Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2988: Star Kelp

There is a star kelp in the Liudao area.

There are many life planets in this star kelp.

In this Xinghai kelp, there is a two-door three-valley argument.

One case, the Galaxia.

Two gates, Longyuan Gate, Yuyue Gate.

Three Valleys, Star Array Valley, Taiwu Valley, Taiyue Valley.

These six forces have almost monopolized more than 80% of the life planets of the Xinghai Kelp.

"The six forces don't give us soup at all." A young man on the black battleship said in a rut.

"We will also give them 30% of the profits we have opened."

"I think the strength of the six forces can definitely sweep away the stars and beasts in the Xinghai zone, but they have been letting go all these years."

"The strength of the star beast is very strong, how can there be such a simple sweep?"

"I only know that the six forces have done nothing in recent years."

"Okay, don't talk about these sensitive topics."

"The six forces are overbearing, but in this world, they also sheltered us. You don't look at other civilizations, what are they slaughtered like?"

A young man in the corner of the battleship listened quietly to everything.

This young man is none other than Ye Hao.

Ye Hao went to Xinghai Sect after arranging the affairs of Yan and Huang Zong that day.

It was only after reaching the Xinghai zone that Ye Hao discovered that the forces here were intertwined.

So he took a merchant ship to see if he could find useful news?

"This son, my young lady invites you to drink tea." Just when Ye Hao was contemplating, a young man wearing a sword robe came to Ye Hao and called softly.

"Miss your family?" Ye Hao looked at the young man in doubt, "Do I know?"

"My young lady is the third youngest sister of the Mu Family." said the young man's face with a proud look on his face.

Mu Family is a big family of Xinghai Kelp.

The power is naturally incomparable to a case of two gates and three valleys, but no force can match it.

Furthermore, Munono is the holder of the golden token, even in the Xinghai zone is also a famous person.

Ye Hao thought about it or stood up, "Lead the way."

The young man took Ye Hao all the way to a very elegant box.

Ye Hao fell on a generous young girl sitting in the first place.

After seeing Ye Hao's arrival, the girl smiled and invited, "This son, please."

Ye Hao said after sitting down, "I don't seem to know you?"

"But I think the son is extraordinary, so I want to make friends, and ask the son not to blame me for being abrupt." Munorno smiled slightly.

"I'm afraid you are disappointed. I'm just an ordinary person." Ye Hao looked at Munono.

Munorno smiled and said, "The son tastes my tea."

Ye Hao took the fragrant tea handed over by the waiter, put it down after taking a sip.

The true element in the body rolled slightly, but then calmed down.

"How?" Munono asked softly.

"Good." Ye Hao smiled.

"I'm afraid you don't even know what kind of tea it is?" Just then a red girl walked in from outside.

The girl's dress is very bold, all of the exposed should be exposed, and what should not be revealed is looming.

What I don't know is that it is a red dust woman?

"Xixi." Munorno glanced at Qin Xixi.

"Nuo Nuo, you are really, how can anyone make friends?" Qin Xixi pointed to Ye Haodao, "You see this guy is the sixth level of the **** emperor's cultivation, what do you think will be accomplished in the future?"

Is the cultivation of the sixth floor of God's Imperial Realm low?

Actually it is not low at all.

However, in the eyes of Qin Xixi, as long as the Tianjiao with aspirations in this era almost reached the ninth floor of the Shenhuang Realm.

Ye Hao is still in this state means that he missed the sky list.

Since he missed the list of the heavens, why did he hand it over?

"Xixi..." Munorno looked at Qin Xixi with dissatisfaction.

"What's your kid's name?" Qin Xixi stared at Ye Haodao.

"My surname is Ye." Ye Hao thought it was better not to say the full name.

"Is the surname Ye? Do you think your full name is famous?" Qin Xixi sneered, "I remember that there is no Ye surname in the top 100 on the list?"

"Xixi." Munorno was furious. "If you ridicule the fallen son again, be careful that I break your sister relationship with you."

Qin Xixi saw that Munon was really angry, and said helplessly, "You think I want to control your messy things, I just don't want you to be deceived. This kid is just the sixth floor of the God Realm, you He gave him a cup of real tea, don’t you think it’s a violent disaster?"

Really making tea!

The impurities in the divine power can be scrubbed to further enhance the combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the value of Zhenlian is very high, and it is difficult for even a great family to drink.

However, neither Munor nor Qin Xixi knew that true tea making had no effect on Ye Hao.

Of course Ye Hao won't say that.

Otherwise, it would hurt Munono's heart too much.

"I think Young Master Ye is worthy of this cup of real tea." Mu Nuo said with a deep voice.

"Do you think you deserve it?" Qin Xixi stared at Ye Haodao.

"I don't think this tea is worthy of me." What Qin Xixi did not expect was that Ye Hao said this.

Qin Xixi laughed, "Nono, where are you looking for?"

Munorno was also struck by Ye Hao's words.

Obviously she didn't expect Ye Hao to speak such a big deal?

Want to know who dare to say such things besides the holders of purple gold and diamond cards in the whole Xing Hai Ke?

It is not an exaggeration to speak big words.

Munono underestimated Ye Hao a bit.

"Yonggongzi is really kidding." Munorno said with a smile. "Xixi, please sit down."

After Qin Xixi sat down, Munono asked, "Aren't you looking for your husband? How come you came to me?"

"All the ships on this merchant ship are crooked." Qin Xixi pouted, "I turned around and found a gold card holder. The problem is that the ranking is 800, you How can it be worthy of me Qin Xixi?"

Qin Xixi is very beautiful and her body is very hot.

For a girl like her, it's almost the same if the stars are holding the moon.

Just then the merchant ship suddenly shook, and then there was a burst of noise outside.

"What happened?" Qin Xixi suspiciously.

After walking out of the box, I found a larger battleship in front of the battleship.

The pervasive fluctuations on that battleship were much more powerful than the battleships that Qin Xixi and they took.

And on top of that battleship was a flag of a skeleton flying high.

"not good."

"Have you met an interstellar pirate?"

"It's over."

"Interstellar pirates have always robbed and killed."

"Don't worry, we have Miss Qin Xixi and Miss Munorno on this battleship."

When the monks of the entire battleship looked at Qin Xixi and Munono, Qin Xixi walked toward the bow position like a proud cock.

"Which pirate are you?"

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