After the first Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead was condensed, when Ye Xuan opened his eyes, the familiar System notification sound sounded again, and the unexpected realm breakthrough really came again…

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough ! Current realm : Heaven and Earth Fourth Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm: Heaven and Earth Fourth Step !”

Undoubtedly, this time Void Abode Ancient Secret Art and Mortal Body Qi and Blood’s double breakthrough breakthrough, related to his use of Thunder Emperor Seal condensed Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead.

Because during the process of condensing the Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead, Ye Xuan’s figure is also with the Thunder Emperor Seal and the Golden Thunder Source Bead hanging above the Thunder Emperor Seal. -Gold Thunder and Lighting is wrapped.

It can be said that the original Golden Thunder Source Bead was forged by the second time, which improved the quality and power, and Ye Xuan’s mortal body was also once used by the Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting baptism. The Culture Technique cultivation base was also absorbed. A little bit of energy in Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting, and climbed again.

“I don’t think there is such a benefit, simply is an unexpected surprise.”

Surprise, Ye Xuan couldn’t help but look forward to it again: “There are still seven Golden Thunder Source Beads that need to be condensed, and I wonder if the cultivation base can be upgraded.”

With this kind of surprise, Ye Xuan refining the Thunder Source Bead into the Thunder Emperor Seal, and then taking out the second Golden Thunder Source Bead again, repeating the previous steps and starting the second time. Refining.

After two hours, when he opened his eyes again, the expected System notification sound actually appeared in his mind…

“Hey, Congratulations host , Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough ! Current realm : Heaven and Earth Fifth Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm: Heaven and Earth Fifth Step !”

Actually there is still effect, this simply too surprising!

In a short period of time, Ye Xuan’s Cultural Technique cultivation base and Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm, again two continuously promoted, and with this time in the cultivation base and Mortal Body Qi and Blood, Ye Xuan’s overall The combat power has obviously soared again.

True body’s cultivation base strength After entering the Fifteenth Big Realm and becoming Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, according to Ye Xuan’s deduction, in the activation of three heads, six arms Immemorial Demon Ape’s Bloodline True Body state, cultivation base strength Growth should still be two to one!

Previously, he was in the True Body Heaven and Earth Third Step, the Strength of the Immemorial Demon Ape Bloodline True Body, the Star Lord Realm Second Step.

Now the culture body strength of the true body is raised by two small steps, reaching the Heaven and Earth Fifth Step, and the strength of the Immemorial Demon Ape Bloodline True Body is rising, and a new level is raised, which is the Star Lord Realm Third Step. !

Coupled with the first four changes of Demon Ape’s nine changes, each change promotes a small level of combat. Now, Ye Xuan enters the three heads, six arms’ Demon Ape True Body state, and displays Demon Ape Fourth Transformation. Peak will reach the terrifying Star Lord Seventh Step and finally step into the Star Lord Realm late stage!

“Isn’t it so good to play? A smelt of a Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead, a Culture Technique cultivation base and a Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm, all of which will be upgraded accordingly. If this continues, the Young Lord 宀侷t鈥檚 not a short time to get to Immortal. I can鈥檛 make a bunch of Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead!鈥?/p>

Suddenly, Ye Xuan took the second condensed Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead into the Thunder Emperor Seal and removed the third Golden Thunder Source Bead to be refined, while mutter to oneself!

But this is just saying that’s all, this situation can not exist.

The reason why both of the previous two upgraded the cultivation base was that it was just beginning to forge the nothing more with this Purple-Gold high Grade Thunder and Lighting power.

Just like some kind of top-level Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures Body Tempering, the effect is naturally obvious when it is just used, but it is excellent, but it has no effect when used.

Even so, the two breakthroughs should not be the end. You know, there are six full Golden Thunder Source Beads in his hands. Even if these six Thunder Source Beads only improve two or three small steps, that’s great.

After all, now Ye Xuan is the Heaven and Earth Supreme Being in the Fifteenth Big Realm world. In the past, when someone else was in this big realm, a small step of the breakthrough was a time-consuming water mill to be realized. .

Such an opportunity must not be missed. Ye Xuan does not hesitate. Even if he started the third Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead condensed, at this time, the main purpose of this time, Starry Sky Thunder Tomb, is Looking for a source of thunder, helping Desolate Ancient Mother of Lightning reinvent thunder True Body is left behind.

It’s impossible, let’s take it, first condense the eight Purple-Gold Thunder Source Beads!


After a few hours, the last Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead was condensed. When Ye Xuan opened his eyes again, the expected System notification sound actually appeared in his mind…

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough ! Current realm : Heaven and Earth Seventh Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm: Heaven and Earth Seventh Step !”

The facts are exactly as he speculated, the condensed of the six Purple-Gold Thunder Source Beads, although effective in improving the Ye Xuan’s own cultivation base strength and Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm, can be effective. Obviously it is far from the beginning.

The previous two Purple-Gold Thunder Source Beads improved both the cultivation base and the Mortal Body Qi and Blood by two small steps.

Now, the six subsequent Purple-Gold Thunder Source Beads have been condensed, and only two more steps are added!

But Ye Xuan has been extremely satisfied, and it can even be said to be a surprise, because the harvest is too big, far beyond the expectations of the second time before entering the Starry Sky Thunder Tomb!

Previously he was in the true body Heaven and Earth Fifth Step, the Strength of the Immemorial Demon Ape Bloodline True Body, the Star Lord Realm Third Step.

Now the culture body strength of the true body is raised by two small steps, reaching the Heaven and Earth Seventh Step, and the Strength of the Immemorial Demon Ape Bloodline True Body is rising, which is a new level, which will reach Star Lord Realm Fourth Step. !

Coupled with the first four changes of Demon Ape’s nine changes, each change promotes a small level of combat. Now, Ye Xuan enters the three heads, six arms’ Demon Ape True Body state, and displays Demon Ape Fourth Transformation. The peak force will reach the terrifying Star Lord Eighth Step, only a small step from the Star Lord Ninth Step Great Perfection!

At the moment, he only needs to break through two small steps in the reality technique cultivation base and the realm aspect of Mortal Body Qi and Blood to reach Heaven and Earth Ninth Step Great Perfection. Then, Ye Xuan enters three heads, six arms of Demon. Ape True Body status, and display Demon Ape Fourth Transformation, its peak combat power, will reach Star Lord Ninth Step Great Perfection.

Just a stone’s throw from the Domain Lord Realm!

If the 6th level liquid that has just been condensed is swallowed up, then Ye Xuan will be able to display the terrifying power of Domain Lord Realm, which is absolutely extraordinary.

A big realm’s breakthrough will give him more power when he uses a variety of Bloodline divine abilities!

In addition, this time he also upgraded the Grade of the Golden Thunder Source Bead in the Thunder Emperor Seal to the Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead.

The former can only threaten Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, while the latter can threaten Immortal weird, simply is a world apart…

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