Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3219: Mid-term

Ye Hao doesn't want to go back all the time.

The question is how to go back now?

His qualifications are too high.

If you go back, you will be under siege from the nine masters.

He must have self-preservation to return to Jiutian.

The inheritance of the Soul Sky Galaxy made Ye Hao realize that he could become stronger, but the inheritance of the Celestial Galaxy made Ye Hao see a quick way.

As long as there is enough soil, it can reach the top.

"You are practicing three kinds of Dao fruit all at once." Feng Xue said with solemn dignity. "The anti-bite of the celestial galaxy, the other two Dao fruit, may not be able to suppress."

"To be honest, I am very interested in the backlash in your mouth. I want to see it." Ye Hao looked at Feng Xuedao.

"Anything that the master can't solve, are you sure you can solve it?" Feng Xue said with a wry smile.

"The lord of the young age may not be stronger than me." Ye Hao said lightly.

Feng Xue looked at Ye Hao's confident look and knew that it was useless to say anything.

Emperor Ji is like this, so is Ye Hao.

They are all very proud people.

They feel they can break the restraint.

But Feng Xue felt that in the end, both of them would be beaten by reality.

When Ye Hao's seeds took root and germinated, Ye Hao's heart also sighed with emotion.

The avenues of celestial galaxies are too fast compared to the avenues of Soul and Nine galaxies.

For example, as long as Ye Hao's seed becomes a towering tree, the road where he planted a galaxy will become the existence of the middle class of God King.

It is so fast, so brave.

Then there is a flaw that is understandable.

However, it is undeniable that the avenue of a celestial galaxy had an incomparable advantage over the other two before the escape.

This advantage is that the entry before the departure is much faster than the other two avenues.

"There is a saying that if the training is not enough, once stepped out of the border, the backlash will be more fierce." Feng Xue looked at Ye Hao Shen Sheng and said.

"Anyway." Ye Hao said with a smile.

What else can Feng Xue say?

At this time, Ye Hao received feedback from the battleship.

"A robot found something interesting." Ye Hao looked at Feng Xuedao.

"What is it?" Feng Xue was startled.

When they reach this point, few things in the second domain can arouse their interest.

How did you get the seventh domain, the eighth domain is possible.

"You will know when you arrive." Ye Hao blinked at Feng Xue.

The two went all the way to the top of a mountain.

This mountain looks ordinary, but in Ye Hao's eyes it is quite different.

He saw hidden runes, which hid the real existence.

"This formation is very strong." Feng Xue tentatively said softly.

"It takes energy in the later period of the past to break." Ye Hao used the Daogu of the Nine Heavens as he said.


A simple punch slammed the restrained formation.

The next moment came to the eye of a skinny old man who sat cross-legged in a pool with exuberant psychic power, and could see a steady stream of energy pouring in from that pool.

He looked at Ye Hao in shock, "Who are you?"

Ye Hao looked for a while and smiled slightly, "Are you so arrogant to devour the blood of this continent, don't you worry about the death of hundreds of millions of souls on this continent?"

That's right.

This old man absorbed the blood of this continent.

Once the bloodline dries up, the continent is also over.

"The Soul Sky Continent is about to start a great turmoil, and I did this to protect myself." The old man said in a deep voice after being silent for a while.

In fact, he wished to kill Ye Hao immediately, but he was not sure of the strength of these two, so how dare he rush?

"You leave." Ye Hao waved.

"Do you think it is possible?" the old man narrowed his eyes. "In order to find the blood of this continent, do you know how much time I have spent? You said let me leave, and I will leave?"

"I will give you a chance at last." Ye Hao said lightly, "Either leave or die?"

"Crazy." The old man said, his eyes glowed hot.

The surrounding world suddenly darkened, and the chill of the bone made Feng Xue shudder.

"Is the ice eye?" Feng Xue said in amazement.

"It's just that I have mastered some of the fur of Bing Zhiyi." Ye Hao said that a pair of eyes turned into two flames.

The icy surroundings were dispelled in an instant, and the old man was lit up.

A look of pupils appeared on his face, "Forgiveness."

Now, how did he not know that the one in front of him was a person he could not afford?

It is a pity that Ye Hao was silent.

The old man turned into ashes without breathing, and completely dissipated from this world.

"What is your devotion now?" Feng Xue hesitated or asked.

"Higher past."

"The past is high-level?" Hearing Feng Xue said with a bitter smile, "I originally thought I was amazing, but I still couldn't compare with you."

"How did Emperor Ji cultivate?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

"When I saw Diji, she was in the middle of the future." Feng Xue said softly.

Ye Hao's pupil shrank.

The younger generation is now generally in the past, and few of them have reached the high level of the past.

But Emperor Ji has reached the middle of the future.

Emperor Ji will definitely not take a shortcut.

In other words, this is Emperor Ji Shi's pragmatic practice.

"Great." Ye Hao Mo chuckled.

"Are you under pressure?" Feng Xue said while looking at Ye Hao with a smile.

"A little bit." Ye Hao said honestly. "The younger generation, at this age, has reached this level, it is unique." After a pause he continued, "But this is more interesting, isn't it?"

"Do you think you can catch up with her?" Feng Xue said with amazement, "I have seen our supreme celestial galaxy, and I think that the top ten together are not Di Ji's opponents."

"Our Nine Heaven Galaxy Nine Great Supremes are not rivals of Diji." Ye Hao said softly.

"Isn't the Supreme Ten?"

"I am the first among the supreme." Ye Hao said lightly.

Feng Xue's pupil shrank.

"You... are you so amazing?" Feng Xue knows what the word supreme means?

Does this mean that the other party's footsteps are almost complete?

Ye Hao is the top ten.

In other words, he is the first person of the younger generation of the Jiutian Galaxy.

"Remember to keep it secret."

Feng Xue said with a wry smile, "You still erase this part of my memory."

Feng Xue is Emperor Ji's man.

Maybe she didn’t tell Di Ji?

"Unless Diji asks, don't say, I will give Diji a surprise then."

"Okay." Feng Xue nodded after thinking about it.

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