“so smart?”

Ye Xuan was shocked. 9th level Fluid allowed Black Hole to enter Origin. 10th level Fluid allowed Origin to step into Heavenly Cave. In theory, this is true, but it may not be effective once, even if it is In the early days, those starry sky powerhouses that used gene fluid to break the body’s potential, and thus break through the big realm bottleneck, often need to try many times to succeed, not to mention the late stage.

But now, the 10th level Fluid that has just been developed by the tube has directly let the starry sky powerhouse breakthrough on the spot. It is no coincidence that it seems that this Clan is not empty. They are indeed in the Genetic Fluid. Significant progress has been made in research and development, and new milestones have been erected.

The Technology Road of the Human Race camp has ushered in new opportunities and will demonstrate extraordinary talent.

Cultivation base force, mortal body strength, Spiritual Force!

These are three different forces, and eventually they have to reach peak. Ye Xuan was originally a fellow practitioner of three roads. It used to be based on the cultivation of Void Abode Secret Art. The mortal body and Spiritual Force are only auxiliary.

Now just adjust the direction of the focus temporarily that’s all!

With this in mind, Ye Xuan was very determined and quickly decided. He had the Bloodline Body Tempering Technique of Desolate Ancient Dragon and the Creative Fluid to break the effect of the human body. On this road, he must make rapid progress.

“Now the Void Abode Secret Art is missing, the cultivation path is broken. Before I find the follow-up Cultural Technique, I can only take the path of breaking the mortal body, but the Genetic Fluid after 9th level is now monopolized. Big one!”

“This kind of situation is too passive, the lifeblood is in the hands of others, and the late stage will be subject to change!”

Having said that, Ye Xuan in the eyes bright glow flashes: “Genetic Fluid must be in your own hands, others can refine, why can’t we?”

“Do you want to develop your own gene fluid?”

Weisuo Tuwen nodded. “This idea is also feasible, and now it is just the opportunity to come, don’t miss it!”

“In the Human Race Technology Camp, there are a lot of big Clans that have developed Genetic Fluid. Each of them has different secret techniques. If you can combine the secret techniques of the major Clan’s secret refining, most of them will have a bigger breakthrough! ”

“Unfortunately, Human Race has always been like this. Whether it is inheritance or various secret techniques, it will never be shared. The concept of the valve is too strong and ingrained.”

“But this time, 10th level Fluid was successfully developed like a heavy bomb, which touched the nerves of the major Clan. They couldn’t sit still.”

“Clan, which launched 10th level Fluid, is called Tuobo. It is the top door valve of Heavenly Battle Empire Imperial Capital Heavenly Battle Star. They obviously want to use this opportunity to get some different refining secret techniques from other Clan. Development and creation opportunities!”

“So, after the launch of 10th level Fluid, Tuobo Clan has issued a call to invite all the top-level Clans of the Genetic Fluid in the Greater Great Empire to gather together and to communicate with each other!”

Having said that, Tu Wen Old Ghost has a triangular eye and thieves rushing Ye Xuan with a smile: “One of the three Great Emperors, Heavenly Nether Star’s Xuanyuan Family is one of the invited Clan, if you want Go to Heavenly Battle Star and meet Xuanyuan Family’s best low-key point!”

“I heard that Xuanyuan Clan had an angry roar from time to time in the past few days. The default golden tortoise was smashed again and again. Every time it made such a big move, simply unscrupulous, the matter has already become a Heavenly Nether Star. The laughing stock, Xuanyuan Old Man is mad!”

When I heard this, Ye Xuan suddenly became a big fight!

This must have been given to him by the marriage of the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace female ugly ghost. Before that, he had a Mei Zhou under Imperial Order. He quickly returned to Imperial Dynasty to get married. It didn’t take long before he came again, Xuanyuan Family. Being laughed at is inevitable.

Although all this is a misunderstanding, Ye Xuan is also very innocent, but he is not without responsibility. When he first boarded Xuanyuan Clan, he was originally an ordinary visit, but he sent 9th level Nine-color, who would think more.

Therefore, the misunderstanding is getting bigger and bigger, and it brings confusion to Xuanyuan Family. Ye Xuan will always have a sense of dim.

“In any case, Heavenly Battle Star is a must-have. Isn’t it now being distributed? It’s just that the Prince’s name doesn’t have to be worth it. It’s no big deal to change the identity.”

After the follow-up itinerary, Ye Xuan quickly asked about the current situation of the Third Universe Human Race, whether it was the death of the previous Death Star Territory, or the screaming of the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace before his return, no small matter!

“You are too embarrassed to ask this! The entire Myriad Gathering Federation is almost broken by you!”

When I mentioned this, Tu Wen Old Ghost rolled his eyes and then stunned Ye Xuan, who was all eloquent and heard. In short, the situation was too chaotic, and the situation was more serious than he thought.

First of all, Second Universe’s Federation various clans were both at the same time. They lost too much this time. The fleet stationed in Death Star Territory only escaped a few dozen 10,000 meters diameter Aerospace Fortress, almost completely annihilated.

At present, it is basically confirmed that the formation of Death Star Territory was formed by Ten Absolute Sixth Palace Palace Lord Tian Qianzi in order to breed doppelgänger. Even if Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace has always denied it, Second Universe Federation various clans did not buy it at all. Put pressure on Myriad Gathering Federation Headquarters and ask for severe punishment, otherwise they will never give up, they will withdraw from the Federation, and even claim that they cannot rule out the battle with Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace!

In fact, in addition to Second Universe’s Federation various clans, the challenges and pressures of Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace even include First Universe’s Heavenly Machine Race and the Third Universe Human Race’s internal Technology Camp’s Immortal Dynasty!

Heavenly Machine Race is also a big loss this time. Although it is not moving at the moment, it must be brewing some kind of big action. This is a rare opportunity for Federation. The Second Universe Federation various clans and Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace are really going to fight. Heavenly Machine Race It is very likely that you will come in!

The Imperial Dynasty is obviously also mad, facing the Second Universe Federation various clans, this time, the Immortal Dynasty, which is also the Human Race, has remained silent.

Opened Qian Qianzi 挟Imperial Dynasty direct lineage Prince Long Xuan marriage, want to use this powerful Imperial Dynasty with anti-Second Universe Federation various clans, to resolve the crisis, not only mention the formation of Death Star Territory, and the Undying The unexpected exposure of Dark Phoenix is ​​enough to make the Imperial Dynasty dissatisfied.

The Third Universe was shared by Human Race, and Tian Qianzi was so unsatisfactory that he had shattered such a large Star Territory because of his own desires.

The exposure of Undying Dark Phoenix undoubtedly proves that Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace must have some kind of heaven-shaking arrangement, which is not the ordinary Starry Sky Vicious Beast, only in some ancient legends, evil and ferocious, and Desolate Ancient Evil Dragon Like the ancient creatures, it represents the hijacking and destruction, extremely ominous, but it is shocked by the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace deep in Ancestral Land.

This is just the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace nothing more, the other nine heavenly palaces? Are there any similar ancient existences in the snow? What do they want to do?

Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace has secretly laid out such a big handiwork of heaven-shaking. The intention is unpredictable, and it also deliberately concealed Imperial Dynasty. This is beyond the bottom line between the two camps in Human Race, which is likely to endanger the entire Third Universe. , Imperial Dynasty asked Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace to give a statement that the crisis of trust has come…

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