…”

Ye Xuan shrugged indifferently and rolled her eyes and said: “Running better, this time the king went to collect materials, and then the refining of the Emperor Baodan, you can save one.”

“Fang… Feng Di Bao Dan?”

“哧 ………”

Upon hearing this, the green bull’s bulging bull’s eye was instantly red, and the corners of his mouth were all smashed out, and he was sucked back.

This old goods, the twenty 3rd level that I had just received in the recent time, have not been used yet. When I heard the Emperor Baodan, I actually remembered it, and I had a bunch of smiles on my face. He rushed to the side of Ye Xuan with his hoof.

After taking it straight, I rushed to Starry Sky and said: “Oh, what are you talking about? Old cow, is that kind of cow? Rest assured, the mission of arrogance is absolutely complete…”

“oh, right, this time, are you going to collect the materials for refining the Emperor Baodan? This is the major event, 10 million can’t delay, and quickly set off, the old cow I will send back this batch of Baodan as soon as possible. Star Territory, stay there and sit there, waiting for you to bring back the Emperor Baoding…”


After that, Old Fogy just like a shot of chicken blood, excitedly looked up and snorted, and then did not stop, four hoofs, the blink of an eye has returned to the direction of the blood Star Territory, the speed is gone.

The most dangerous place on the road was Bibi Forbidden Land, but now Bibi Forbidden Land has long been a history. With the cultivation base strength of the Second Step, there is no danger at all.

So Ye Xuan didn’t worry at all. When he saw him away, he didn’t hesitate. He turned and rushed to Xusheng Forbidden Land, a billion miles away…

It took another few days for Ye Xuan to successfully return to Star Territory, which previously triggered the System title.

This way, I still didn’t touch Nether Furnace, which made him feel uneasy, but he couldn’t help it.

This time I came to Xusheng Forbidden Land. Although the main purpose of the original was to investigate the movement of Nether Furnace, but now I did not see Nether Furnace, but unexpectedly triggered a System title, so Ye Xuan can only temporarily After throwing away the Nether Furnace, I decided to complete the system title that has already been triggered.

Otherwise, if the system title has been detained for too long in Xusheng Forbidden Land, the system title that has been triggered has passed the time limit and automatically determines that Ye Xuan has failed to complete the mission, which is really big.

The thoughts flashed through my mind, and Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, leaving Nether Furnace completely out of his mind, no longer thinking about it, and then swept to the left side of a remote Void.

The Void has only a few dozen abandoned stars that have no light and heat. In the inconspicuous corner of the two abandoned stars, there is a void crack that is only a few hundred meters wide.

Since this void crack can be encountered in the Void, and the one on the back of the two abandoned stars does not have much energy aura, it is extremely inconspicuous.

If the System title of this time is not prompted by System, it is to enter this so-called “Star Swirling” to complete, I am afraid that Ye Xuan will not pay attention to it.

“So a small ordinary void crack, actually called “star swirl” by System… This is really speechless.”

Staring at this void crack for a while, Ye Xuan did not see anything, but System is not wrong, he is extremely determined, and everything in the past has long been proven.

In the whisper, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, and his body swayed directly toward the void crack. He was not involved in the blink of an eye, and the figure disappeared completely.

Almost at the same moment of entering this void crack, Ye Xuan’s mind also came with a familiar System notification sound… This time the System title has the with the body capacity, the System has not been detailed before, saying It is only to be opened after entering the interior of the star.

And now, everything is coming…

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