“Heavens, what did I see? Death Ray Cannon? Isn’t this the main gun on the Aerospace Fortress? Although it’s just a miniature version, this gun has a diameter of more than a meter, which is amazing!”

“perfect !simply is too perfect! It is both Battle Armor and Battle Mecha, and can also blast out Death Ray Cannon. Mosquitoes can’t run within a hundred miles. This kind of topless Treasure Armor must be fixed, devote one’s life to All are at all!”

“Dream you, at most, help you pull a *…pēi pēi, match up the bridge, as for the big scoundrel help not help you, I can’t manage it!”

There was a terrific battle over there. Heavenly Battle Star’s three top-level gates Tuobo, Gongyang, and Changyu Family’s six Black Hole Realm powerhouses lost two wounds and two escapes, and they collapsed in an instant.

Here, Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru are thoroughly familiar. Xuanyuan Ziying is also a woman. It is obvious that Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru two people have more jealous to Ye Xuan’s top-notch Treasure Armor. Make a little concession, and I can’t stop it afterwards.

What’s more, she is also jealous, and her heart is full of dim sum. I feel that I am alone with Ye Xuan. I am afraid that I will not be able to do so, and I will have two more girls who are in the same line. The two said.

Bother to bother him!

For this reason, the three girls used this as a link to completely form an alliance. After cry out in surprise, they came together and thieves began to figure out, while Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru two people all went down. Dao Oath, never let Linghu Chong’s identity leak out, otherwise Great Dao will stop and it will be difficult to get in.

This is a very poisonous oath. For the people of Dao Cultivation, the binding is the most terrifying, so Xuanyuan Ziying is also relieved. Now Divine Consciousness sound transmission, the identity of Ye Xuan is paid to the two people.

“Heavens, actually…”

“It was the idol of this lady for a long time!”

Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru instantly opened their eyes and looked at dumbstruck, but did not dare to talk about it. If they were heard, they would be in trouble.

At this point, the beautiful girl trio was formally established, but Ye Xuan still did not know that the first time I exposed the Inextinguishable Glazed Armor, he was provoked by such three difficult masters, and some of the future days were affected…

After forming an alliance and knowing the true identity of Ye Xuan, Duanmu Xiaocha became very active, even Zhao Qianru, who has always been quiet, knows that he is fighting with the idol, and he is just like a chicken. Bloody, only áo áo screamed.

The two girls couldn’t get involved in the fight, because Ye Xuan solved Turobo Linfeng’s call and turned around and rushed to the eight-player battlefield on Linghu Jue.

As for Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu Zhuo two people, as soon as Ye Xuan showed the second form of the Inextinguishable Glazed Armor, it had shivered a chill and fled to the distance, and there was no shadow.

These two fellows are also guilty. They used to be equally disrespectful to Ye Xuan when they were at the Clear River Pavilion, but they didn’t have that Duobo Linfeng too much that’s all.

Now see him so fierce, simply with the tyrannosaurus that just got caught from the deep sea, where dare to stay here for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, only the Changyu Xiaotian and the other Tuobo Family’s Heaven’s Proud, which had been stunned, were left in the ground.

Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru shared their worries for Ye Xuan. When they turned around, they tried to report their thoughts. When they even ran away, the result was that Tuobo Family’s Heaven’s Proud was Ye Xuan. Battle Mecha’s giant punch directly smashed the entire back, and the spine was broken into countless cuts, and it was already out of breath.

It was Changyu Xiaotian, who was still stunned. Although he was in a coma, it was Black Hole Ninth Step Great Perfection. As long as he didn’t hang on the spot, he couldn’t die for a while.

As for the extent to which I can recover after waking up, it is the two things to say, he is suffering from internal injuries, Magical Treasure is smashed, and the power of backlash is not light!

The Tuobo Family Heaven’s Proud, who had already lost her breath, was thrown aside and ignored. Changyu Xiaotian, who only passed out, was looked at by them. This fellow is Changyu Family’s heir, after all, staying is killing. I have to wait for Ye Xuan to finish the battle before making a decision.

At the same time, in the far west of the foothills, four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion are struggling with the Linghu Jue four people.

Eight people are the existence of Black Hole Ninth Step Great Perfection, and they are melee, plus two of them, Yin Demon Race powerhouse. The tribe’s attack method is very strange, except for the Blackline’s Bloodline Innate Skill. In the battle, the whole body is even more varied, and the infinite black fog continues to emanate.

Eight people have been entangled for a long time, and this side Heaven and Earth has been shrouded in 1-Layer’s thick black fog.

In this mist, the two Yin Demon Race powerhouses were unaffected, and Linghu Jue and his other Human Race were on the move. Because of too much contact with Yin Demon Race, the same black fog was already there. adapted.

But the four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion are different. They have never played against the powerhouse of Yin Demon Race. In the face of this situation, not only the line of sight is overcast, even the power of Divine Consciousness is in these thick black fog. In the middle, they have all been affected.

In addition, from time to time in the black mist, the black lightning of an adult’s arm is also chopped. It is the same color as the black fog. It is simply the Yin People’s top secret technique, which eventually led to the four Clear River Pavilion’s powerhouses. The injury, although not serious, has already severely tilted the balance of the battle…

When Ye Xuan arrived, there was two black lightnings in the thick black fog that was thickly tumbling, and then there were two screams, which should be the four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion. Among them, two people have been recruited again.

“You come out, this Young Lord suppresses them!”

Ye Xuan frowned, seeing his own decline, the huge Battle Mecha rushed directly into the thick black mist, screaming and screaming, and the thick black fog was blown between the blinks. Eight fall.

This is a huge Mecha of ten zhang. After rushing in, if a hill is flying wildly, Mecha within the body is more invincible, and the black fog is scattered and played like a play.

“You are… Young Lord?”

“Heavens, where is this big Battle Mecha? This Heaven Defying!”


“Young Lord’s shot is out of the ordinary. I am going to quit and cheer for the Young Lord. I must suppress this four times!”

Four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion were so cold that they saw a huge monster, and they were shocked at first. Then they heard the voice of Ye Xuan’s words, and they cried out in surprise. It was quickly evacuated and exited the area where the black fog was rolling.

They obviously have seen the out of the ordinary of this terrifying Mecha, and there is no need to worry about it.

You know, the Battle Mecha before the fusion is the Secret Treasure of the Genesis Realm in Heavenly Machine Race Thirteenth Big Realm. It is now more powerful with Ye Xuan’s Battle Armor fusion, power, and the fool can see it instantly. How terrifying it is…

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