Inheritance picture !

Actually it is an inheritance picture?

At this moment, Ye Xuan’s heart flashed a comprehend and understand, Thunder Emperor Seal was clearly refining, but this time, he actually saw this inheritance picture from Desolate Ancient Era, suspected that Thunder Emperor Seal began to breed!

At that time, Universe Heaven and Earth, Beginning of the Primordial Chaos, Heaven and Earth myriad things all brought in the spirit of Innate Primal Chaos, and after an endless period of time, it became a Starry Sky source Supreme Treasure. Opportunity and fortune, the afterlife is no longer available, and it is hard to reproduce!

At the end of the Void of this inheritance picture, a golden giant’s giant lotus is blooming in full bloom, bursting with endless golden rays of light, it seems that the entire Universe Vault of Heaven is illuminated, as if born, Born from Void deep place, it is extremely large, it is the stars, in front of it, it is extremely weak and small.

On the Lotus Lotus of Golden Lotus, there is only one lotus seed, but it is azure. It is clearly a shape of a Royal Seal. The whole body is wrapped in Golden Lightning, and it is stretched and stretched.

His Thunder Emperor Seal is bred from such a giant pressure that is almost overwhelming. Among the lotuses of the giant lotus, one after another another lotus seed!

“hōng lóng lóng ……”

The inheritance picture is still, not moving, but it is always thunderous and rumbling, passing into Ye Xuan’s ear, shocking his Mind!

Surrounded by the cyan gold thunder seal that exists as a lotus seed on the canopy, there are countless tiny Golden lightnings that can be swallowed, and if you let your eyes go, open to the entire Golden Giant Lotus body, you can I saw that there are countless azure thunder balls around the entire gold edged, which are blasting one after another.

Life and death are endless, endless!

Gradually, Golden Giant Lotus’s all around, Azure Thunder Bead is getting denser and denser, and all of them are blasted into countless giant Golden lightnings. Initially they only ravaged this Void and blew up countless stars. Finally, these Golden Lightning seems to have been inspired to gradually gather in one direction.

It is the cyan gold thunder seal that exists on the top of the Golden Giant Lotus dome, with only one after another lotus seed!

But this is not the end. The last time Ye Xuan saw it from the inheritance picture of Thunder Emperor Seal, it is over.

But this time, the subsequent evolution is still going on…

In the inheritance picture, the Thunder Emperor Seal began to spin down. As it turned, the Golden Starry Sky was all around, and a lot of cyan thunder and gold electricity were sucked up and gathered toward the Thunder Emperor Seal.

Slowly turned into a blue Golden, this scene, exactly the same as Ye Xuan’s last Thunder Source Bead in Starry Sky Thunder Tomb, his heart comprehend and understand, this is the Thunder Emperor Seal in the demonstration of one kind Of power.

Soon, a huge green dragon python wrapped the Thunder Emperor Seal. The whole giant python was formed by cyan thunder and lightning, eventually condensing inward. When all the cyan thunder and gold electricity condensed to a point, Thunder Above the Emperor Seal, there is a blue Golden, only Zhuguo-sized beads, which is the Thunder Source Bead.

But this is still not the end, it is not over yet.

Just as the Thunder Emperor Seal condenses the Thunder Source Bead, the huge Void Golden Lotus in the inheritance picture is obviously growing. It has been with the body, and it is cyan thunder gold electricity. But now, whether it is thunder or lightning, it has all become the color of Purple-Gold.

Even the entire Golden Lotus has been turned into Purple-Gold, as if it was just a green, but now it has matured.

Then, the Thunder Emperor Seal twirled again.

With this rotation, a lot of thunder and lightning are pulled again, all around the Thunder Emperor Seal, but this time, whether it is thunder or lightning, it is the color of Purple-Gold. .

And the Thunder Source Bead, which is hung above the Thunder Emperor Seal, still exists and rotates with the Thunder Emperor Seal.

All the resulting Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting, all rushing toward this Thunder Source Bead, seems to be the second time forging, which is improving its quality.

Soon, with the growing number of Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting, the second big cockroach was formed, just like the previous one, still consisting of endless Thunder and Lighting, all-in-one Purple-Gold Through terrifying aura.

Everything that followed was like the previous copy, and the Purple-Gold slammed inward quickly, all without the Thunder Source Bead hanging over the Thunder Emperor Seal, at this time, the original Thunder Source Bead. , already the whole body Purple-Gold.

Thunder and lightning, whose surface is stretched and swallowed, are all Purple-Gold colors.

At this point, the inheritance picture came to an abrupt end, and Ye Xuan took a few seconds to get back from the hustle and bustle.

He originally thought that the Thunder Emperor Seal had been completely refining. Now it seems that this Supreme Treasure is far from being as simple as he imagined. It seems that there is still a seal, which is unsealed in the 1-Layer layer.

What Ye Xuan sees now is that it only condenses the Thunder Source Bead’s 2-Layer change nothing more, and whether there will be an 3-Layer later. He doesn’t know.

But one thing is certain, that is, the Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead condensed by the 2-Layer Secret Art can definitely threaten the existence of Immortal Realm, and the pressure aura is too terrifying.

One thought about this, Ye Xuan almost got excited.

In the Thunder Emperor Seal with his body, there are eight Golden Thunder Source Beads. If they are all forged again, they will be upgraded to the Purple-Gold Thunder Source Bead. By then, when he faces Immortal, he will Undoubtedly more.


Excited, he did not hesitate, and the Thunder Emperor Seal was sacrificed during the wave.

The next moment, with the Thunder Emperor Seal being sacrificed by Ye Xuan, hanging over the top of the head, this whole piece of Thunder Tomb’s deep place interior, for a moment, it seems to be poured into a roll of ice water in the pan, thoroughly The ground was fried.

Numerous Purple-Gold thunders were attracted, blasting over Ye Xuan’s head, and the massive Purple-Gold lightning rain raged on the head of Ye Xuan, but none of them could cause any harm to Ye Xuan. His body surface is always shrouded in 1-Layer’s thin Purple-Gold fog, carrying his hands in the vunder of the thunder, exuding the thick Emperor Prestige.

A large number of Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting gradually shrouded the entire shape of the Thunder Emperor Seal and even Ye Xuan, and finally formed a huge thunder of the Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting.

The Ye Xuan of Thunder Emperor Seal on the top is the core of the huge thunder of this star.

At this moment, the Purple-Gold fog that had shrouded his body suddenly sprang up, spread out, shrouded the entire Purple-Gold python, turned it into a green color, and then began to inward. Condensation…

The whole process is basically the same as that seen by Ye Xuan in the inheritance picture of this Thunder Emperor Seal.

Then, I don’t know how long it has been. In the end, this is like a small meteor, the Purple-Gold python, which was made by a Thunder Source Bead through the trillion-way Purple-Gold Thunder and Lighting. It disappeared, and above the Thunder Emperor Seal above the head of Ye Xuan, there was a Thunder Source Bead…Purple-Gold!

Although only the size of the pigeons, but the invisible pressure of the destruction of the earth, aura far beyond the previous Golden Thunder Source Bead!

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