“This Mecha out of the ordinary, Technology Universe Human Race’s Technology Camp is absolutely impossible to make. Who are you?”

Seeing the huge Battle Mecha rushing into the black mist, the body is full of enthusiasm, Treasure Body shines, it seems that simply like a core of Heavenly Machine Race, but the voice is the one who uses his identity. Human Race powerhouse, Linghu Jue can’t be surprised.

The voice whispered: “This Mecha can only be created by First Universe’s Heavenly Machine Race, hmph hmph, you are too embarrassed to say that this Young Lord colludes Second Universe Yin Demon Race, you yourself? It is clearly Human Race, and First Universe’s Heavenly Machine Race is awesome!”

“Let your sister’s stinky bullshit!”

Ye Xuan was immediately furious. He was smeared by the Immortal Imperial Family to greet Heavenly Machine Race. Now he hears the same words from a fellow mouth of the Second Universe Yin Demon Race.

Drinking the room, Battle Mecha slammed into the air with a punch and poured all his strength!

“Young Lord be careful…”


Among the four people, the Human Race’s powerhouse suddenly sounded a warning, and the figure was also swaying, and the blink of an eye was stopped in front of Linghu Jue.

This person is loyal to the Lord, but he is disregarding his own life and death. At this moment, Ye Xuan’s heart is not touched by some people, and he intends to leave him a life. Unfortunately, this boxing has been used up, and it is too late to withdraw. .

With a loud bang, the powerhouse with Black Hole Ninth Step Great Perfection cultivation base was instantly smashed into a blood mist. The dead can’t die anymore. The exaggeration point is that Mao doesn’t have a main one. Roots come.

People who have been loyal to the ancients may have come to this end.

Ye Xuan is secretly sighed, but the heart is shocking the formidable power of this boxing. Today, he is the first to use the second form of Inextinguishable Glazed Armor. Although he has experienced a great war before, the bombing is only a blast. Vaguely wiped the back of the Tuobo Family Heaven’s Proud nothing more.

Ye Xuan also said that the man was only seriously injured, but he did not know that he had already broken his bones.

Just rubbing the back is like this, and the result of a punch can be imagined, even he was shocked.

This is the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure, plus the Battle Mecha ten zhang high, which is the terrifying body of the three ten meters, which is hard to avoid.

Not to mention Ye Xuan, the four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion, which have already retreated to the rear, are also a big jump. This is a powerhouse of Black Hole Realm Ninth Step Great Perfection. Actually turned into flesh and blood?

Four people look at each other, and dumbstruck, how much abnormal is this Linghu Young Lord?

They are all four people, let alone Linghu Jue and the other two Yin Demon Race powerhouses!

At the same moment that the loyal guardian’s Human Race powerhouse was bombarded, Linghu Jue was trembled and stunned. He was the Young Lord of Linghu Lineage, shouldering bloody revenge, and too much too much. The things that have not been done, definitely can’t fall here easily.

That’s too unwilling!

At this moment, he has completely lost the heart of the war. Ye Xuan’s terrifying of the punch has already disintegrated his fighting spirit, fearing fallen, giving birth to a heart!

The other two Yin Demon Race’s powerhouses are the same. Ye Xuan’s power is too terrifying, and their Mind is scared, and the two Yin Demon Race’s powerhouses are filled with a more intense black mist. The figure is retreating, and the whole body has a path of fine black lightning. It seems to be deterring Ye Xuan, trying to force him back, not to chase!

“Yin Demon Race? I heard that you are a wall grass, and the wind is blowing on both sides!”

For Yin Demon Race, Ye Xuan’s impression is extremely bad. This race is very insidious. It is notorious for you to wander between Myriad Gathering Federation and Heavenly Machine Race.

But people have a very special Bloodline. The body can change between illusory and entity. When needed, they can change into the human race’s flesh and blood.

Or change to the mechanical body of Heavenly Machine Race, even into a canopy of smoke, a black lightning…

In a word, changeable, in some Domains, has a unique advantage, is the best candidate for the spy.

Compared to Demon Clan, which only can only impersonate human, they are more favored by Heavenly Machine Race, and their form of existence is destined to be hard to kill. Human Race is also deliberately pulling, but unfortunately, this tribe is too good. Too bad, self-proclaimed Bloodline advantage, both sides meet, and eventually even in the Second Universe, there are few situations in which the Federation Tribe is willing to communicate with them.

The real Linghu Young Lord Linghu Jue colluded with the disgusting thief of Yin Demon Race. With this alone, Ye Xuan had the idea of ​​killing him.

At the moment, facing Linghu Jue, Ye Xuan stared at the two Yin Demon Races for the first time. In the sneer, his arms suddenly lifted up, and the black light balls of two meters in diameter appeared in the fist. Two tiny Death Ray Cannon beams of light blew out in an instant.

“In the case of father, you are just clay chickens and pottery dogs nothing more !”

“Yin Demon Race is not a name that is hard to kill? This Young Lord is going to look at your body, which can change between matter and energy at any time, and the embarrassing anti-matter Death Ray Cannon…”

“hua ……”


The voice of Ye Xuan’s voice rises, and the two anti-material energy beams of Death Ray Cannon have already reached the target.

One of them hit the air, one of the two Yin Demon Race clansman reacted too fast, raised his hand and waved a replacement Magical Treasure, the figure disappeared instantly, and when it appeared again, it was already far away, turning into a black fog. Linghu Jue, wrapped in a rapid retreat, has disappeared into the sky.

The object of death is a dish-shaped disc, which looks like jade, bright and clear, and is bombarded by a counter-energy light column of Death Ray Cannon. After a bang, it instantly turns into nothingness.

The other Yin Demon Race powerhouse was not so lucky. This person seems to have replaced the Magical Treasure. Unfortunately, the movement was a little slower. When he took out a tower-shaped jade Magical Treasure, he did not wait for it. Another Death Ray Cannon anti-matter energy light column has already come.

Directly smashing his body shape along with the jade tower pinched in his hand, completely vanished like smoke.

Although the body of Yin Demon Race can be transformed freely between matter and energy, the mind can be turned into a black fog, but for Death Ray Cannon, all the gods are clouds.

It is black smoke and white smoke, at least all of it is positive material energy. In this case, its attribute is repelled by anti-matter energy. Death Ray Cannon’s black antimatter energy beam uses this characteristic to form a super destructive force.

All positive material energy is blocked in front of it, and will be instantly ablated and ablated until the energy of the antimatter energy beam is exhausted!

In the blink of an eye, the battlefields of the two battlefields have completely ended. Ye Xuan first used the second form of the Inextinguishable Glazed Armor to kill the enemy in the form of Battle Mecha. The result was amazing, until the end of the battle in the blink of an eye. The four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion are still stupid there.

Was completely shocked!

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