Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2981: Slap

Tian Feng is already the holder of the golden token, but this glance of the waiter still made him tremble.

"It's so strong," Tian Feng said busyly in the dark, "I'm not eager to return to Zu Ting?"

"Zu Ting will let you go back in this vein." The waiter knocked on the table here, "Who are you, Tiancheng?"

"Sky Orange is my aunt." Tian Feng respectfully said.

"I hope to see her in my room tonight." The waiter said lightly.

Tian Feng suddenly froze.

Apart from being his sister-in-law, Tiancheng still exists in the past.

In other words, he is a giant of this line.

But now the waiter wants to sleep with her?

Isn't it a joke?

"Sir waiter, my Celestials have many beautiful ladies." Tian Feng said bitterly.

"It seems that you don't want to return to Zu Ting in this vein." The waiter snapped the table angrily.

Tian Feng's face became confused.

"Master waiter, you will wait a moment here. I'll discuss it with the patriarch. I have no ability to decide this kind of thing." Tian Feng said quickly.

"Go, if I can't see people at night, you know." The messenger said, waving his hand.

Tian Feng then came to the patriarch's study.

After he told the matter again, the head of the Tian clan was furious, "Does Tianbo want to die?"

Tiancheng is his sister.

First, this generation is in chaos; second, Tiancheng is a surpassing existence; third, Tiancheng is already married.

Tian Feng was silent.

He also felt wrong with this matter, but Tianbo relied on the identity of the messenger and acted rashly.

After a long time, the head of the Tian clan summoned all the high-level clan to his study.

"What do you say?" The patriarch of the Tian clan said the thing after looking around.

"Regardless of human relations, Tianbo, this is to find death." The ancestors of the Tian clan flashed a terrible murderous opportunity in their eyes.

"I don't think the orthodox Tian clan will allow this kind of thing to happen. Besides, I don't believe Tianbo dare not take us to the ancestral court." Another ancestor of the Tian clan said in a deep voice.

"This kind of thing is definitely not possible."

"I don't know if you have thought about Tianbo's ranking?" an elder of the Tian clan said slowly. "Tianbang ranked 62nd."

After hearing the words, everyone fell silent.


Isn't this ranking a joke?

This means that Tianbo can become the existence of this world without incident in the future.

This kind of Tianjiao is an unscrupulous lord even in the ancestral court of the ancestors.

You have to hold it?

"What should I do?" An elder of the Tian clan looked ugly. "Did Tian orange really be given to Tianbo?"

"If we don't give Tiancheng to Tianbo, do you think we can bear Tianbo's anger in the future?"

"Sky Orange already has a buddy."

"What's wrong with a fellow?"

Soon the elders of the Tian clan quarreled.

At this time, the ancestors of the Tian clan shouted, "Shut up for me."

When the audience looked at him, the ancestor of the Tian clan said in a deep voice, "Even if our line does not return to the ancestral court, we can't let Tian Bohu come. As for revenge? Who can tell the future?"

I have to say that the ancestor of the Tian clan is still stiff.

"Tianfeng, you just reply to Tianbo." Tianzu's ancestor looked at Tianfeng Road at this time. "Tianbo wants resources, we will try our best to satisfy, but we don't have the door if we want Tiancheng." "

Tian Feng respectfully said yes, and then left.

"Old ancestors, you did nothing in the interest of the entire ethnic group." A female elder could not help saying.

"Tianxi'er, do you think I'm just going to Tiancheng?" Tianzu's ancestor sneered, "Who is Tianbo moving today? It is our group of old guys. Once this mouth is opened, you can guarantee that in the future This kind of thing will not come to your head? If Tianbo asks you to serve him, will I let it or not?"

Tian Xi'er didn't know how to answer the question for a while?

In the courtyard, Tian Feng expressed the meaning of his ancestors to Tian Bo. After Tian Bo's eyes, there was a hint of coldness.

"It seems that you still take me seriously in this vein?"

"Master Messenger, there is really no way we can agree to this request." Tian Feng said softly.

"In this case, there is nothing to say." Tian Bo said standing up, "Farewell."

"Master Messenger." Tian Feng discolored.

What is Tianbo doing?

Are you really going to stop them?

When Tianbo was about to say something, he patted the entire clan's residence with his palms, and the terrible order imprisoned the world.

Tian Bo's pupils shrank, "Tian Feng, how can you offend this level of existence?"

At the critical moment, the existence of the Nine Demise of the Celestial Clan all shot.

Together, they transformed into a huge protective cover, covering the entire celestial residence.

Their protective cover declared broken without even holding a breath.




Nine ancestors, including the Tianzu ancestors, all vomit blood.

The gap between them is too great.

But the palms of both hands fell toward the bottom unrelentingly.

"Hurry up, move out the details." Tianzu's ancestor shouted.

If this palm really fell down, the Tian clan would be almost over.


One by one, the purpose of the law was ignited.

It is a pity that it does not help.

Can't stop it at all!

"Master Messenger." Tian Feng quickly looked at the Tianbo around him, "I beg you to shoot."

Tian Bo's eyes flickered for a moment or he decided to shoot.

"Zhan Ling." Tian Bo shouted.

The next moment came out of the world from the tokens hanging around his waist.

This figure, swallowing mountains and rivers, domineering boundless.

He exhaled, punched out, and the world changed color.

But at the next moment, the attack of the war spirit was smashed by that slap, and then the body of the war spirit turned into ashes.

Tianbo's eyes are red.

This is the war spirit at the beginning of the future.

One of his hole cards.

That's it.

However, his war spirit resistance is still useful, because when the slap shot at the Heavenly Clan station was not much power.

But even more than 99% of the monks of the Tian clan still fell.

Except for those above the King Realm...

"Who is your lord? Why did you shoot at my Celestial Clan?" the ancestor of the Celestial Clan shouted.

At this time, a nine-headed lion filled with flames appeared in front of all the Celestial Clan.

And beside this nine-headed lion stood Ye Hao's figure.

"Tianfeng, do you remember me?" Ye Hao said indifferently.

Tian Feng's pupil shrank, "You...?"

In any case, Tian Feng did not expect Ye Hao to come to retaliate?

"Tianfeng, who is this?" Tian clan's ancestor screamed and asked.

If Tian Feng provokes an opponent, the ancestor of the Tian clan would wish to rip Tian Feng's skin.

"Ancestor, this is Ye Hao, the master of Yanhuang Zong."

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