Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3218: Repent

After realizing this, Zhou Lihuai wanted to repent.

"Wait, I won't sell the three hundred imperial stones." Zhou Lihuai immediately turned his face.

He does not know what effect the emperor-level soil has, but it is definitely not available for 300 imperial stones.

"You just said clearly that this mine is mine." Ye Hao's eyes narrowed.

"Did I say that?" Zhou Lihuai just said that there was a figure beside him.

Who is not his deity?

"I think I have given you three hundred emperor stones, and I have given you a face." Ye Hao said coldly, "Since you are greedy, don't blame me."

Ye Hao said that he slapped towards Zhou Lihuai.

This palm smashed the surrounding world.

Zhou Lihuai's pupil shrank.

His mirror image is not Ye Hao’s opponent, but after his deity came, he found that he was still unable to counter this blow.

With a bang, Zhou Lihuai was severely photographed on the ground.

"You... how could you be so strong?" Zhou Lihuai looked at Ye Haodao with an uneasy look.

Did Ye Hao tell Zhou Lihuai that he just used Dali palm.

This is one of the three top supernatural powers taught by Jiang Chongming to Ye Hao.

Will it be difficult to fight across steps?

"Shouldn't you be against it?" Ye Haoju looked down at Zhou Lihuai.

"There is a Tianzong Wizard on my Zhou family ancestor who entered Wu Zong." Zhou Lihuai stared at Ye Haodao.

He thought that Ye Hao would be terrified and even uneasy when he heard Wu Zong.

But Ye Hao's expression remained calm throughout.

"Would you not know Wu Zong?" Zhou Lihuai suddenly thought of something.

"I don't need to know what Wu Zong is?" Ye Hao said, stepping towards Zhou Lihuai's heart.

Zhou Lihuai stunned and passed out.

"You... you killed the ancestor?" Zhou Chuyu's face changed greatly.

"You see this matter all the way, who is right and who is wrong, I believe you can understand it." Ye Hao said here that he used the Dao fruit of the Jiutian system.

Loudly overbearing Shen Nian relentlessly entered Zhou Lihuai's small world.

Ye Hao took back the Shennian after taking away the 300 Emperor Stones.

It is true that there are still many resources in Zhou Lihuai's small world, but these resources Ye Hao are dismissed.

"Your ancestor is not dead, just passed out." Ye Hao glanced at Zhou Chuyu. "In addition, this mine is also given to you, because I took the most valuable." Ye Hao fell to Feng and He Feng Snow flew away in a battleship.

Upon reaching the battleship, Ye Hao said with emotion, "I knew that God had taken it without knowing it."

"Anyway, you're also in a state of transcendence. What do you say about these guys?" Feng Xue asked in a puzzled way.

"You don't understand." Ye Hao sighed after a few moments. "Before I didn't practice, the world I live in is a legal society."

This is the moral shackles.

Some things, invisible and untouchable, bind you invisibly.

"You are so kind?" Feng Xue was disbelieving.

"When it comes to ethnic groups, it's another matter." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

He has done a lot of dirty things over the years.

But there is a reason.

Ethnic disputes.

Regardless of means.

But the monks of Soul Sky Galaxy have no direct conflict with Ye Hao.

Even if there is a conflict, it is a matter of the future.

So if he can follow the rules, he doesn’t want to ignore his conscience?

Feng Xue gave Ye Hao a deep look, "I found that I can't see you."

"It seems like I see through you?" Ye Hao looked at Feng Xue's eyes and said, "For example, how did you come to Soul Sky Galaxy?"

"Don't you tell me? By chance," Feng Xue said unnaturally.

"Really? Why do I think you were brought by Emperor Ji?" Ye Hao's words made Feng Xue's body suddenly stiff.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Feng Xue said in a panic.

"Look at you, you can't even lie." Ye Hao couldn't help laughing.

Feng Xue was getting nervous.

She had long known that this guy in front of her was not simple. If he did, he would never be an opponent.

"Let me guess, why did Emperor Ji have to let you teach me the inheritance of celestial galaxies?" Ye Haomo whispered under his chin. "Does she think I have to practice the inheritance of celestial galaxies?" Are you eligible to play?"

Feng Xue's pupil shrank.

This guy is amazing.

Can you guess?

"Actually, you don't need to be nervous." Ye Hao looked at Feng Xue with a smile, "Emperor Ji made Yangmou, she knew I could see through."


"I won't hurt you." Ye Hao smiled slightly. "Not now, not in the future, of course, if you haven't done anything that hurt me."

"But I have led you to a path of no return." Feng Xue said with a wry smile, "I know that with your arrogance, you will definitely step beyond this point."

"Yeah. I believe Di Ji has also stepped forward to the point of detachment." Ye Hao suddenly thought of something here, "Isn't Di Ji being repulsed now?"

"Emperor Ji's power, whether in the past or in the future, can survive the past." Feng Xue said softly, "As for the current world, can it survive, it is between the two."

"Did your practice system bite such an overbearing?" Ye Hao said in surprise, "Every Emperor Ji's arrogance can't pass it."

"There is no problem for Diji to set foot in this world. I firmly believe that, but Diji wants to set foot safely, but it is absolutely impossible." Feng Xuezheng said, "Diji's body will definitely appear abnormal. "

Wen Yan Ye Hao was lost in contemplation.

"Forget it, let's talk about future things in the future." Ye Hao shook his head immediately, and left the matter behind. "Now I am ready to advance."

"You just stepped into the realm of God and want to be promoted again?" Feng Xue was startled. "If you do so, the future backlash will become more terrifying."

"My mind is as steady as Mount Tai, are you still afraid of backlash?" Ye Hao said indifferently.

"Strictly speaking, the three galaxies are separated from each other. The nine-celestial system can affect the celestial galaxies, but it is absolutely impossible to dominate." Feng Xue said very seriously, "You are from the real **** realm Ascending all the way to the God King Realm, there is almost no pause in the middle, I advise you to practice for a while and talk about it."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Hao waved his hand. "I've let the battleship find a blessing, and then I'm going to raise the cultivation base to the middle level of the **** king realm."

"Why are you so urgent?" Feng Xue asked puzzled. "You can wait for some time."

"Because I'm afraid those guys won't give me time." Ye Hao said leisurely.

I have updated one less chapter in the front, and I have now made it up. I am really sorry.

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