“In a word, this time Tian Qianzi was miserable by you. All in vain still plagued the Sixth Palace Ancestral Land. The key is to squash the whole Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, except from Immortal Dynasty and Second Universe Federation various clans. The external crisis, the interior of the Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, is already in turmoil.”

When it comes to this, the expression on Tu Wen Old Ghost’s face is more and more weird: “The Devouring Treasure Body should have been refining to doppelgänger? Even though Tian Qianzi strongly denied that one of the doppelgänger is yours, he was Deducted a big black pot!”

“But no one believes in this kind of remarks. Even Absolute Heaven Palace asks him to personally bring people back. It is obviously doubtful that Devouring Doppelgänger will disappear after the day, including the Phoenix Phoenix. The same is true, it has disappeared completely. It is said that Tian Qianzi has been maddening in recent days, dispatching all the powerhouses of the Sixth Palace and doing all the best to search. There is a skyrocketing over there!”

“Oh, right, your wife seems to have disappeared. On the same day, Undying Dark Phoenix failed to return to the collapsed Sixth Palace Ancestral Land giant peak. Someone once saw her being scented with a thick scent. The black rays of light were taken away and disappeared with Undying Dark Phoenix. It is said that after the egg whites were shocked, the blood was spurted on the spot…”

“Row egg white?”

Ye Xuan startled, immediately in mind, Tian Qianzi’s bright head that was smashed into a black by the Thunder Source Bead, suddenly smashed and touched the nose, no more snoring.

“Isn’t it a halogen egg? I don’t think you have this kind of means, simply God, and the Heaven and Earth Supreme Being of the Fifteenth Big Realm, I can’t recover it. It is estimated that it will be like this in the future. The head of an oil dark-haired egg!”

Tu Wen Old Ghost laughs more wretchedly: “The scene is estimated to be ecstasy, but unfortunately I couldn’t see it with my own eyes. Hey, a rotten egg that has become a mad madman is roaring around, áo áo screaming, think about it too Drunk, rare to see!”

“cough cough ……”

Didn’t recover? Don’t tell me is too miserable, has been finalized?

The thought flashed through my mind, and Ye Xuan was even more embarrassed. He coughed twice and quickly shifted the subject: “oh, right, what is Undying Dark Phoenix? Is it amazing?”

“In short, it should never appear in the present world. It is related to Desolate Ancient. I don’t have much to say about other things. I don’t know much. If you want to explore these things, you don’t have to ask them. How can I talk? ?”

When it comes to this, Tu Wen Old Ghost is a little bit serious, and his face is dignified. I don’t know if it is an illusion. Ye Xuan clearly captures his sight and glances at his left front chest. It is the corpse lamp. The location of the tattoo.

Under the micro-shock, he suddenly remembered that Mad Mosquito Sovereign seemed to have similar words at the beginning. He originally said that he wanted to give Ye Xuan a fortune, but later he laughed at the existence of the headless infant corpse!

The same is true of Tu Wen Old Ghost, but he is also aware that the reason why he is not moving around Ye Xuan is because of the headless infant corpse.

The so-called Heaven Measuring Secret Art is so powerful, can you calculate the Heavenly secret? If this is the case, Tu Wen Old Ghost must know the origin of the headless infant corpse!

Ye Xuan’s heart jumped, almost questioned, just thinking of Mad Mosquito Sovereign, he finally gave up, the two Old Fogy-like mysterious, the former mentioned headless infant corpse, immediately stunned, the latter could not exception?

Asked is also a white question, but instead beat the grass to scare the snake, it is better not to know, do not know, look back and find a chance to knock sideways!

As for Undying Dark Phoenix, listening to Tu Wen Old Ghost seems to be related to Desolate Ancient, which is too amazing, Ye Xuan is shocked, don’t tell me it really has the same period as Golden Giant Dragon, Deserte Ancient Yaksha, etc. Desolate ancient creatures?

Ye Xuan’s thoughts fluttered, recalling the battle of Desolate Ancient, which was seen several times from the inheritance picture. In the vagueness, I really captured a 缕aura, Desolate Ancient Void far away from the inheritance picture. The great war is exactly the same as the aura of Undying Dark Phoenix that was felt at the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace that day.

And there is a high probability that the relationship between the two is not the relationship of Bloodline inheritance.

A Desolate Ancient Era’s Undying Dark Phoenix has lived to the present?

Not only did he survive in the great war of the Desolate Ancient before the endless years, but also related to Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, the leader of today’s Human Race Cultivation Camp?

A chill suddenly picked up from the back of Ye Xuan, almost making him shivered and chilling!

If all this is true, the trouble can be great. In the Desolate Ancient Great War seen from the Heaven Falling Bow inheritance picture, the presence of the suspected Undying Dark Phoenix is ​​clearly the enemy camp. power!

Although its Strength cannot be compared with Desolate Ancient Yaksha or Golden Divine Dragon, it is not the same level of Desolate Ancient Supreme, but it is definitely not weak. It should be the same as Void Armoroid Venerable, which is second only to Desolate Ancient Supreme’s top-level Supreme Being. !

The existence of this terrifying is not enough to provoke, even if it is for a reason that Strength is far worse than before, the Strength that is manifested only surpasses the Teen and Earth Supreme Being nothing more of Fifthteenth Big Realm, and can be restored after a day, returning to Desolate What is the peak strength of Ancient Era?

Furthermore, since Undying Dark Phoenix has appeared, who can guarantee that there are no similar desolate ancient creatures in the other Ancestral Land of the Nine Palaces?

All these thoughts were terrifying. Ye Xuan didn’t dare to think about it. The back was already sweating. What secrets were there, and it was related to the enemy camp of Desolate Ancient, which was endless years ago. ?

What is the relationship between Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace and the rival camp of that fight? What is their plot?

“Devouring Doppelgänger doesn’t have to worry about it, he is enough to protect himself, just let him grow up in the Cultural Camp controlled by Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace and grow up quickly.”

After some indulgence, Ye Xuan told Weisuo Tuwen: “As for me, since I am about to leave and go to Heavenly Battle Empire, the news of returning to Victorious Return City will not be revealed, lest the Tian Qianzi goods be brought. He knows the bottom of Devouring Doppelgänger. If he can’t find it there, he is very likely to turn around and kill here.”

“Hey, what happened? I have an old account to be liquidated with him. I am afraid that he will not succeed?”

When it comes to Tian Qianzi, Weisuo Tuwen suddenly sinks his face. There is obviously an old grievance between the two people, and Ye Xuan has a variety of conjectures in mind. A Demon is actually the owner of the Sixth Palace of Human Race Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace. Old grievances, this matter is indeed infinite and infinite.

“That is, you are Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, naturally not afraid of him!”

Ye Xuan straightened his eyes: “Is it his Tian Qianzi? Even if the Undying Dark Phoenix is ​​attracted, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a direct blow!”

“Eaaah ……”

Tu Wen Old Ghost has nothing to say, but still has no face and no skin, yelling at Ye Xuan, screaming aura assaults the senses.

“Get ready, let Napoli send me some gene fluid, one to 9th level!”

While speaking, Ye Xuan has already got up, and the singer has flashed: “Since I decided to focus on the road of physical training, between the departures, I must first solidify the foundation…”

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