Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2989: Yu Yue Men

"Brandon family." Qin Xixi's words fell a young man in a golden robe appeared on the bow.

Qin Xixi's face changed uncontrollably.

The Brandon family is a powerful pirate family.

On the strength to exceed their Qin family.

"Aiden, can you give me a face?" Munorno came over and asked with a smile on her face.

"I came this time for both of you." What Munon did not expect was that Aiden said this.

"What do you mean?" Munono already had some speculation in his mind, but he asked.

"I lack two warm beds, I think you two are not bad." Aiden said teasingly.

"You can't find death?" Qin Xixi's face suddenly sank.

"Munono, Qin Xixi, I will give you two a chance." Aiden's eyes looked at them unscrupulously. "If the two of you shoot together, if you can block my three moves, I will let you go. If you block. If you can’t live, you will follow me obediently."

Munono and Qin Xixi looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

"Aiden, this is what you said." Qin Xixi said coldly.

"So many people watching? Do I have to lie to you?" Aiden smiled slightly.

"Shoot." Qin Xixi said and rushed towards Aiden with Munorno.

Aiden summoned a golden spear with a move.

The spear speared like a dragon.

The entire void is penetrated.

Qin Xixi and Munono's attacks were torn apart instantly as if they were paper.

The second woman even spurted blood and fell towards the back.

The gap is too big.

In fact, this is also reasonable.

Aiden is the holder of the Zijin Card and ranks 96th in the rankings.

And Qin Xixi and Munono ranked one four hundred twenty-three, one four hundred and twenty-six.

how to spell?

"The first move." Aiden smiled with a gun in his arms.

Qin Xixi's heart was full of despair.

This was the first move they made.

Can you still take the remaining two moves?

the answer is negative.

Qin Xixi never thought of summoning war spirits.

What a joke?

Do you think Aiden has no war spirits?

Their war spirits are stronger than hers.

"It looks like the two are going to give up." Aiden walked to Munono with a smile.

The unwillingness appeared in Munono's eyes.

"My Mu family will not let go."

"Haha, don't say that your Mu family is not good enough." Aiden said that his finger provokes Munono's chin. "Even if your Mu family shoots, will I be afraid?"

Munorno was silent.

Isn't the Brandon family comparable?

Just then a terrifying eye fell on Aiden. Aiden only felt that the eye was thick and heavy like mountains.

Aideng could not help but fall on Ye Hao's body.


When the word rang in his heart, his internal organs exploded loudly.

Aden appeared on his face.

"The two young ladies are not afraid, Canglang is coming." At the same time, a voice sounded in this world.

From afar, I saw a young man riding a cloud beast walking quickly.

Aiden glanced at the waves and turned back to the battleship.

"Hurry up." Aiden ordered.

The battleship immediately reversed direction, torn the space and fled from here.

When Cang Lang appeared beside Munono, Aiden's warship had already left this world.

Cang Lang's eyes showed regret, "It's a pity, let this guy run away."

Qin Xixi looked at Cang Lang's eyes full of heat, "Cang Lang son is worthy of being a longitudinal wizard, Aiden saw you like a cat with a mouse."

In Munono's eyes, there was a look of doubt, "Why is Aiden so afraid of Master Canglang?"

You know that Canglang ranks 98th, but Aiden ranks 96th.

"My cultivation base has long been different." Canglang said with a smile. "Now let's not mention the 96th ranked Canglang, even if it is the top arrogant strongman in the ranking, it is not mine." opponent."

"Have you got any adventures?" Qin Xixi's eyes brightened.

"Xixi." Munorno glanced at Qin Xixi.

This is to warn Qin Xixi not to ask about privacy.

"In fact, there is nothing to say." Cang Lang smiled slightly, "I obtained a volume of mysterious techniques at the beginning of this world in previous years, and now I have successfully practiced."

The secret technique of this world?

Hearing this word, whether it was Munorno or Qin Xixi, he took a breath.

The practice of this world is too far for them, not to mention the secretary of this world.

That's even out of reach.

After chatting for a while, the three of them walked towards the box, and when they met Ye Hao on the halfway, Qin Xixi pointed at Canglang and said, "Do you know who this is?"

"Did you say that just now?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"Do you think you are better than Canglang son?" Qin Xixi asked coldly.

"He is not as good as me." Ye Hao said softly.

Cang Lang's eyes suddenly narrowed, "Miss Qin, who is this?"

"A mental illness." Qin Xixi said without thinking.

Cang Lang immediately withdrew his eyes.

Who knows about mental illness?

This will lower your level.

Munorno opened his mouth and wanted to invite Ye Hao, but when he thought of Ye Hao's arrogant words, Munorno thought it was better not to call him.

Ye Hao didn't take it seriously, and continued to return to his previous position, the old **** was looking at the distance.

Three days later, the battleship arrived at Yuyue Gate.

This Yuyue Gate is exactly one of the two Yuyue Gates.

"I don't know if I can pass the Yuyue Gate test this time?" When Qin Xixi jumped off the battleship, there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"In addition to repairing behaviors, Yuyuemen also has luck." Canglang smiled, "I have seen a top-ranked gold card holder, but I can't jump the dragon."


"What's the advantage of jumping over the Dragon Gate?" Ye Hao asked at this moment.

"Why? Do you still want to jump the Dragon Gate?" Qin Xixi asked coldly.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded.

"After jumping over the Dragon Gate, you will be met by the top level of Yuyuemen. You can choose to be the true disciple of Yuyuemen. You can also go to Yufumen's house to choose a baby." Munono explained softly.

"Anything is fine?"

"I don't know if the Yuyue Gate opened all the houses," Munono said with a smile.

This is to tell Ye Hao in disguise that Yuyuemen will have reservations.

The fact is normal.

After all, this is given to you by Yuyuemen for free, how can it be given to you the real treasure?

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