Hearing the four Clear River Pavilion’s powerhouses called Ye Xuan Linghu Young Lord, Linghu Jue’s lungs were blown up!

He didn’t know the existence of Hu Qing. When the Linghu Family accident happened, he was still not born. The Linghu Little Young Lord who escaped was his father. They were very young at the time and saved one for Linghu Old Patriarch. The person named Hu Qing is simply not clear.

In addition, Linghu’s veins have been living in the Second Universe for many years, so I have never returned to find the so-called family. They thought that the people who did not escape in the past had already died.

In the same way, Hu Qing also secretly inquired about the situation after Linghu Xiao Young Lord’s Lineage escaped, but his tentacles stretched out and could not reach the Second Universe, let alone, even in the Second Universe. Linghu lost lineage is also very low-key, walking with a pseudonym.

Therefore, it is impossible for Hu Qing to find them.

For Linghu Jue, it suddenly appears that a person claims to be Linghu Young Lord, so that this matter is enough to make him depressed, and there is a feeling of being used to identity.

However, I have seen the other person, the Linghu Young Lord, who is called this fake, and so arrogant, so that he really wants to blow up!

And subconsciously sees the four powerhouses of Ye Xuan and Clear River Pavilion as a group.


Actually, in the group, the name of the Young Lord’s Linghu is used. Who is the Linghu Lineage?

The thoughts flashed in my mind, Linghu Jue has a murderous heart, no, he has already had this, but only the previous killing is only Yi Xuan, and now there are four more people more.

Anyone who uses the Linghu Lineage name, he must kill it!

Thinking of this, Linghu Jue suddenly eye socket wants to crack, staring at Ye Xuan and four Clear River Pavilion’s powerhouse, gnashing one’s teeth: “You guys rebels and traitors, dare to use my Linghu name, this matter Unforgivable, today, you are going to die!”

“impudent !”

“Why is monstrous talent so dare to talk to my Linghu Family’s Young Lord?”

“Hey, the thief shouted and caught the thief is still so confident!”

“As a Human Race, I actually sneaked into the Human Race Third Universe without even the Federation race. These thieves dared to use my Linghu Family’s name, you are the court death!”

Four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion were so angry that they screamed at Linghu Jue, and one of them had reverently bowed to Ye Xuan: “Young Lord, these thieves ruined my Linghu Clan reputation, when it was, Ask Young Lord to order, I wait for the four people to take their capture, ask after the scenes, and then!”

“Eaaah, this…”

Ye Xuan The whole person is not good. He is like a mirror in his heart. He is Li Gui, and the people are coming.

However, it seems that they don’t know each other, and the fellow claiming Linghu Young Lord has two Yin Demon Races behind him. This Yin Demon Race is also the second Universe Races, but it has not joined Myriad Gathering Federation, and Federation. It is also an enemy, and is also an enemy of First Universe’s Heavenly Machine Race.

From this point of view, the real Linghu Young Lord, mostly from the Second Universe, and so, for the Clear River Pavilion, they naturally do not know.

In addition, this Linghu lost lineage hides in the Second Universe and also Forget it, and colluded with the conspiracy. If it is spread out, Linghu Family’s reputation is really not guaranteed.

Forget it Forget it, you have gotten a little better for yourself. If you use your name, you can help them clean up the portal to keep their name.

Think of it like this, Ye Xuan complexion sinks, raises hands towards towards Linghu Jue refers to the past, said coldly: “Immediately capture, if there is resistance, directly kill, this thief, there is no living to stay, and then come across a Kill one!”


The Clear River Pavilion powerhouse was also mad, and Ye Xuan鈥檚 words were exactly what he wanted. He had a happy face, and then he was replaced by another three people and killed at the same time with Linghu Jue.

The eight people on both sides are the cultivation base of Black Hole Ninth Step Great Perfection. At this moment, the Vault of Heaven is confusing, and it is impossible to have a result in a short time!

Everything before, others, etc. are all in the eye. The identity of Ye Xuan Linghu Young Lord has long been convinced, that is, Xuanyuan Ziying is the same, her pupil light is originally bright, staring at Ye Xuan, but now It is bleak, and my heart is a little lost. At the same time, I was somewhat unwilling. I wondered if I thought about the scoundrel too much. A person with such a shape and his strangeness would have guessed for a few days and always thought that he was dressed up!

“You really are the ile spawn of Linghu Lineage, and you have secretly arranged for four sneak sneak into the Medicine King Vestige, squeezing out other door valves!”

Tuobo Linfeng was originally amazed. He thought that eight people were under Ye Xuan’s men. Now it seems that there are only four, and this four people have the cultivation base of Black Hole Ninth Step Great Perfection, but they are now four more. The people have been restrained, and it is impossible to rush to help Ye Xuan. There is no fear.

In this case, Ye Xuan is alone. There are six people in the Tuobo, Gongyang and Changyu gates, four of whom have the cultivation base of the Black Hole Ninth Step Great Perfection.

In his opinion, it is common to cut the melon and cut vegetables.

Thinking of this, Tuobo Linfeng suddenly laughed: “Linghu Chong, give you a time to consider, or take the initiative to surrender Medicine King Inheritance, this Young Lord will leave you a whole body, or…”

“Which is the young Lord? The Clear River Pavilion can’t enter, and sooner or later, one person!”

Ye Xuan revealed the biggest hatred of Tuobo Linfeng on the spot. “The three interest rates are too short. The Young Lord gives you ten breaths, or immediately rolls over and asks for mercy. Since then, he has been a slave… Hey, hey, Forget It, this Young Lord is disgusting.”

“Either, just blame me for being ruthless today, purifying the air of Heavenly Battle Star!”

This is too shady, even killing only when the clean air is pulled out, suddenly the Tuobo Linfeng three people are not light, the side of Duanmu Xiaocha and others face each other, all are speechless.

However, Xuanyuan Ziying frowned again. I don’t know why. She suddenly had the feeling that this person is Ye Xuan. The style of this speech is too much like it.

Oops, it鈥檚 not good, I鈥檓 really enchanted by the scoundrel, and this is definitely the rhythm of his thought of cultivation deviation!

These thoughts flashed through my mind, Xuanyuan Ziying raised her hand and gently stroked her cheeks, and it was hot, which made her resentful.


“smelly brat your court death !”

“My day, Zhan San gate valve, has it in your mouth, has it become a slave for the slaves? Simply court death!”

Tuobo Linfeng was so mad that he blew his blood, roaring and roaring. When even the Magical Treasure was offered, together with Gongyang Zhi and Changyu Xiaotian, the six Dao shades were shot to Ye Xuan.

Not waiting for Duanmu Xiaocha and Xuanyuan Ziying to react, they have already arrived, and Ye Xuan is surrounded.

The latter is not afraid, and directly laughed: “This is your own abuse, no wonder father … Inextinguishable Glazed Armor !”

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