As Ye Xuan’s words came out, the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure Inextinguishable Glazed Armor, which he received with the body Eternal World, turned into a purple rush at the first time, under the rays of light masterpiece. In order to cover the armor of the out of the ordinary, Ye Xuan’s body, the whole person’s temperament changed, dazzling.

Duanmu Xiaocha and others on the side looked dumbfounded.

Such a ray of light and the out of the ordinary armor they have never seen before, the armor forged by Culture Camp is generally practical, which is like the Treasure Armor made by the Devouring System, pursuing perfect.

What’s more, this Treasure Armor has undergone several times of fusion, and the advantages and disadvantages of the fusion material have been taken over, making it only a shape, it is amazing.

Duanmu Xiaocha has a slightly open mouth, and all eyes are small stars: “Heavens, is this Battle Armor? It’s so beautiful…”

Zhao Qianru from Immortal Star Bodhi Technology was also stunned. At this moment, Linghu Chong made her a little blush. His body was nearly two meters tall and tall, but the temperament was a bit fluent. Now all the cockroaches are all flowing. Covered by this stunning armor.

For a time, Zhao Qianru gave birth to a kind of illusion, as if a Dao shade that had appeared in a dream, really appeared!

As for Yu Wenzhuo from Immortal Star Biological Heavenly Venerable and from Heavenly Nether Star Huangfu Family’s Huangfu Zhuo, they are gloomy, and both of them feel the stunning feelings of the three beautiful women present, and their minds are somewhat likely to arise.

However, Xuanyuan Ziying has sharply widened his eyes and his breathing is rushing.

Nothing more in a moment, just for a moment, he confirmed the identity of Ye Xuan, but that is the big scoundrel, the deceased Miss is so miserable, almost suspected that he gave birth to a konjac.

It’s really a long time for him!

When Ye Xuan made his fourth fusion of the Battle Armor, the fusion was a Purple Phoenix Glazed Armor, and the Treasure Armor was Xuanyuan Ziying’s early Treasure Armor. Lu Luo girl also blocked it. It is said that the Treasure Armor has the fragrance of Xuanyuan Ziying and is not suitable for auction.

Now, Xuanyuan Ziying just saw the shadow of Purple Phoenix Glazed Armor from this Inextinguishable Glazed Armor, so she decided the identity of Ye Xuan. At the same time, after determining the identity of Ye Xuan, her cheeks were red.

That’s my own Treasure Armor, now I’m wearing it on this fellow, this is really…

In addition, Xuanyuan Ziying is more shocking!

Is this fellow not at the Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace in Culture Camp? Unexpectedly, I ran to the Heavenly Battle Empire and made such a big storm!

Simply too monstrous talent, I can’t think of his terrifying in the Alchemy Domain’s Innate Skill, just the perfect 闯 over the Medicine King Monument, it is enough to make Xuanyuan Ziying shock shocked.

In addition, this big scoundrel’s refiner Innate Skill is also terrifying. This Treasure Armor was not so amazing last time. It seems that Simply is no different from Starry Sky Supreme Treasure. It is definitely more than Starry Sky Epic Level. At least the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure class.

Heavens, big scoundrel Can you refine the Magical Treasure of the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level? If this is the case, you must go back to him and rebuild everything like your Battle Weapon Battle Armor, and the water will not flow outside the field!

“Oh, what is the fat and water that doesn’t flow outside the field? Shame, blame this big scoundrel…”

For a moment, Xuanyuan Ziying was shy and red-faced. This scene fell into the eyes of Tuobo Linfeng. She thought that she was moving her heart and was fascinated by Ye Xuan after the Treasure Armor!

Suddenly screaming: “Linghu Chong, with a broken armor, would you like to have an enemy? Hahaha… I see you are a silver-like wax gun head, you can’t see it in the middle, you can see it better, this is a good look. Young Lord smashed it!”


The voice is not falling, a handle about one zhang six-ringed big ring knife has been volleyed, slamming on Ye Xuan’s Inextinguishable Glazed Armor, making a huge bang, more fierce strength spread all Around, shocked the ground below flying sand running stone.

However, Ye Xuan did not move, and the figure did not shake. As the Treasure Armor of the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level, the sturdiness is on the one hand, and the defense of the offensive is even more important.

On the other hand, Tuobo Linfeng, a blade slash down, the body shape was actually reversed by the earthquake, and finally stabilized the figure, looking up a six-eared big ring knife hanging overhead, the top is dazzlingly covered with a gap , like a shit.

This scene can’t be accepted by him. Tuobo Linfeng screamed in tears: “This is impossible. The Young Lord’s Battle Weapon is the Great Treasure of Starry Sky Legend Level. You…”


Ye Xuan was stunned and looked at Tuobo Linfeng with a look of disdain. “I just said it, just because of you, I really don’t deserve what the Young Lord, a Starry Sky Legend Level Battle Weapon, is also a good idea. It’s Great Treasure, this Young Lord This Battle Armor is Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure. It didn’t break you on the spot. It’s because the Young Lord didn’t activate it, or your Battle Weapon will collapse. Do you believe in being a pig?”

This is really irritating. The Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu Zhuo two people on the side are not too red, and their Battle Weapon is also Starry Sky Legend Level. Wouldn’t it be if they had no face to claim Young Lord?

As for Duanmu Xiaocha, the stars in both eyes are more likely to be in the air: “Heavens, Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure? No wonder this Treasure Armor is so dazzling that there is no such thing as Old Ancestor in the Treasure Armor. And it seems that the color is still very new, clearly known as the recent refining. Does this fellow know that a Refining Grandmaster is not? No, no, no, no, no, I have to ask, Miss, I want one, too beautiful…”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qianru from Bodhi Technology suddenly appeared, she also had a heart movement. How can girls not love beautiful? They also have Treasure Armor and Battle Armor, but they are all stupid things. They are generally not very useful. If there is a stunning Treasure Armor that is amazing and strong enough to Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level, then simply too perfect. .

All of this fell in the eyes of Xuanyuan Ziying, and suddenly she let her pouted, and her heart secretly said: “Hey, Miss, I haven’t got a month near the water floor, you both want to remember? The door is not!”

Then, her face was red again, it was a bit too sloppy to use in the near-water platform.

Damn’s big scoundrel is all harmful, and Xuanyuan Ziying is going crazy!


“Gently kill me too!”

“Linghu Chong, this Young Lord does not suppress you on the spot today, i swear i am not a man !”

It was humiliated again and again by Ye Xuan, and every time he asked for it, Tuobo Linfeng had already violently violently roared. Together with Gongyang Zhi and Changyu Xiaotian, the six Dao shades also presented Magical. Treasure, most of them are treasures, heavy hammers, etc., from the direction of Ye Xuan!

“i swear i am not a man ? You say oh, right, run into this Young Lord, you want to be a man is difficult! Directly cut you into a dog!”

Ye Xuan sneered, and then screamed: “Inextinguishable Glazed Armor! The second type… Mecha Transformation!”

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